Missing materials

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Legacy Username

So, what's the list of materials that don't drop from monster so far?
I think some can be found in crates.
Will update the post with your help guys.

The ones I know:

  • Sun Silver
  • Everfrost
  • Thunder Ball
  • Rock Salt
  • Dragon Scale

Ergo, the current recipes that are hard to make (thanks to Kaybol for the list!):

Sun Silver is required in crafting:

  • Argent Peacemaker (5★)
  • Divine Avenger (5★)
  • Valkyrie Set(5★)
  • Crest of Almire (5★)
  • Prisma Driver (5★)
  • Radiant Silvermail(5★)

Rock Salt is required in crafting:

  • Ionized Salt Bomb
  • Rock Salt Bomb
  • Stone Tortoise
  • Omega Shell (5★)
  • Crystal Bomb
  • Crest of Almire (again!)

Dragon Scale is required in crafting:

  • Azure Guardian Helm (5★)
  • Azure Guardian Armor (5★)
  • Leviathan Blade (5★)

Everfrost is required in crafting:

  • Cold Iron Vanquisher (5★)
  • Hail Driver (5★)
  • Shivermist Buster (5★)

Thunder Ball is required in crafting:

  • Storm Diver (5★)
Perfect Snowball is in the

Perfect Snowball is in the game.

Legacy Username
Perfect Snowball drops from

Perfect Snowball drops from those big kats with ice-breath.

Legacy Username
The only place I've ever soon

The only place I've ever soon those kats is Scarlet Fortress Spiral Court II...

Also you can't make the

Also you can't make the Valkyrie set because the lack of Sun Silver.

Legacy Username
Neither can the Divine

Neither can the Divine Avenger and Ascended Calibur be made because of that.

Legacy Username

Snowball out, Valkyrie and d. avenger in.

The Ascend Calibur doesn't need the Sun anymore, but that weapon is now 4 stars.

Actually, Ascended Calibur

Actually, Ascended Calibur can be made now.

The recipe has been changed.

Legacy Username
Crafting 5* items

Meteor Mote is required in crafting:
Nitronome (5*)
Master Blast Bomb
Master Blaster
Strike Needle
Blitz Needle (5*)
Valiance (5*)
Swiftstrike Buckler

Sun Silver is required in crafting:
Argent Peacemaker (5*)
Divine Avenger (5*)
Valkyrie Helm (5*)
Crest of Almire (5*)
Prisma Driver (5*)
Radiant Sun Shards (5*)

Rock Salt is required in crafting:
Ionized Salt Bomb
Rock Salt Bomb
Stone Tortoise
Omega Shell (5*)
Crystal Bomb
Crest of Almire (again!)

Dragon Scale is required in crafting:
Azure Guardian Helm (5*)
Azure Guardian Armor (5*)

Everfrost is required in crafting:
Cold Iron Vanquisher (5*)
Hail Driver (5*)
Shivermist Buster (5*)

No idea what Thunder Ball is for, but I've never come across it so far.

I don't know if the above 5* items drop from treasure boxes. I also don't know which items below 5* are available for purchase from Basil. But as far as I can tell the above 5* items cannot be crafted at the moment.

edit: if any of the above requirements are wrong, please update the wiki for the respective recipe.

Legacy Username

Awesome list! Updated the first post

Legacy Username
Another one for the list.

I suggest adding "Radiant Silvermail" to that list. It's a 5* armor that requires Sun Silver.

Nice list.

Nice list. I've tried asking the Devs many times whether or not these Materials were released, but they never answered (except Boswick, he just started dancing). I figured this was a hint towards the answer "No", because that's what the silence usually means.

Also, Dragon Scale does exist, as I've seen one in a trade (if someone hasn't already confirmed this). However, it's supposed to be a very rare box-only Material, so I think it still needs fixing.

Legacy Username
Dragon Scale Helm/Mail?

Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't the Dragon Scale Helm and Mail require a Dragon Scale each? Or is this just a case of the name being misleading?

Legacy Username
Dragon scale needs Drake

Dragon scale needs Drake Scale + Flame Soul, unless that got very recently changed.

