Now I don't play World of Warcraft, but awhile ago they wanted to make an update to their forums where everyone used their real life full name. EVERYONE fought it and Blizzard did not make the forum update. So, maybe if we all protest hard enough (peacefully) we can fix this problem in Spiral Knights with the new update. I just want to encourage those who are not happy. Let's not be haters or whiners, but reformers for a really fun unique game!
Maybe we can fix it...
Boycotting only works if everyone does it. Those with disposable incomes won't care and will buy anyways.
I am boycotting because it is not the game I had started playing. Not paying cash into a broken system. Not am I only boycotting I got a refund =)
It only takes a single, well-reasoned post to enact change, especially with a dev team as small as SK's. The Real ID display name issue wasn't changed because of feedback volume, but by well-reasoned arguments.
- Use personal experience to describe how the patch affected you
- Speak with your dollars and your in-game behavior (that is, don't play if you are not happy playing)
- Be clear, concise, and calm
- Assume you speak for other players
- Assume you speak for a majority
- Assume that vocal forum populations represent a majority
- Attack the people with whom you're trying to communicate
- Adopt a sky-is-falling attitude
- Post about how you're quitting and your guild is quitting and your mother is quitting (Just quit! It turns out, the devs can tell when that happens.)
- Play fortune teller
- Post about the developers at all, frankly (any post discussing developers is a wasted opportunity to make your point and only weakens your argument and the arguments of those who agree with you)
Good call, Aliencereal! Bad call, Semeskooma.
Dispoable income is nice... XD But I only play enough to where I may use up 1600 throughout the month. So a five dollar charge isn't too bad.
Some people have been making the claim that OOO did this for the money, that's a semi-valid point. But here's what I think. They wanted to slow down progression and make people play the game how they envisioned it. So that people can't just jump in buy CE with real money and instantly get pre-made 5* gear. Now I understand that although one could argue that the way the game was before is obviously the way the game was meant to played because well.. it was working pretty well in our eyes. I think though, that if the Devs are worried about people playing the game in the manner they dont want. Why not simply add character leveling? I know it's unique not to have that and I kind of like no character leveling. But then you would have to be a certain level to wear certain gear. Simple! If this really is about slowing down progression why make things more expensive and change the whole market and selling? Or maybe it's about money.
It's a bit too Celestiadarned late now, is it?
The biggest fan of Spiral Knights has already set the tone for the entire community to follow. And THAT is why I'm royally pissed.
If anything, I'd like to express my utter disgust and contempt at how the community has reacted to the patch.
It's all very infantile and uncalled for, and the negativity has already spread.
It's gone to the point where I'm seriously considering not logging on for a good long time, if this is how the community reacts to something this big. And I'll bet good Crystals that any more big changes will be met with even bigger resistance and hate.
If this is how the community behaves, then I'm not holding any high hopes for any sort of positive change.
You read the announcement yet, sounds like you will be able to pay to unbind hgih star items, as equivelent cost it took to craft them.'
"Over the next month, we plan to implement a new store that will allow players to "unbind" items. There will be a fee for doing so, roughly equal to the cumulative cost of crafting that item."
So you can still buy endgame items, they just want double the new cost worth of CE to do so, so it will still be possible, they just want more income from it.
If its true, then it shows the purpose behind it all with real transperancy.
Looks like theyll be standing their ground and not a single person complaints mean jack to them.
I guess the statistice they claimed to be watching to see how the update works out are statistics about projected profit, not about playerbase at all.
The only purpose of this update is to prove that the devs dont listen to their playerbase.
Last post i can be bothered making, it will soon be proven that posting complaints or wanting change etc is a worthless endeavor.
Payed before, now im a free player just running on mist, the CE i bought will just sit unused, as i use mist income to add to it.
I hope to be as big a drain on your resources, as im to believe you think your players are :-P
I hope things go back to where it was more enjoyable, and there were more options on how you wanted to play, but i dont have any faith things will return.
Instead of making mild complaints and still paying the same dang money, we can as said, not give them money!
Man, I was really hoping OOO wouldn't do this again.
The biggest fan of Spiral Knights has already set the tone for the entire community to follow. And THAT is why I'm royally pissed.
Scuse the partial ignorance, but who is the biggest fan? Is it Magnus?
Yew, sir, are going to be the jet of me.
Yes, it is he.
And seeing how the majority of the community seems to have adopted his stance, I'm not too happy about it.
