Regarding the recent update - 4* and 5* binding (Dev response)

281 replies [Last post]
Nick's picture

I wanted to take a moment to respond to the recent threads about our first production update to Spiral Knights and tell you about the actions we plan to take.

First, I think it's important to talk a little about the design for Spiral Knights.

Items and crafting are a core part of the game. Achievement in the game is tied to finding and exploring the unique items it is possible to make. For that achievement to be meaningful, some of those items, the most interesting and satisfying to own, need to retain some level of rarity.

After launch, it became increasingly clear that several items that we thought pretty exciting to play with and which we expected to be rare in the game were becoming common. As a result, their value to players was diminished. It was hard for us not to think that this diminished the game.

This was the result of an oversight in our design, one we sought to correct in our most recent update. The change was intended to ensure a balance between rare and common items that allowed for a satisfying experience for players in the game.

Reading the forums, it is clear that some players were disappointed by the effects of this change.

We do plan to respond to the impact this change has created.

In considering this problem, we've had to balance two conflicting goals:

a) how can we retain the excitement of owning a relatively unique item that was a challenge to make and craft while;

b) allowing players to explore the option to make and trade items?

Ultimately, it's important for us that players that choose to craft their own items do not feel their experience can be easily matched by a player that decides instead to get their item from the Auction House or in trade. The progression of finding and crafting items is the core experience we built the game to provide for our players and we will not see it devalued.

So: the question comes down to how we can ensure that traded items remain premium rather than being devalued as was occurring before the update.

Over the next month, we plan to implement a new store that will allow players to "unbind" items. There will be a fee for doing so, roughly equal to the cumulative cost of crafting that item.

This action will change the nature of the market for crafted items into one for premium goods. A market, we hope, that will still be interesting to players focused on crafting and trading. It is better to be a trader in valuable goods than common commodities.

More importantly, however, by making traded high end items a premium good, we are respecting the experience of players that choose to craft and use their own items.

As always, your feedback is welcome.

Thank you.

Nick's picture
Also, please see this

Also, please see this announcement for any issues regarding items tied up with a friend or crafter:

Madadder's picture

"Over the next month, we plan to implement a new store that will allow players to "unbind" items. There will be a fee for doing so, roughly equal to the cumulative cost of crafting that item."

thats all i remember from this post...

Inheritor's picture
So soon we can unbind

So soon we can unbind #### and sell it eh?

the response to this should be interesting.

EDIT: Language.

Legacy Username
So pretty much

Expect to see Vog Sets going for 10kce

Edit: "Over the next month" : Kinda what I was afraid of. I would rather look forward to new content than a fix to a problem.

The Unbind Store sounds like

The Unbind Store sounds like a reasonable solution for that particular issue, although I'm a bit worried about the price being the cumulative cost of the crafting fees. Would this be under the current fees or pre-update? Currently it would cost I believe 1450ce +8900cr to do this for a 5 star item. Prior to the update it would've been like 650ce + 8900cr. Any clarification on this?

Loest's picture
Actually, I think that's a

Actually, I think that's a good idea.

Taken along with the ability to submit tickets to sort out the in-process crafted items that kinda got hung in limbo (my chief complaint about this patch) I'm basically satisfied.

Legacy Username
In considering this problem,

In considering this problem, we've had to balance two conflicting goals:

a) how can we retain the excitement of owning a relatively unique item that was a challenge to make and craft while;

b) allowing players to explore the option to make and trade items?

I personally agreed with the decision to make high level items bind permanently.

Another way to answer these questions would be to make certain items or certain slots of a given tier be tradeable (or not), rather than an across the board ban on trading 4* and 5* items.

Legacy Username
I am so impressed with the

I am so impressed with the speed of the response and the tone of respect for the players... I'm just so impressed. Three Rings is a heck of a company. Well done. :D

Legacy Username
Awesome. Even more awesome

Awesome. Even more awesome since I have been holding into random pointless duplicates of five-stars, which I'll be able to get rid off then.

But so, a question: How expensive do you plan to make this shop? I'm guessing it's not going to be very cheap. And how long do you think it'll take until this shop is implemented, if this is something you can estimate? Because not being able to sell premade items for a bit is still gonna be a bit hard on the economy, even if we eventually get a shop for unbinding. :(

I'd also like to know what you guys are going to do, if you are doing anything, regarding Auction House's listing/sale fees. They're pretty damn expensive - It's not really possible to sell 0 - 2 star materials for profit, it's way too costy on the beginners. And 10% for the rest? That's a pretty darn high penalty, man.

