Well, after passing over the updates today, its fair to say there will be less players in the foreseeable future.
The problem is simple. Three Rings adopted a method of making a game that appeared to be free to play, but poked players for money where it could. By tying energy in as a main mechanic of the game, which costs money (Someone's money, even if you were buying it off crowns), the game is funded by players. The problem is, the game creates the illusion of free to play, by offering small amounts of free energy, and by letting players buy it off eachother. In this way, you rope in players who will create demand and other players who will generate supply.
The format hasn't been incredibly lucrative. Players use their mist energy on alts to fish for valuable items (which is why the smaller amounts of energy for purchase were removed), but the overall amount of energy spent wasn't what was expected. I can only surmise that Three Rings is trying to turn a profit on the game. I want to be clear and say, I don't mind games making money. If a game is well designed, enjoyable, and valuable entertainment, it deserves funding. That's the truth, folks.
The problem, as far as I'm concerned, is that the line about how much money, is a sensitive subject. Its hard to quantify how much you're spending on this game because its not subscription based, but almost feels like it is. Imagine, hardcore gamers, if you will, a world where every death in Everquest, WoW or any other popular MMO, cost you a small amount of money. Imagine if getting a group together did. You'd be annoyed, right? But Three Rings new they couldn't hit a Subscription MMO with this game, so they took an option that makes it seem like its free, but costs someone something. For every 4* or greater item, someone has payed for the game. But it doesn't feel that way to the players who are playing it well.
All i can really make comment about, is that after seeing the Energy mechanic in the game, I knew it was doomed to fail. I just didn't think they'd just the gun this soon. I don't mean to discredit the developers, this game was well desgined, the art and feel of it is top notch- but the methods taken to make the game lucrative could have used some more time. Energy does not feel like a good way to support the game you love, it simply means that every glitch, lag, unfair challenge, or attempt to get you to make a purchase, is painful to a player, especially one lead to believe the game is free to play.
Good luck folks, hope they make some better decisions in the future- I'll be wasting my time elsewhere.
Let me briefly add that my points are slightly evidenced through the lack of 4/5* trading and basil teleports. The random factor of having to go down a few elevators to try for a recipe was intended. The elevators were supposed to be one of the biggest energy drains (they're not, crafting is-which is why it was increased). With the new changes, players are forced to try randomly for the recipes they need, then pay the energy cost for it. These are not quality of life improvements, they're quality of profit improvements.