I've been playing this game ever since it came out on steam, though I haven't used this website much.
So how do I get an Avatar for use on these forums?
Forum Avatar.
Alright, thanks. One more thing, I noticed a lot of the avatars were fan-made. I'm a pretty decent artist, so is there a way to submit artwork to use as avatars?
I'm not sure sure about the origins of the avatars, but they could be made by the artists. One of them did make one if not multiple comic strips.
I'm pretty sure most of them are fan-made. I've seen a lot of the original images on DeviantArt.
Well in that case, I have no idea how to do it. In all my time lurking and posting on the forum, I've never seen anyone wanting to submit their own art as a profile.... Maybe I have, but I don't remember. I guess you can send a support ticket asking.
There are two that I know of that are commuinity made.
That one guy with the AP. If you look at him closely, he is actually pixel art.
Deep, Probably made by Preview Testers, or Event players... (preview, not last preview there we're like tons of versions up to the last...)
I know a few really good old players who did stuff for SK they eventually got hired by another game!! (They didn't work for OOO)
Click on " Forum Preferences " (next to the search bar) then edit, and select a new avatar.