Blue Storm is looking for new skilled players to join the guild. We are looking to expand our player base to a more wide ranged variety.
We are currently an active guild in certain points of the day but we are looking to find more skilled players from different time zones to have a larger amount of online players most of the time.
The Requirements :
- 4* + gear.
- Some skill in lockdown (PvP).
- Common sense and decency.
Here at Blue Storm we want to build a fair and loving community free of scamming and excessive cussing.
- No cursing to other players.
- No scamming of any sorts.
- Always help out guildies with crowns /recipes at basil price.
- Trolling is allowed but don't over do it.
- As always have fun.
4*, 5* - Recruit : This rank will remain with you until the first week in our guild.
4*, 5* - Member : After a week one of the gm's or officers who invited you will evaluate your behaviour around the guild and promote you if you seem to fit the rank.
5* - Veteran :This rank is given to players who have showed dedication to the guild both in uptime / crowns and in the community also a requirement for this rank is 18,000+ damage in lockdown (Unless you're a bomber) and if you're a PvE kind of person we require you to have 20k + prestige. (During the lockdown test any gm or officer can spectate and evaluate you)
5* - Officer : The max number of officers for Blue Storm is 10 and when a spot does open up either from an inactive officer or an officer is kicked or leaves a vet who is loyal and skilled and has stayed with us for a good amount of time is promoted after all the gm's and officers make a decision.
5* - Guild Master : This rank is not given to anyone other than the current guild owners.
If you have read all the information given and fit the desired requirements and agree to our rules please send a personal message to either one of these people Sr-Fists, Chasern, Boniito, Hankzor, Superale, Monestr.
How many people are in the guild in total? Seems interesting.