Additionally, I'd like to suggest an additional feature for the unbind shop, to further enhance this point:
a) how can we retain the excitement of owning a relatively unique item that was a challenge to make and craft while;

(copied from one other thread I had posted this in)

Unbinding alone, even if it was expensive, would defeat the point of what TRD possibly wanted with this update: Not being able to simply buy your way to endgame. So instead, unbinding would return an item to its 3-star stage, losing heat, (possibly UVs too, unless you pay an additional fee? Dunno) however not the materials/crowns/energy - You'd be able to upgrade for free once the item is heated. (Or maybe you'd need the recipe aswell, to balance it out further?)


And please, do not repeat this kind of major change again without at least giving us a warning, or even better, asking for our opinion. The effects this has on the economy and community are too serious to be ignored, even if just for a small while.

Negimasonic's picture
Nice job on the transfer

Nice job on the transfer service, this should help out people caught unawares.

But honestly, I don't see people's problem with the old way. MY experience in the game won't be affected by someone else buying their way in. That's their choice and their right but you know what, it won't help ME in any way (lest they actually party with me). So I'm not disadvantaged by any means. My clockwork access will still be the same, the levels will still be just as hard or easy, nothing they do would affect ME. Maybe if PVP was around, I'd care more but it's not so that's not a reason.

I always crafted my own stuff, more so out of stubbornness than there being a need to. Getting my first five star, Shivermist Buster is an achievement that cannot be undervalued by someone else who chose to support the game and gain joy from getting that same weapon. Anyone who feels lessened by that, you care too much about another player that you don't even talk to. And even then, money doesn't buy skill, working my way up with a freezing atomizer taught me how to use a Shivermist Buster, instant buying one on the other hand, can just get you killed since you probably won't know all the small traits of the weapon, like how it doesn't do damage directly except in a small, tiny part of that humongous radius.

So I never really had a complaint with the binding...the costs on the other hand...the new costs stand to take pleasure away from crafting my own items, at current prices, it's about 5000 more (in crs) to produce a five star item than it was under the old way...but I suppose that's an issue for another thread.

Nick's picture
DeckardCain - Final prices

DeckardCain - Final prices for unbinding have not yet been established, but it will factor in crafting costs, material costs, etc. to determine the total value of the item, in energy. As mentioned in the original post, the intent is to establish this as a premium service for select players, ensuring the rarity of higher star items.

Legacy Username

In recent news, parties of 3 people run citadel and serve as heat piñatas for a fee, items leveled to 10 in a matter of minutes, Nick goes crazy trying to find another way to stop easy leveling of 4* gear without making the game more grindy. Vanaduke laughs.

Legacy Username
To be honest, many important

To be honest, many important issues were not addressed:

1. I bought CE with real money expecting it to be able to allow me craft a certain number of 5* items. But with the CE increase for crafting, the amount I could use to craft 3 items to 5* can now only be used to craft 1 item. This is completely unfair, and is still not addressed by Nick.

2. I grinded to get enough Crowns to get 4* and 5* recipes. Just because I learned them, I don't get a refund? Even though there is an increase now in CE to craft my items?

3. What if we bought recipes to complement our family/friends? Now we can no longer craft and share 4* and 5*... we all wasted our time.

4. I would never have sold my 5* items last week if I had known this patch would do what it did.

In the end we still all lose... except for OOO. You should revert the patch for 2 weeks, let everyone finish unfinished business, then do what you will.

My 2 crowns.



Legacy Username
Which items did you intend to

Which items did you intend to be rare? It sounds like you're talking about token loot, like Divine Avenger, but... the fact that these items are earned with tokens means they're not going to be rare. So what's rare? What do you intend to be rare in the future?

If you want items to be rare, it seems like you should be rebalancing items so there's an equal alternative to Vog Cub + DA or whatever.

Legacy Username
What's the reasoning behind

What's the reasoning behind the crafting price inflation?

I'm geared in three-star gear right now, and am just beginning four-star gear. I play evenings for about an hour, so crafting is my major CE sink. I was feeling pretty good about the pile of a few thousand CE I'd purchased. Now it's looking a lot punier, because it buys less.

Are we going to see updates in the future where our crystal energy loses over half its value unannounced overnight? I'm feeling pretty bait-and-switched.

Legacy Username

One major issue is that your definition of "challenging" is actually just "expensive". The only way your going to make "rare" items anything other than just expensive is to have some sort of loot dropping system similar to other MMORPG's. As it is now every item in the game is a simple matter of how much real world money you want to spend. The system is flawed at its very core. The only variable you are going to be able to "tweak" is how much money things are going to cost. Your last patch simply made it more frustrating and time consuming, not to mention more expensive. I do not know how that fits into your long term goals, but I can tell you right now your really going to have to get creative to dig yourselves out of the design holes you have dug into your system.

