Hi, I'm relatively new. By that, I mean, I have little to no knowledge of the game. I currently have some 4* gear, sure....but it's like OHHH SHINY STARS ~get~ and doing the Hall of Heroes missions more so than actually knowing why I got my gear.
Current gear:
Miracle Hood (No UVs)
Ash Tail Coat (No UVs)
Wise Owlite Shield (Max Pierce Def, Low Elemental Def)
Weapons (Which I use two of at a time):
SilverSix (No UVs)
Blackhawk (No UVs)
BlizzBrand (No UVs)
Nightblade (No UVs) <- I'd like to 4* this, but I've run out of elite orbs at the time of posting.
25~ish Seraphyx
Normal-damage harness
Health +2 perk
I do not ever plan to buy trinket or weapon slots, except perhaps to get the relevant achievement; I frequently go on long sprees of a single game (I play a lot of games), which makes time-limited items very cost-inefficient. I also have no means of getting my own energy; I'd have to buy from other players.
My main questions are:
What are good methods (please explain details and reasonings and such) for getting crowns and orbs, and
What equipment sets should I go for? (and include which area they're best in or if they're general-usage)
I am aware there is a wiki and I've read it. My current equipment goals, based mostly on the Hybrid Guide posted there and some guildmembers/friends' advice, is a Divine Veil/Skolver Coat with the Grey Owlite Shield and a Glacius with Sentenza. Also an Acheron for RJP and a Silversix for ranged elemental damage, a BTB for my pierce sword and a blitz needle for my pierce gun, as well as a shivermist buster and a good 5* damage bomb of any element.
Please and thankyou!
There's really not much to say. You know what gear you wanted and the purpose for those gears. As far as advices, go, I would say just stick with your veil/skolver set because weapons are what gets you through the game, the armour only augments the power of those weapons. Especially since you aren't the kind of play a game for long periods in the long run. So use your time wisely and obtain weapons to get you through different clockwork levels.
For crowns, royal jelly palace and firestorm citadel are good. The latter is also good for radiant fire crystals, although heating 5* gear isn't the main focus of anyone anymore. You do still need to heat them to a certain level to start doing more damage than a fully heated 4* that you used to craft. I know rjp drops elite orbs, although I don't feel like they drop much 4* fire crystals. Run In Cold Blood, the 7-2 mission for those. You could also take a gamble on treasure vaults in clockworks. The beginning of T3 to Basil would be the best bet of getting fire crystals.
As for equipment, your current gear is missing piercing weapons. Btb is harder to get than the flourish lines, so will take longer. Or be more expensive, if you choose to buy the recipes on the ah. Flourish is the cheaper choice. Considering that you don't utilize ctr because you don't use trinket slots, the difference in charge attacks should not affect you too adversely.
You should have a shield for each damage type. Owlite is great for elemental damage. The barbarous thorn shield is a great piercing shield due to the sword damage bonus it offers. Or you could craft up the defender line into the aegis, which is extremely cheap due to the free recipes. As for the shadow shield, skelly shield is the cheap and easy option, where crest of almire is a fsc token reward. Takes a good amount of grinding but gives you a shadow shield with great shock and fire resist.
If you ever decide to craft different armour, whether for defence or just to get the weapon bonuses, consider skolver and shadowsun. Skolver because you already have half the set in your general purpose armour, and shadowsun because you use two antigua guns. Those benefit from damage and asi, so a chaos set would not be as effective.
Not many bombs are great for damage, not since the shards change. The best bet for a damage bomb would probably be a nitronome or dark retribution. Nitronome is not party friendly though. And the retribution is a weapon from doing the OCH expansion, which you need to buy. Perhaps if you have steam you can trade someone for the expansion. Shivermist is a good status bomb, but take care not to use it anywhere you want. It's got a specific usage, namely locking down priority targets and to aid newbies. The crowd control feature is actually detrimental to players who relies on aoe damage, which is actually most weapons.