Hello, everyone, and welcome to the forum thread for Declassified!
We're an all-tier guild focusing on a more family in the business style. AND WE MEAN ALL TIER. We accept any and all players willing to join us, from the simple T1 PvE player trying to find good gear to the guys who lay Lockdown to the people you find others envying. The point is, we accept anybody, from all tiers, who wants to join in.
1. If you have to fight, don't take it over the guild chat.
I used to belong to another guild, leaving the name out, and then I left. Why? Someone shamed me, over /g, when I was attempting to help in OCH. That's how myself and another knight, who has since retired, formed Declassified. Fed up with the old guild, we started a new one.
Punishable by: First time, demote, second time, kick. This applies to both people.
2. Don't beg.
OK, this might seem nitpicky, I guess, but still. It's fine to ask politely for help. It's fine to trade other people for materials you need. But begging for either not only gets you nowhere, but it makes you look like a dunce and a freeloader. That can be a major issue. Nobody likes beggars, and nobody likes a guild WITH BEGGARS IN THEM.
Punishable by: First time, warning. Second time, warning. Third time, demote. Fourth time, demote. Fifth time, kick.
3. Come on once a month, at least.
We can't have your guildmates all being away, right? Right. If you don't come on in one month and don't warn us you're going away, you will be kicked out. No exceptions, no mercy, no buts.
Punishable by: See above.
4. Don't blackmail anyone.
This is a serous issue. And trust me, there's no warning. You're just going to get demoted. Right back down to Recruit. Then we'll tell you that you done goofed. THEN YOU GET KICKED. IF YOU LITERALLY BREAK THIS RULE EVEN ONCE, YOU'RE OUT, GONE. BYE BYE.
5. Don't brag (Too much)
OK, understanding the majority of SK players are kids (I think), I understand if they do something or get something new and shiny, they'll want to show it off to everyone. That's human nature and, as long as it never goes too far, for example shaming other people's gear if yours has a damage bonus vs X: Low vs. their vanilla weapons, is perfectly reasonable. Taking it too far and shaming others in the doing so of telling us is a big no no.
Punishable by: First time, warning. Second time, demote. Third time, kick.
That's me right here. Co-founder of Declassified alongside another knight (Selation-Evatus, who has since retired), now a GM (One of four) and currently thinks he's in over his head. I don't enjoy Lockdown (Skolver uberelitists suck the fun out of something FAST) or the PvP piece of the game. If you see me, you might have to bring up this thread for me to pay you any mind. I'm a busy person*.
* = If you count busy as, "waiting on deals to end."
My fellow GM and something of an easygoing weirdo. She's nice, she's certainly energetic, and she knows what she's doing. Sorta. She REALLY DOES NOT LIKE BEING A GM. I AM NOT KIDDING. (Although that stance might've changed.) She's, sure, a bit nutty at times, but we're willing to overlook that fact since, one, she's an incredibly skilled fighter with her own set of rules. She's seriously the only person I know that uses a Royal Jelly Shield. It seems to be working though. Don't question her and you'll get along nicely.
MCC is a girly girl despite what the name says about her gender ambiguity. ...OK, she's not "girly", but she's a lot like Wind. Maybe that's why they're friends. They both embrace the power of seemingly limitless energy to do stuff. She's also plenty friendly towards people and has displayed a sense of calmness some of us can't seem to figure out.
Not going to lie to you here. Tokyo is also a woman. She was considered for second GM. She happens to know what the heck she's doing 90% of the time. We think so anyways. All that aside, she's a more patient GM then one would expect, and is kind of a natural born leader. She tends to be the more sane GM compared to, say, Wind. Or myself.
IGN (In Game Name):
Why do you want to join?:
How often do you play?:
And for how long, on average?:
What tier are you?:
Do you agree to uphold all the rules listed here?:
Now that that's done, welcome on in.
It'll be nice having you.
At the moment we are starting up our Wikipedia page as well.
Enjoy :D