I am aware that you are not a highly experienced development team, but you have dropped yourselves right into a strange and frightening world with this game given its structure, and its relative uniqueness. I would recommend that you find some trusted, reliable community members to be gobetweens with the playerbase much like other MMO's do, and learn when to listen to them and when to ignore them. I would also recommend you take it easy on the large, sweeping changes all at once. It may be a cliche thing to say, but look at Blizzard. Very rarely does blizzard implement a massive change all at once in any of their games. They do things gradually. If an item is broken, they will raise its damage by 5% at a time, over a period of time and watch the results each time until they get it where they want it. This is effective from the design standpoint, and its so much easier for your community to digest. Your latest update could have easily been split into 3 or 4 patches, starting with the auction house, over a period of months. Alot of the discontent you are seeing is because several massive, game changing things, some of which could be considered "nerfs" were dropped all at once with no warning.

I really, really hope your game grows and matures. I hope you can capture yourselves a good playerbase that keeps your enterprise profitable. I have uninstalled the game due to yesterdays patch, and I hate having to do so because the game is fun. This is not a gripe or a whine or a passive aggressive thing, because i am too old and jaded for that. I just like to play good games, and I like to see online games like this grow and become successful and I hope Spiral Knights gets there. As soon as I feel it is on the right track, I will reinstall it with the speed of Hermes. I am happy with the money I have spent on the game, and one day I hope to spend much more.

Legacy Username
To the devs

The only reason I jumped in was to support one of your devs. You know, crazy guy, runs a webcomic, the man responsible for that insanely hard endboss? Yeah, that guy.

And as much as I love helping to pay that dev's bills (seeing as he's married and all), I am not all that kosher with the increased CE costs for crafting. 800 CE for crafting a 5-Star piece of gear isn't very fun, and all it'll do is force even those willing to pay to think twice before paying for CE.

...Okay, I kinda cashed in some of my CE for quick crowns, but it was for 2-Star gear and I didn't really buy my way to Tier 3, seeing as I like to craft my own stuff (Tier-3 Gear Binding doesn't bother all that much, really...)

However, I'd really love to see more content and a marked improvement in the community. Having your biggest fan turn turtle and start spewing hate about the game is a surefire way to make ME leave the game pretty quickly.

You could start by making more enemies to pummel and making the Advanced Training Room more interesting to go (apart from the visceral thrill of setting people on fire, that is...) and yes, more bosses. Also SNIPE HERDING.

Also Echoing machallboyd. Hello, Mr Boyd! I'm an old reader here!

Legacy Username
Putting in my 2 cents +Ideas for simpler solutions

To start off, I for one was not too happy about the new update, I'm sure many people had the same feelings. The thing is, the update basically destroyed the economy, it's a ghost-town now, whereas before it was a growing metropolis to say the least. I do agree, you were right, it is not sustainable to keep allowing people to get and sell the best gear so easily; as it caused all of the top tier items to devalue very quickly. The only solution to save the game from failure at that point was to develop more and more content rather quickly. Knowing that you are rather short staffed, that is relatively unreasonable. The problem is that this "NEW" fix really isn't a viable solution either, at least not in my humble opinion.

**Reason being that if players are allowed to unbind items, that defeats the purpose of having items bound in the first place. Sets that are relatively useless, aka the fallen set, that people have spent time and money to make not realizing that it is probably the worst set in the game, will be floating around and worth basically nothing. At that point, "premium" items will still begin to devalue. Even with the price markups that will occur as a consequence of unbinding costs, sets such as Vog Cub will still start to depreciate in value because of the ease of reselling. Once again, this is just my opinion.

At the end of the day, I feel like the simplest solution would have been to leave the game the way that it was; allow people to craft and sell whatever they so wish to craft. BUT instead of taking it to such an extreme as to take that away from them, you could have just made the materials required to make high end items much more difficult to get. That in fact, would then make high end items more of a novelty because people will HAVE to put in time to get them. Even then, these premium items would sell for a lot of CE, in which others will have to spend abundant amounts of cash if they want to obtain these "premium" items. This would have been a WIN-WIN solution in my eyes.

Regardless, the game is still enjoyable. Mob mentality is not the way to go. I agree with everyone in being upset that this is all so abrupt, so at the end of the day, that's an issue that three rings should address; discussing issues with the community before doing anything drastic. But also, it is not fair for the community to jump down the developers throats for making a rash decision that was definitely important to assure that the game would not fail in a short period of time as they have put in countless hours to make it.