Or, he adopted the commonly held stance? This may seem crazy but most of us a free-willed individuals and chose our stance (informed or not) of our own volition?
If the common stance was "I am very, very disappointed in you, Three Rings/Sega, for putting out this patch", then a lot of us have adopted it, in various means and forms.
However, his reactions, the extreme predictions, "sky is falling" attitude, the rash call for a boycott, distrusting the devs, he is technically the first to do all that. And everyone, knowingly or not, kinda fell in.
Oh carp I am digging myself into a hole now am I.
Thing is, majority of people tend to overreact when they feel they've been unfairly encroached upon, Magnus is human and susceptible to the same flaws everyone else is (he's good at a game not ultra human...well, maybe in bed), he's just basically the big man advocate so it looks like he's pushing the tide, in reality he's just like everyone else, helping it along bit by bit. I know I'm bitter about the patch and won't really play as much as I have been, simply due to it being infeasible for me without changes.
Riots/protests, are fairly common occurrence to a perceived social injustice (not that this is a social injustice) and achieve results a fair portion of the time, a boycott isn't a rash action, they feel it's unfair, so they wish to change the unfairness with the best means they know how (decreasing a companies profit margin).
I understand the need for civil disobedience and all, but wouldn't it, I dunno, kill him to wait a week BEFORE starting the boycott?
And during the week, civilly and concisely explain the frustrations and unhappiness of the players?
I'd understand the need for a boycott if a week had passed and there was no response, but to jump in straight into the boycott without waiting smacks of childishness and does little to actually raise the standard of the community as a whole. If anything, it only reinforces certain behaviors and attitudes that WILL prove detrimental to the relationship between the devs and the players in the future.
But then again I come from a culture where this sort of thing is outlawed and anyone doing it is perceived to be crazy/immature, so your mileage may vary.
Magnus the biggest fan? :P He just has the biggest mouth. I'm glad I don't have the same opinion as him, or you would think I'm his follower or something. (Actually, I'm glad I don't share his opinion. Period.)
It's clear to see what OOO did: they prefer that people craft their own gear and adventure through the Clockworks to get it, rather than paying someone who did all of this for them. This includes guildmates helping eachother out, trying to be efficient with recipes (I craft this 5* item for you, you craft that for me). Sadly, because I thought this was a great multiplayer aspect. But I guess mostly it hits the anonymous mass crafting/trading between grinders and progress buyers.
If you were already mostly self-dependent, then literally nothing changed. The increased crafting cost gets dampened by the decreased recipe cost. Assuming you craft anything just once, and of course depending on the price of CE, things are pretty much equal. If anything, you have easier access to recipes and materials through the auction house. You can even acquire recipes earlier now because you don't need an insane 45k crowns to get just one.
The people who are moaning right now, are the ones who for example were grinding Jelly King to craft and sell Divine Avengers to people who wanted to buy game progress. Yes, they got screwed, because their scheme got a lot more expensive (they're the ones affected by the increased crafting costs, plus I'm including unbinding items here). As such their endproduct gets more expensive, sales would likely decline (but that's speculation). But that's what OOO intended. You wanna buy instant progress, you gotta pay more than someone who attained that progress themselves.
I can see why they did it. This game has avoided "character leveling" in favour of you increasing your own skill (you will feel this everytime you enter a higher tier for the first time). They envisioned this game to be different from most other MMOs. This update protects that vision.
What they could have done better, is communicate to the players that they see trends they did not intend to be so common in their game and they will work to address these. Hopefully this is a task that Eurydice will be burdened with from now on. She seems excellent at communicating and seems to be in the position to do this.
I live in Singapore, where strikes are banned and a lot of people don't even dare speak their mind due to fear of being sued to the ground. Oh yeah, we banned chewing gum for a spell, blocked the sale of Half-Life that one time, and almost banned Mass Effect due to, ahem, unsuitable themes.
And maybe you're right. I should just sit back and sling badly grafted-on puns until a decision is made, but I daresay I do not like the undercurrent of hate that goes along with it. It's not good for everyone in the long run.
I wonder if the people who were trying to ban those unsuitable themes were aware it was those delectable themes that put them in the position their in, dat irony. Never underestimate black humour/satire, it's like...the best thing in the universe, I do love indifference.
I guess it doesn't let me just do (eom) in the subject :(
or we can just boycott CE, constantly complain, and hope for the best.