I've looked through bunch of threads but I still cannot find the answers to the questions that I have.
Hopefully someone can answer this one for me :)
Which star mats should I feed at what lvl?
I know some1 said I should feed 5 star mats if my pet is under lv 30, but I fed 1 5star mat from lv1- lv 14 and it wasn't enough to lvl it up.
1 5 stars and 2 4 stars wasn't enough lv lvl 15 pet as well.
Can some1 specify how many materials enough for each lvl?
For example, 1 5* mat + 1 3* mat is enough to up for lv 1-14
Sounds like you're looking for the food that would insta fill the heat bar.
Anyways, the generally accepted set of rules is that 5* mats will heat better than a favored food until 30, where they seem to have approximately the same heat. The favored food of a certain star will always heat better than a material of an equal star. Favored foods cost quite a bit more than materials.