That's all I have to say, Good Luck

Legacy Username
@ Nick


I still think you should have gone for increases to materials rather than energy on the crafting end, but...

This, I think, puts the present update back up to the level of goodness it should have had on release (which is very high indeed).

"One major issue is that your
    "One major issue is that your definition of "challenging" is actually just "expensive". The only way your going to make "rare" items anything other than just expensive is to have some sort of loot dropping system similar to other MMORPG's. As it is now every item in the game is a simple matter of how much real world money you want to spend. The system is flawed at its very core. The only variable you are going to be able to "tweak" is how much money things are going to cost. Your last patch simply made it more frustrating and time consuming, not to mention more expensive. I do not know how that fits into your long term goals, but I can tell you right now your really going to have to get creative to dig yourselves out of the design holes you have dug into your system.

^ Vitek makes a great point, imo.

Legacy Username
Nick: "The progression of

Nick: "The progression of finding and crafting items is the core experience we built the game to provide for our players and we will not see it devalued."

With all due respect, you won't have to see the finding of items, i.e. recipes, devalued. The AH and lower recipe prices made it a non-issue. In short there is nothing left to devalue.

As far as the "progression" goes... Grinding through the same levels day by day can hardly be called progression in any meaningful sense. When I first joined I actually expected the clockworks to "change in realtime", that is randomly generated levels. Turns out that meant "you might hit an arena instead of a mechanized mile". I stayed because there was new gear that a cheap stake like me ($5-10 every month or three) could craft on a weekly basis (I'm talking 2* and 3* here).

So I saved my crowns and clawed my way down to tier 3 finally getting access the day before the patch hit. What's my reward? No chance of getting other 4* gear in any reasonable time frame. The idea of crafting 5* gear is simply out of the window. I can't afford to buy enough energy to not be stuck with the same few dozens of hand-crafted levels with the same the-button-is-now-under-another-block "challenge". Your solution to people buying their way out of working for the end game is to make it impossible to NOT buy your way down. I was working for it, now that option is gone.

Frankly if my irregular $5 is not enough then please say so and I'll go back to playing Dungeon Crawl for $0 instead of hoping that someone just didn't think things through and I might progress at a turtle's pace again, instead of a snail's. At least I'll get some different levels that way...

Legacy Username
I believe the idea of the

I believe the idea of the store to unlock equipment is a good one, I actually mentioned this in another thread earlier today. I'm partially against the cumulative cost idea though. This makes it prohibitively expensive (more so than now) to get gear made for friends because you'd have to pay for it twice. Now, if it's "the cumulative crown cost", then sure. Even twice that cost wouldn't be bad. But if it's the cumulative energy cost as well (or even just instead) you're better off giving that energy to someone and saying "best of luck". Energy costs for crafting are already crazy high at the moment for 5 star gear, but I'll accept that you guys need to make money. Paying twice that just so you can sell something for crowns alone on the market (for the professional crafters) or give it to a friend is ridiculous, it's a shake down effort for our money.

The unbinding of gear should take effort to do. If crowns alone isn't a good enough solution (and I still recommend 10k per star value) by itself, then maybe a quest implemented in some fashion. Go to a certain level and get these materials, then bring them to NPC X in Haven and you can give those and the crowns to him to unbind some gear. Hell, even requiring us to pay the 4 and 5 star materials again (plus crowns) would be enough of a requirement in my opinion.

As previously mentioned by NegimaSonic, my experience is not affected by others buying their way into 5 star gear. They ruin their own experience, not mine. All this "bound on build" restriction does is affect my interactions with my guild and my friends. And if it costs energy to resume this activity it's an empty solution.

Legacy Username
This action will change the

    This action will change the nature of the market for crafted items into one for premium goods. A market, we hope, that will still be interesting to players focused on crafting and trading. It is better to be a trader in valuable goods than common commodities.

    More importantly, however, by making traded high end items a premium good, we are respecting the experience of players that choose to craft and use their own items.

You want the 'rarer' items to feel more special to players, I understand that, but there are good ways of doing that and bad ways. This was a bad way. It has a large negative impact on the economy of the server and you ninja-implemented it so that people who were going to trade the weapon they were leveling before-hand had no time to react to it.

I know you tried to make the 5* items special by making their crafting require a very rare drop, but you sorta ruined that idea by making nearly all of those available for tokens anyway. And let's not forget the whole duping exploit which people found out about, which I'm sure was used to replicate some of these 'rare' materials (hope you've fixed that).

    So: the question comes down to how we can ensure that traded items remain premium rather than being devalued as was occurring before the update.

