389 Posts later, and no response from the devs? Eurydice, any idea when we can expect a statement from OOO?
No Response from the Devs?
Closing message on a review of why SWG ended as an epic fail -->
"Takeaway lesson: never - NEVER - switch out the core of what makes your game what it is while you have paying customers. If you do, they will never forgive you."
Sidenote: @Magnus --> You bad mouthing this game really speaks volumes to me about how bad OOO dropped the ball w/ this patch. When I started w/ SK it was b/c the PSN was messed up, read an article about this game on yahoo.com, visited the website, then went to youtube to watch videos and came across yours. After reading your forum posts i was convinced this game was well thought out and was heading in a positive direction. Now, after watching your most recent youtube video, I do not feel the same way.
I was seriously planing to contact a number of people that I know, and persuade them to play this. Then we could of partied together.
NOW, no chance. I'm not even sure, if I'm going to stay.
Their lack of response, strongly implies to me that they don't significantly care about our feelings. I'm sorry that I had to say that.

Eh, I still support the dev's to this point. We have to see what this update really brings to the table we wont know since it none of us even used it (by playing with it) for more than 24 hours.
Give it some time, and you guys have to realize these dev's have lives as well they may be reading they may not be, but I am certain they will come up with a solution to everyones problems sooner or later. Just take a deep breath and go outside and play in the rain or something =).
As a note, it's still pretty early in San Francisco, (Where TRD is located) so this might be why they haven't given a response yet.
This doesn't mean you should calm down and stop with the rage, though. They are indeed pretty ignorant towards the community's opinion and suggestions on the balancing. This is the third or fourth time they do something this outrageous without any kind of warning, although this is the most serious occurance so far.
Considering TRD's whole ignorance towards those major changes and our own suggestions, a lot of ranting is required to have them understand how bad they messed up.
Fortunately, since they have finally hired a community manager, those things should be easier to deal with from now on, and hopefully they'll actually freaking read my damn thread on balancing. (Not having read a thread with 55+ replies, a lot of support, descriptions and ideas on every single major error on the balancing, after it has been around for over a week is something. What is even worse is proving that they really did not read or do not care about it by doing this update - Increasing amount of materials would be the perfect solution to crafting. Crowns would help too. Energy? The complete opposite of what was suggested in my thread and several other suggestions threads.)
Magnus' boycott thing should appear on his YouTube channel eventually, while he fixes up technical issues. His channel is Nusqual.
lol When DeckardCain and Magnus are pissed off about an update, you know its serious...
PS: magnus your video is so bad, I can hardly see what you're typing.
Dont get me wrong, I agree with the message, its just hard to watch/read.
I kinda wish I could see a "why" behind this. I'd really like to read a dev blog of sorts.
You're right, Hec, Circled.
I loved this game. I dare say I loved it the most of ANYONE who has played it.
I spent entire days on it playing with my friends. I no-lifed for almost two months because of how wonderful this game was. I had to get back to working on making money, but that never stopped me totally from playing when I could. I advertised how wonderful this game was on youtube. I went out of my way to help other players in the preview see what I saw in this game.
When the game released, I cringed at the token trader having all the materials. No longer would the player base have to try and build gates to get materials for everyone. But I was still excited for an Auction House. And with it, they remove the ability to sell the last thing WORTH selling on it.
I have been cheated on in love, not once but many times, and it has been painful. This, though? My love was unconditional, my passion for playing was unlimited. I've never felt so backstabbed in my entire life.
And to that, Three Rings, I say that I hope Spiral Knights dies if you don't change the increased energy crafting costs back and let players sell high star equipment again. If you want to ruin your own game, go ruin the pirate one, I don't care. But you have gone too far.
magnus u should zoom in on urself in the vid so ppl can read what you are saying lol.
my friend has a site on reviews of best and worse games of 2010.
do you guys think he would get sued if he did a review on SK after the patch?
dont want to get hit with a lawsuit saying we messed with their reputation.
Seriously people, why are you pissing off The Magnus?
I don't know how to do that, Sword. If you'd like to help, I'd really appreciate it.
But everything I had to say was in the video description already, so it's no big deal.
It's pretty easy to guess the why - Currently, the game has little content and reaching five-star endgame equipment was ridiculously easy. (I reached endgame in one week, got every single equipment I needed in two weeks, and then got several great UVs and even more gear in a month)
Three Rings thinks the issue was that crafting was way too easy and took a completely wrong approach to this - Instead of fixing the obvious (materials are common and recipes don't need enough of them) they did the opposite and increased CE prices, which already had enough sinks. Materials and crowns still have pretty much no sinks available at endgame.
The main issue with this is developer ignorance. Just take a look at old threads about gear balancing - Developers even replied to the threads, proving that they read it and were aware of the issues, but they never actually balanced with our suggestions in mind. They simply used their own twisted concept of balancing that is certainly not what players would call "balance".
Additionally, the problem isn't that five-stars are too easy to obtain, the problem is that there is little content and only six points of skill (zero to five star gear) is not enough. The correct fix to the game not lasting long enough would to release more advanced content, such as up to 7 or 10 star gear. Of course, this requires a lot of development and all, so some temporary fixes need to be added, so that's what TRD decided to attempt. In the end, they went a bit too extreme and took the wrong approach, resulting in this outrage you see right now.
It is not greed in TRD's part. It's mostly that the game was released way too early and with little content, and they do not have an actual knowledge of GOOD game balancing, and for some reason, do not want to trust in their players to help them with this.
It's good to note that I'm being a bit too reasonable and calm about this, and making this sound way less serious than it is. Their lack of knowledge is way worse than just a "lack", and their inability to trust their players is much worse than a simple lack of trust. It's almost as if Three Rings is attempting to troll us.
I'll keep bumping your thread, because it was quite awesome.
They could have added another tier of weapons where those weapons are bound on production, but to completely screw over the entire basis of late game play is unforgivable in my book...I hope they realize their mistake and change the weapon binding. If not oh well there are plenty of other f2p games out there...and no I'm not cheap I have spent money on every f2p game I have played, I just like to try out the games first and support devs from choice, no way I can support the devs now, particularly given the lack of forewarning we received on this GAMEBREAKING change. if they fix it great, if not I'm fairly certain that the flood of mats/ce/crowns/equips from leaving players will hurt their wallets pretty badly.
That much I understand. I know that there aren't enough end game (or even mid-game) bosses. I would like to know the "why" behind the methods, not the goal. Why did they think this was a good idea? I don't think ignorance is an acceptable explanation. You do not make as a game dev (at a smaller company as such) if you are so unable to develop games. I'd believe "we got someone from Sega marketing say we should..." before I believed ignorance.
Was doing some searching about the Star Wars Galaxies debacle and found this New York Times article on it. Interesting read: http://www.nytimes.com/2005/12/10/arts/10star.html
Considering past updates involved terrible gear balancing, (At one point they had removed normal defense from the Angelic lines. Back then they gave damage bonuses medium/high. That was changed, and I don't really see any of a reason for it... There's Chaos too, that should be obvious. Dragon Scale aswell, used to give attack speed - Changed to beast damage. It was already a subpar armor, and they made it worse. The list just goes on and on) made Vanaduke even harder despite several players confirming he was way too difficult/unbalanced for the average players, (yes, we asked to make him easier, they read about it, they made him harder.) they removed numbers from stats even though as you see now everyone would rather have them in, (Back in the preview times, status resist values were shown in numbers. It was much more practical. Additionally, at one point they had completely removed damage numbers from damage display - There wasn't even an option to turn them on. We had to rant a bit to get that option in.) and the list goes on and on...
After having done so many mistakes with the balancing in the past, I can't really say much other than general lack of knowledge on balancing and ignorance towards the community.
Influence by SEGA or some other company or whatever is possible, but unlikely, to be honest.
hey guys, it has been ONE DAY since the patch hit. hold your horses and sit tight. your in-game actions (or lack thereof) will serve just as much message to the devs as angerly posting here will be. but you shouldn't egg on them for not responding just yet, heck maybe they are and you missed it under this SEA OF RAGE
A sea of rage is necessary to show that the playerbase does not approve of this, we probably would have been much calmer in expressing our opinions if they sought them out before the patch or warned us of it...