Legacy Username
SL, you're probably right. I

SL, you're probably right. I took my list from the wiki. Those recipes are probably not in the wiki yet, very likely not in the last place because nobody has managed to craft those items yet.

I can't verify the requirements for crafting any other items, as recipes aren't freely available.

edit: Dragon Scale gear requires Drake Scales, not Dragon scales. :)

A Dragon Scale is also needed to alchemize a Leviathan Blade.

A Dragon Scale is also needed to alchemize a Leviathan Blade.

Shoebox's picture
Uh, I've picked up Dragon

Uh, I've picked up Dragon Scales before, they are definitely in the game.

Sarcusa's picture
Didn't someone say the meteor

Didn't someone say the meteor mote was ingame? There was a thread somewhere in here. Whether it's credible or not who knows. I'd like one for the blitz needle though ._. Guess I'll get the volcanic pepperbox instead.

Dogrock's picture
On the Meteor Mote I would

On the Meteor Mote I would like to call pics or it didn't happen.

Regulus's picture

The meteor mote does exist, a friend of mine found one somewhere around floor 27.

Legacy Username
The OP doesn't say it doesn't

The OP doesn't say it doesn't exist. It says it doesn't drop from monsters. That makes it a highly unreliable material, to the point that people argue that it doesn't exist. To the point that you can't seriously count on crafting anything that requires such material.

May you please ask him to get a screen shot of the Meteor Mote?

May you please ask him to get a screen shot of the Meteor Mote, so that we can see what the icon looks like and what the information is?

Regulus's picture

I'll be sure to ask him the next time I see him.

Well I talked to some Devs before tonight's release...

Well I talked to some Devs before tonight's release (5 minutes before posting this), and they insisted that we just kill more monsters... Even if they do drop, then I still think they are ridiculously hard to get, especially for a 2★ Material like Rock Salt. :/

@Regulus: Thanks, much appreciated.

Legacy Username

i hate it when i find something i need and someone else gets it shouldnt everyone get the item shared around like cash and energy

Legacy Username
I know for a fact dragon

I know for a fact dragon scales exist. I saw one drop before. Don't remember what dropped it and it gave it to a party member.

Legacy Username
I disagree with you

I disagree with you Darkgales. Playing in a party has advantages and disadvantages. The more people, the less soon you'll need to revive by energy, since 4 deaths is hard to reach usually. The up-side is less risk on extra energy costs, and in some cases a decrease in difficulty. The down-side is that you need to share materials.

But to be more precise to your suggestion. If rare item X drops in a party of 4, then 4 X would be put into the game. This means rare materials get less rare by an average of 2-3 times. Except of course if you decrease the drop chance according to how many people you have in your party. But then the odds of finding a rare material would be nearly non-existent. This means that you won't find yourself getting rare materials more often in the same time-frame. (considering you finish a level way faster in a party, compared to doing it solo)

Legacy Username

Maybe the new monsters in the next boss level to be released will drop these?

You know what? I hope the

You know what?

I hope the next boss would be the CEO of what ever corp the devilites work for.

The battle would include him trying to run you down in a limo while sipping champagne and bobbing up and down saying "I'ma the BOZZ!"

I think I'm gonna call it the Berser-Car fight.

Legacy Username
Litttle update

Removed Radiant Sun Shards from the list, bad info.

Legacy Username
Why is dragon scale still on

Why is dragon scale still on the list.

Legacy Username

Do you know which enemies drop them?

Pauling's picture
Quasi-unobtainable items as a sublist

In addition to rock salt and meteor mote, I'd like to propose a sublist of other low-star-value items that are ridiculously rare for their rating. I'll start off with the 2* item Blast Powder- despite fighting a lot of gremlin demos lately, I've only gotten 4 blast powders in ~3 months of playing. Compare that to 15 primal ores (5*), 75+ blaze peppers (4*), or 5 reaper ribs (5*).