Here's some suggestions I have which I feel are much better alternatives, just off the top of my head:
- Make the crafting require more of the rarer materials. Hell, just make them require more of all materials (there's a huge overflow of materials).
- Make 5* recipes a once-off craft. Easiest way to achieve this is to just modify the recipe to require a recipe as well. This would mean that you'd need 1 recipe to learn it and another one to craft the actual item. This will increase demand for 5* recipes.
- Make them drops from difficult encounters. This one is aimed more at future items, not current ones.


Unbinding as an expensive end-game crown sink is good. Thank you for moving forward with it.

wrt item diversity, what would be really nice would be new boss stages! You would see a few non-vogs if there was a t3 boss that was something other than four levels of fire.

Legacy Username

People who's professions were "crafting" falls under "We didn't intend this, so we're gonna pretend it never happened."

It seems like you're not even willing to address the increased energy costs or how flawed the AH is and you're just adding CE sink after CE sink. I just deleted the spiral folder or whatever, so I'm pretty sure this will be my last post. Bye then. It was good while it lasted, but it could've been a lot better if you wouldn't try to be so....creative with your balancing.

And by creative, I mean looking at people's solutions that would actually make sense on the forums, making a big list of them, and not doing any of them.

Legacy Username
i partially retract my earlier statements.

Now just put the CE crafting costs back down to normal(Hell, even slightly above normal i could deal with!)and I'll wholly forgive you for that update that was pure fans-getting-slapped-in-the-face-for-nothing :) .


Ok, unbinding, fine. What

Ok, unbinding, fine. What about the insane CE prices for alchemy? You guys should've increased the crown cost while decreasing the CE usage to create a crown sink, just like a lot of people suggested. This would still make people buy more CE to keep up with the higher crown needs.

Legacy Username
I was interested in trying

I was interested in trying out the Flourish or Sealed Sword series, but it was a big investment to do either. Armor is even trickier because of the opacity of the stats, since I'll have to get the sets AND experiment quite a bit against different foes to see what is really worth my time. It's not that equipment is particularly expensive, but it's just not interesting or fun to acquire. I feel like the current crafting system is nothing more than a dull hurdle to prevent me from reaching the meat of the game - acquiring gear, experimenting with it and finding the best sets for the activities I want to pursue. If I'm looking at 20 bucks in CE to buy one set after the material and crown grind, I'd rather spend that money on another game that isn't going to make me jump uninteresting hurdles before I get to the meat.

My original hope for the game was that the Energy system would be used to create interesting strategy for the players. Which is the better use of energy, to open this door, to power this robot, do I revive or do I retreat to Haven? Now everything I could do with CE pales in comparison to the 700 CE I need to get my first 5* item. Previously, I could cut my CE cost in half for 4* gear by being patient and using a day's worth of ME. Now the ME is negligible compared to the CE.

I don't regret the time and money I spent on the game before now, but if the best solution you can devise for item rarity is to simply crank up prices color me really disappointed at 3R. You could introduce new challenges to earn that gear, such as monsters or puzzles. Turn crafting into a huge challenge where players collect materials to alchemize at random to try to find the best combinations. Make the acquisition of various materials a challenge in itself by having them only appear in very specific stratum rewarded for top-level play. Make crafting into an action-based challenge where you have to precisely hit sequences of keys and solve rapid fire problems accurately to conserve materials or get a UV. Those would be interesting and stimulating, and make me want to pay money to play.

As it stands, Spiral Knights doesn't seem to be aspiring to anything much more than a typical MMO treadmill.

Legacy Username
A Plea

Edit: no faith anymore.

Legacy Username
Before the update we could

Before the update we could have traded a 4* (unpopular) weapon for approx 500 CE.

Now (and after the unbinding machine is available) the same 4* weapon costs 600 CE (for the 4* and 3* crafting) + 200 CE (est) materials+crafting-crowns + 700 CE (est unknown unbinding cost) + whatever the seller wants on top of this + 10% auction fees.

600(crafting)+200(materials+craft-crowns)+700(unbinding)+300(what seller wants in profit) = 1800 + 10% auction fees = 1980 CE (Estimated)

So, very approximately a four fold overnight (nightmare surprise) cost increase.

If $1 = 350 CE (Depends on how much you buy in one go).

Before 4* weapon was about $1.42

Now (and after unbinding shop) = 1980/350 = $5.65

Increase = $5.65/$1.42 = 3.98 = about x4
(I could be rude, and say that I'm being NICKed from, so badly that it is SPIRALLING into a KNIGHTmare, but sadly these THREE capitalized words are RINGED with a little truth).