Eurydice, any idea when we can expect a statement from OOO?
So, here's what's going down right now. I am going through the main feedback thread, and some of the other threads where people have posted thoughtful analysis of the various components of this release, and I am cataloging the feedback. Other staff members are of course reading your input for themselves, but I'm the one distilling it into a giant list of points. Once I am done with that (and it should be pretty soon now, so if you have more input, post it in the feedback thread please!), I am going to send it along for consideration and discussion. The GMs (that is, the moderators, who are not devs) are also providing input based on what they're seeing come through the queue.
I can't prematurely commit to any outcomes. Just telling you what I'm up to.

Thank you, Eurydice! I'm glad to know stuff is going on behind the scenes. :)
Getting you on board was the right decision (even if in the end nothing comes out of it, I at least feel a bit more positive now).
With all the rage flying around, I don't envy you right now-- but really, thank you very much for dropping in and letting us know what's going on. I'll go put my two crowns in on the feedback thread.

Thanks, guys. I do appreciate it.
Thanks for your response, Eurydice. Looking forward to a response from the devs.
I'm angry, but I want Three Rings to put together a good response, so I'll wait for it.
I can stop watching the forums and pestering now that I know that something is at least being considered.
I appreciate the response Eurydice. It's good to know the threads are being actively read.

This sounnds just like a game that I used to play. The way this game went down was terrible..it was called nanovor. This game was almost perfect. There were two realeases a week, a tight community, and great animations and gameplay. Then right after wave 2 they changed it. They created the monster called nanovor evolution( more like de-evolution) for one the community wasgone, the gameplay was terrible, there were NO evolutions, and the graphics were bad. This caused a game with people who paid tons of money to go away. This new update caused the game to die within a month or two of its bday(and the update that screwed up EVERYTHING) I sure hope thisdoesnt happen for this game, but with they way they are heading, it doesnt look bright
- "I am going to send it along for consideration and discussion."
"Consideration and discussion"? The game is dead unless you revert the binding change. Hope that helps you out a bit.
Three Rings?
Listen to their player base?
They don't read bug reports, and they don't read suggestions. What makes you possibly think that they'd even care that practically EVERYONE hates what they just did?