Title says it all. Can anyone give tips on how much ctr is needed for bombs in LD to reduce the ctr if a person is using striker?
My gear:
-Chaos set (helm + armor)
-Mad Bomber set (woot, still have it)
-Mercurial demo set (who doesn't have one xP)
-Sprite perks (I have no idea if they still work in LD, though I know the heart one does) [bomb ctr med, bomb dmg med, heart bonus]
My bombs:
-Voltaic tempest
-Swagger storm ("stagger" for those who still don't get the joke)
-Electron vortex
-Shards (No use telling what shard bomb it is)
-Dark Retribution
My weapons I think I should use as an extra with the striker bombing in case there are gunners:
-Barbarous thorn blade
-Gran Faust
-Divine Avenger
-Brandish? (I have all but Voltedge, which is 4* atm)
I know that the Nitro bomb and the DR have the shortest charge times. I was wondering how much ctr, in terms of uvs, I would need on each of my bombs in order to reduce the charge time enough that I can be a competant LD striker bomber.
Thank you to everyone who posts.
DR should be fast enough with Chaos/Mad. (the set would cancel the striker debuff and you're left with a medium from a max heated bomb)
Bomb focus perk doesn't work, so you'll want trinkets or UVs for the rest.
You can survive with mist bombs defensively, by spamming them in a point, but if you want to rush and charge them up into an enemy's face, more CTR is obligatory.