Legacy Username

So you doubled CE costs all the way down to 2*, then make everyone pay it again to unbind it (so basically 3x more CE for new players to buy the item, 3x more actual money...)

Then give us a bunch of reasons as to why, (sense of achievement, balancing, etc) when you don't speak for the players, or what they want. From the players that I have encountered--notice I don't say I speak for all of them--they have a lot more fun playing with their friends, which was less dependent on how much time their friends spend in the game since they could simply buy gear at (more) reasonable prices. I also encountered far more people having fun selling 5* items (grinding the heat, as something else to do rather than vanaduke runs all day at end game), not whining that people could buy it. Basically, I'm saying you're claiming to fix a perceived issue, that was never even an issue among the player base. You're hiding the fact that you want to make more money by creating a problem to "fix", when, I don't know about the other players, but I would rather you just say, "Hey we need to make more money, we worked a long time on this game, and were not making enough to add additional content at a reasonable pace, on top of the compensation that we believe we deserve for pouring our lives into it." Lying and sugarcoating only make people angry.

Anyways, if that allows you to make more money, and keep the game alive, it's fine with me--though I would argue, that maybe less people would be willing to pay such inflated costs, and simply quit the game. Anyways, I can still sell 5* items (and if I can't, simply quit, since I'd rather not just run vanaduke all day), just passing on the increased prices to people who want to pay for it. Regardless, I see this for what it is, a way to get a larger amount of real world money for sales of 5* items, in addition to trying to feed us a bunch of bull as to why you made the changes, and because of this, I will never buy CE with actual money again.

Legacy Username
Crafting still costs too much

The increased cost of crafting still means I won't be playing. It's too much of a grind at this point. And if unbinding requires the use of CE, it just means CE will cost more... again.

Coatl's picture
All right. All is well and

All right. All is well and dandy. Except one thing.
Your failure to acknowledge the energy costs doubling to craft is a bit upsetting, but not unexpected.


I agree wholly with Vitek (post 17).

Legacy Username
This is a decent idea, but I do

This is a decent idea, but I do think you shouldn't make some rare gear unbindable for example, gear bought with tokens. These give a reason to do boss runs for other then just money, and is the closest thing to "raid" type loot right now. Not all super gear should be able to be bought as it completely ruins the achievement for getting something awesome that not many people should have. I have no problem with people buying 4/5 star gear but add some new stuff that have you really have to earn by playing the game rather then just shelling out a ton of money and buying it off someone.

Zingman's picture
/me fully expects the tarting

/me fully expects the tarting to continue until the "unbinding house" is released, and then intensify again once people realize its CE only, probably in the range of 3K CE for a 5-star item, 1500 for a 4-star item, and 750 for a 3-star item. If the developers want most people to play the game the way they intended (by searching for and crafting their own equipment), and allow a small percentage of players that are ready and willing to pay anything to get 5-star equipment quickly, then that is the price it will have to be --- minimum.

Legacy Username
So umm...any word on the

So umm...any word on the people who already had learned recipes getting a refund as well? :'D

I'd at least like to know why there was this discrimination to begin with~

Algol-Sixty's picture
uh, wow. Not only was the

uh, wow. Not only was the economy of the game booched in the initial public release of the game, but the development team then made it worse, now they are promising to go beyond booched.

This is a F2P game, vaguely similar to YPP's doubloon system, but very critical differences are completely ignored.

For this CE system to work, free players need to trade something (usually time) for CE, while paying players need to want that something and will give CE for it.

Lots of things need CE, gates, revs, crafting, and a few minor things. These are needed by free and paying players alike.

What does a paying player need from a free player? Crowns? No, not so much. The higher the crown to CE exchange rate goes, the less CE they need to spend on crowns. Crowns are abundant just by playing the game. Materials are even less in need than crowns. What do you spend crowns and materials on? Well, crafting, mostly.

There isn't a balance here at all. Free players desperately need CE, paying players need nothing. Sure, free players can always just become paying players, but then the whole CE system is a waste of time. Paying players don't need free players to be guides, or crafters, or members of the raid party, paying players work just as well. There is no network effect in this game, nothing works that much better if there are 10,000 players than if there are 100.

When I started playing soon after the public release, it was obvious that there needed to be far more crown and material sinks. Instead OOO has reduced the crown sinks and made the lack of a material sink much more obvious/serious, and increased the CE sinks.

Want to make UV items rarer? Make it so that the UV doesn't show up on crafting, but rather on the level 5 and level 10 points. Normal players would then be the most common to find a UV, rather than bulk crafters.