This doesn't rule out crafting weapons of certain lines, but it does make it much less practical and much more expensive than other weapons of the same star rating. (autogun family, I'm looking at you)

In the below list, I will assume that the supposed dev claims of these items dropping are true, though I've seen no evidence of it myself. It's always possible that an artist heard it secondhand from a dev who'd made a mistake, after all. If nothing else, organizing the "hard to find" items should point the devs towards problems in the drop system that need to be remedied before we can test these items. (a crucial function of a beta)

Items whose rarity defies their star rating:

  • Rock Salt (if it drops at all; devs are cagey)
  • Meteor more
  • Blast powder

EDIT: Based on feedback below, I've removed royal core from the list. Thanks, everyone!

Legacy Username
Blast powder appears to be

Blast powder appears to be most common in tier 2, as despite me handing a few out and using more, I still have 7. Rock salt is unobtainable by all reports, I have never heard of anyone possessing one.

Legacy Username
Royal Core is not that rare

Royal Core is not that rare pauling. I've found multiple ones already from rock jellies. If there would be jelly farms near the core you'd see it far more often too. But yeah, currently Nick locked that section up to Vanaduke and his castles only, so it's normal that you don't find a lot of them now?

Pauling's picture
Hmm, ok- it might just be my

Hmm, ok- it might just be my bad luck. I've gotten ~35-40 rocky cores and soloed a lot of near-core jelly levels (including the boss ones), but only ever found 2 royal cores (both from treasure boxes).

Legacy Username
Royal Cores

I've gotten two royal cores from boxes and two more from the purple explosive jellies. And still I search for a Royal Jelly Helm recipe.

Legacy Username
I just got my first Royal

I just got my first Royal Core ever, from a jelly cube. I'd say they're rare enough. Are they used in anything though?

@Kaybol They are used in


They are used in royal jelly set.

Have 5 of those.... Not really something useful, hope there's gonna be more use of it latter on.

Ready's picture
Meteor motes are in game for

Meteor motes are in game for sure as I have one, most likely from a drop near the core. (I did that gate with all those treasure rooms at the end.)

Ynahteb's picture
I just had a Meteor Mote drop

I just had a Meteor Mote drop from a Rock Jelly in a danger room. I was at depth...22ish?

Edit: They appear to all be fixed. I've also seen a Sun Silver, and heard rumors of Rock Salt existing.

Legacy Username
I'll confirm that rumor.

Rock Salt definitely exists. I found it from a box in a Tier 3 Treasure Vault. Kneiss also says he got a Sun Silver from there.

Dogrock's picture
Meteor Mote drops from Rock

Meteor Mote drops from Rock Jellies in the danger room that has the bramble bush down the middle.

Here's my proof of the Meteor Mote dropping.

Legacy Username
Meteor Motes drop from fully

Meteor Motes drop from fully upgraded Yellow jellies. The HUGE ones with the giant claws that when it attacks spikes appear out of the ground. I just got a Mote from one.

In Starlight Cradle: Temporal Titan. There's a room with 3 switches, the leftmost one creates a ton of small jellies. I let them combine, and after they did I killed it, and got a Meteor Mote from it.

Legacy Username
Meteor Motes also drop from

Meteor Motes also drop from non-upgraded yellow jellies.

Pauling's picture
Meteor motes are the new gel cores!

Smaller yellow lichens in tier 2 also drop meteor motes. I don't think that they were ever intended to be rare by any stretch, and now that the list of items that monsters/boxes can drop has been updated, we'll probably see quite a lot of meteor motes dropping.

The real question is whether anything other than treasure boxes gives rock salt or sun silver. :) Also, any sign of an everfrost yet?

I'd also like to see more perfect snowballs, everfrosts, thunderballs, etc- it would be nice to test a mk III "status effect" alchemer other than the firotech.

Legacy Username
Just got an Everfrost from a

Just got an Everfrost from a box on level 26.

Legacy Username

removed meteor motes from the list, since they drop from monsters

Rock salt is in, can't

Rock salt is in, can't confirm it but someone says Sun Silver is in too.

Legacy Username
I can confirm.

As stated above: a knight I know as "Kniess" got a Sun Silver. It is definitely implemented.

Legacy Username
I suppose this means we can finally alchemize DA and AP.

I suppose this means we can finally alchemize Divine Avenger and Argent Peacemaker, as arduous a task it may be to acquire a Sun Silver. I've had both of mine idling at Lv10 for quite a while now, though I haven't been playing enough to mind the wait.