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Allow an exception to use this format for Monster Images. (Uses Spiral Spy)

22 Antworten [Letzter Beitrag]
Bild des Benutzers Glacies

Was bored and did this for one of the enemies: (It is off-centered but I can easily fix that along with there being an error)

It looks much clearer and (almost) somewhat official compared to what's currently on the Wiki and reflects the in-game model. I understand their standpoint on this though. Just thought I'd share because why not.


NOTE: Some of them are WIP and are more conceptual right now (Example being Dust Zombie) and do not reflect the final product if validated by Gamemasters.

To Compare:

Dust Zombie: "New" Revision.
Dust Zombie: Old Revision.

Love Puppy: "New" Revision.
Love Puppy: Old Revision.

Layoafer: "New" Revision.
Layoafer: Old Revision.

Ghostmane Stalker: "New" Revision.
Ghost Mane Stalker: Old Revision.

Lord Vanaduke: "New" Revision.
Lord Vanaduke: Old Revision.

Lumber T1: "New" Revision.
Lumber T1: Old Revision.

Bild des Benutzers Sir-Onox
Can you show more of this

Can you show more of this work? I really like the image and looks a bit more 'profesional' instead a just random photo of a monster in the game.

Bild des Benutzers Glacies
Glacies - Processing thoughts of you always.

The Aura got in the way of this one hence why the Love Puppy is off-colored. But still, it doesn't look too bad. Though I'll probably redo it without the aura being in the way.

Bild des Benutzers Qwote

I'd like this to happen for every monster in the game.
Just the monster.


Bild des Benutzers Glacies

Looking a lot better this time around. I'll probably do them in bundles but I think that these would really work better than what's currently on the Wiki. It looks much better and much clearer, I don't know if I should have different animations frames so they're not pretty much the same or if I should try a different view or what. I'm personally liking the current view I have now.

Bild des Benutzers Qwote

make gifs.

make all the gifs.

Bild des Benutzers Qwote

make gifs.

make all the gifs.

Bild des Benutzers Sir-Onox
I really love this now, more

I really love this now, more profesional and much clear, the problem is that you should do A LOT OF photos with this style (monsters + tiers) for the wiki.
Just asking, how much time this takes you?

Bild des Benutzers Glacies

It doesn't take that much time at all unless it has something like an Aura, that Devlite took me a matter of minutes while the Love Puppy took me over 20 minutes.

Doing all of them isn't the problem, problem is that I don't wanna do them all without the clear since Gamemasters have specifically said that Spiral Spy images are not allowed. I'm hoping that maybe they'll provide an exception for this case.

Bild des Benutzers Glacies
Glacies - Ghostmane Stalker - Probably need to Resize for clearer resolution. - Vanaduke - Best I could do on this, his body fits, mace doesn't. - Lumber T1 - Same as above.

I'll probably rename the title to something else in the morning but I'm seriously thinking about trying to involve a Gamemaster in this discussion.

Bild des Benutzers Edwward

I'm really enjoying these pictures. The SK Wiki could use more people like you.

Keep up the awesome work.

Bild des Benutzers Popoixd
+1 I want YOU on SK wikies !

+1 I want YOU on SK wikies !

(reference to the meme)

Bild des Benutzers Little-Juances

Could you use a different background?
My eyes take the horse flag as reference and thus Vanaduke looks small while we have giant layofers.

Bild des Benutzers Glacies

I can try using a different background but not sure what background I could possibly use that would still make it retain an official-ish look like in the Tooltip.

Secretly, Layofers are actually much larger than Vanaduke, but due to trying to stay warm, they shrunk along with their scarf.

I have a few others prepared to be updated but apparently it's up to Equinox if this will be a new-format or not. It might be possible with enough support but I don't want to do every single enemy in the entire game and then just have an outstanding no.

EDIT: Something like this?

Allow an exception to use this format for Monster Images. (Uses

Can you show me the model of "the collector"?

Excuse me, I cannot see the

Excuse me, I cannot see the arm of the lumber clearly, can you get it at a different angle?

Bild des Benutzers Dracora-Speaking

@Appsdata to which lumber picture are you referring? And are you referring to the official wiki images or something in this thread? IMO I can see the arms just fine (wiki and this thread), unless you just want to see the back or the entire thing or something. (Be careful, necromancy is a dark art).

I am talking about the new

I am talking about the new revision lumber. Can you show me the arm of it in the backside?

Bild des Benutzers Dracora-Speaking

You might have to wait a while. The post before yours was in 2013 :P

If you're lucky, OP might deliver. But try not to perform necromancy in general, it is a dark art.

What is necromancy?

What is necromancy?

Bild des Benutzers Bopp
death magic

Necromancy is death magic --- stuff like re-animating dead people as zombies.

Players use it to refer to what you just did: Bringing a dead thread back to life.

Where is the 2015 post?

Where is the 2015 post?

Bild des Benutzers Bopp

I don't know what you're talking about. You took a thread that had been dead since September 2013, and revived it in February 2015.