The basil recipe change was just down right dumb. Why did you even bother, when there are so many obvious holes? You would need to completely remove the trading of recipes i you wanted to do anything other than become an annoyance.

I still have a hard time understanding why you let mist energy be used for crafting. That is just asking for people to create alt accounts to knock off up to 100CE per crafting session, anyone who doesn't won't be competitive. I don't know what percentage of crafting is currently done via ME, but I suspect that more and more ME is being used, rather than people just playing the game.

Want to keep crafters from flooding the market? Make recipes have a limited number of uses. Or, make items bound to the crafter until level 5.


I haven't played a dungeon crawl for years, SK has been fun, but I'm having a hard time caring enough about the game to even be upset at the stupid things the devs are doing.

Legacy Username

My cynical side says that it was to encourage people who were selling recipes (you learn the ones you keep, well, I do anyway) to step up their business in the auction house. Cheep recipes for people who actually never went down to get them (balance? rewards for persistence? hello?) that are $ expensive to actually craft = more CE purchases. In short having the AH stuffed with recipes and materials totally negates the "reward and rarity" line of reasoning, just makes it more profitable to enable circumvention.

My less cynical side hopes that it was a rushed update to get the AH out and a hack job of balancing the obvious effects. That OOO didn't think it through, that there will be tweaks that enable me to progress in a timely manner and that there will be content to enjoy while I do it. Though even my less cynical side can't fit the discriminatory refunds into any of this...

Icee's picture
If you already crafted, you saved compared to now.

@cheeserito - If you had already learned the recipe, chances were good that you had already used the recipe. Therefore, the higher recipe cost was offset by the lower crafting cost, making it a wash. This was the case for me - I had just bought the dread venom striker recipe, but I also crafted it already, so the extra 20K for the recipe was offset by saving 500 CE crafting.

Metaknight's picture
Problem solved guys.. *claps

Problem solved guys.. *claps dirt off hands* we did it, job well done.

*looks around* Oh.. wait.

Legacy Username
While I like the general

While I like the general concept of the Unbinding Store, and that DOES ameliorate some of the problem with making 4* and 5* goods perma-bound, that still leaves crafters largely screwed for selling common items for people who want them.

My biggest concern with the patch, at this point, is that I'm STILL stuck with several "albatross" items on my character - items that I was crafting to sell for a modest profit once they reached 5*. Among these is an Ascended Calibur with 10 Heat level on it - ready to be crafted into a Leviathan Blade. But now, that's pointless, because I already have a Leviathan Blade for my own usage. I can make it a Leviathan Blade, but I can't sell it. And when the Unbinding Store comes around, I can... pay yet again for the chance to sell it, or keep it as a useless albatross.

GG, devs. You managed to turn one of your supporters into a bitter ex-supporter. Feel free to look at my record to see how much CE I've bought... to remind you how painful losing a good customer really is.

Vicarious's picture
"Were going to make a

"Were going to make a service for you to use even more crystal energy on just so you can trade. We think this is by far the fairest route we could take in a F2P game. As such, those who pay to play the game will outclass the F2P players on an astronomical scale. Also, our beloved Vog Cub set will easily sell for well over 10k crystal energy for each piece, if they have a half decent UV on them."

^ That is pretty much what I got out of this "explanation."

Legacy Username
Meh, do not want.

Screw obscene priced just to do gifts and such, I like to help my friends get good gear, and they help me, it wouldn't be the least valid to pay twice as much just to give a friend something they could make for half the costs.
furthermore, who cares about "rarity"!? when you make yourself an item, its the fact you made it that makes it nice, screw rarity. anyone who cant handle an item they like being common surely don't like it that much, an item's good whether its rare or not.
just save the time and make something better, it's hardly any improvement from this crud of auto bind.

And yeah, you missed the other major problem, CE prices, I already had to grind for way too long to get an item, in a F2P game that's not supposed to be all grinding.

Legacy Username
I note that some of you seem

I note that some of you seem to be misunderstanding what's being laid down here. My interpretation, at least, is as follows (leaving aside any speculation on how much this may have been about trying to sell more CE).

- Devs come up with some Really Cool Weapons (we'll take Avengers and Fausts, as obvious intended examples) with the intent that they be somewhat rare. If you're walking around sporting one of these things, it's supposed to mean something. You're supposed to be able to break it out and show it off and have people be actually fairly impressed that you have one.

