I really don't understand the point of binding all your equipment, it's unlikely that you'll use it forever and it will just take up space. I really want to sell my used stuff so I can get money to buy other stuff instead of doing a few runs just to get enough money to add to my cluttered inventory. I honestly think that there should be no binding at all.
Bind Hate
when you have more than 6 levels of weapons and the 0-1*'s don't really count seeing as how they don't really have alchemy chains...once again if they introduced items 6-7* and bound those fine, but to bind up 50% of the worthwhile items is not acceptable in a game where late-game play IS the trading of those items.
WoW is a sub model and bosses actually drop gear (then changed to tokens and Gear). This game has tokens only (rarely gear drop, and when they do is trash). This game has two bosses. Also this game has trash for progression. There is only 3 tiers. Tier 2 req. 2* wep, tier 3....4*??? The hell. That progression?
WoW also had NPC missions that gave out GEAR. And yes, you can buy gear that are BOE (bind on equip) global drops (since WoW has a level/class requirement). Also crafting in WoW, you can make most items that are not BOP, but BOE. Only the top end - end game items that required massive grind and boss drop mats would it be BOP.
O well, I'm pretty sure people will just buy accounts now. Much easier that way to "progress". Too bad there's one T3 boss. Beat him once, that's your end game.
Shouldn't compare this game to WoW. Even vanilla WoW.
The flaws of this game is horrendous since they seem not to have learned anything from other developers.
I know the amount of content between WoW and SK are vastly different, however, despite the huge design and content differences, the general concept behind the two games are similar. The craftable BoEs in WoW are now comparable to the 3* gear you can craft in SK. Both are not optimal for end game, but can be used bought to gain easier access to "mid-level" content, ie. Tier 2 in SK and 5 man/heroics in WoW.
While loot may not drop from bosses, you still have to clear content to get to the recipe shops, and that, in a sense, is progression itself. Sure, you can opt to buy recipes and materials on the market, but the game is starting to lean towards more progression based content. Perhaps this groundwork is required in order to match Three Ring's vision for future content.
I realize that SK has a pitiful amount of content, but by causing higher leveled equipment to be BoP, it extends the game life for new players, while alienating a play style for current veterans. Thee Rings would have to implement a lot more higher tier content soon if they want to keep what old fanbase they have left.
This update seems designed to kill crafting and force a greater number of players to buy CE instead of getting profits from crafting. What they fail to realize is that players were buying CE in order to buy from crafters. The crafter might not buy CE, but his customer would and Three Rings would see a profit. Now players will have to spend more CE to make equipment, but the fact they have to level their own gear is going to slow down their acquisition speed and thus their consumption of CE. I liked the idea of a game where you could spend money to max your character out instantly. It was a good incentive for spending cash.
I'm a new player, having started just about three days ago, two days before this new patch hit. Thus, I wasn't really affected by the changes to 4* and 5* binding. However, coming from a background that includes games such as WoW, it's only natural for progression content to be bound. After all, where is the sense of achievement if one can just dump a few dollars of cash and end up with top of the line equipment? I feel that earning equipment and gear is one of the most rewarding parts of playing any game, as there is a sense of achievement tied with hard work and perseverance. There's a difference between spending hours working to grind up mats for that 5* item and just popping some CE to purchase it right away.
Also, it is far too easy for new players to gear to top tier, destroying any sense of progression. While SK is nowhere near as expansive as WoW, it is still progression oriented. Sure, you can craft and sell items in WoW that allow for newer players to begin gearing up to top tier progression, but you can not gain access to the very best items without going through the content yourself. From my new player standpoint, this locking of most 4* and 5* items actually makes me want to go through the dungeons in order to craft and replace my own gear.
That being said, I already miss the ability to distribute recipes between friends to cover and share a wide pool of recipes, as opposed to an every man for himself mentality currently implemented. As I've never been at the top, I can't speak from experience, but I can certainly see the position where many who craft 4* and 5* items as a profession/end game can see this binding as a huge blow to the game.
*deep breath*
Wow. Way longer than I expected.