- Devs note that Avenger/Faust salesmen are spending huge amounts of time on jelly runs, stamping out the "cool, rare swords" in job lots, and selling them off to anyone who can handle a moderate price bump from the cost of every other 4* sword out there. The Faust, rather than being cool and rare, is something that people are picking up as a matter of course because it's just sensible preparation for trying to tackle the Jelly King in the first place. The coolness of it is minimized (and this is true, and admittedly a bit sad. The only really cool items in the game these days are the rare drops and Fangs of Vog)

- Devs make a number of changes in pursuit of this goal, including making the majority of upper-tier untradeable. The messageboard explodes. Pertinent complaints are made from people who Really Really Like being crafters (seriously) that they want to be able to do the high-end professional crafter thing. Other folks point out that if you make it impossible for people to buy high-end characters for real money, you're really just outsourcing the issue to the gold farmers, and no one wants that (well, except the gold farmers themselves, and they don't count).

- Unbinding is brought in as a compromise solution. On the one hand, it *is* again possible (or, at least, will be) to buy your way into tier 5 gear within an hour or two of installing the game and breaking out your credit card. It's a niche, it's a high-value niche as far as revenue is concerned, and having it not go away is a good thing. huzzah. On the other hand, for those of us who are not playing with our wallets to that degree (IE, the vast majority of people), it's suddenly a much, much better idea to do the crafting for yourself. no one is going to be able to offer to sell you a premade 5* for anything like as cheap as you can make it yourself - so now we have the case where there are a tiny number of very rich people who get to buy the high-end stuff for real money, and for everyone else, if you're swinging an Avenger around it means that you ran the jelly king a bunch of times and then crafted the thing yourself. Similarly, the demand for such things has gone down, which means that the people who *do* serve as Avenger Merchants are providing an exclusive service to a wealthy clientele, rather than simply producing a relatively expensive commodity. The margins may well even go up - since there are so few people out there these days for whom it makes sense to buy Grand Fausts premade, there's going to be a lot of friction. The buyers will be few in number, and generally pretty erratic, and if you try to just drop it in the AH, you'll eat a fortune in posting fees.

So, basically, it's kind of cool as far as it goes. Mind you, I'm not convinced that it's *enough* to make things rare and nifty in that way, but that's a discussion for another time.

Also, Nick, as one of the people who was asking for explanations like this one, *thank* you. Now, could you possibly provide an explanation for the increased crafting costs? There are any number of plausible guesses we could make, but it would be helpful to know where you guys were coming from yourselves.

Legacy Username
This is the wrong approach.

This is the wrong approach. You want to make an item rarer? Make the materials rarer, or make the item require more rare materials. That cannot be counteracted by simply buying CE with real money. That was the problem before- people were buying CE with real money so that they fund crafting costs, because getting materials was NEVER a problem. You are making the problem worse now. Materials are still just as easy to get, and you need more CE. So people simply have to either buy more CE with real money, or focus on getting crowns and only crowns. People will on average craft less things which means materials will be used less and thus become more common. This will make them less valuable as well, making it harder for people to sell materials. Worst case scenario is that the only people who buy mats are those who are buying CE with real money, because they are the only people who can make things before they have the mats already from all the dungeon runs they're doing. Before this change, I was able to craft half of I wanted with materials I had already found, and I don't even buy CE with cash.

I will point out that if people are crafting less often, buying less recipes (because they can't freely sell the items), and buying recipes for less, then there's less crowns being removed from the game via crafting. There will be more crowns in the hands of players. I... don't really know much about how money circulates though so I don't know if this is a good or a bad thing.

soooo basically instead of

soooo basically instead of fixing the problem u guys started by nerfing jelly king "most horrible dev decision to this date TBH so everyone can get jelly tokens so easy now", and making mats so much more accessible via brinks the token trader ur basically implementing a (Sales Tax) for when players sell tier 4 and 5 gear now...

The more that I think about,

The more that I think about, the more terrible this is. Three Rings, please read Vitek and McFrugal's posts above (#17 and #48). Hell, just read everything.

Legacy Username
A possible suggestion

Actually, I had a further thought or two. If the post-crafting gear binding is really about the idea that some gear should be rare, why not have a few designated lines of common gear that *aren't* bound after crafting? The Calibur through Leviathan, say, and the armor that the Cobalt set turns into, and perhaps a few others. That way, if there's anyone out there who's just deeply allergic to the idea of crafting, they can still buy their way up the tiers at moderate prices - they'll just have fairly unexciting gear to do it with. If you want some things to be rare and nifty, give people a reason to have other things be common and everyday. Alternately, have a sliding scale at the unbinding shop. Maybe Leviathans cost relatively trivial amounts to unbind, while the price for Grand Fausts is sky-high. The way that you make something cool and rare (so that a few people can revel in it) is by making some other thing the path of least resistance (so that the people who don't care can just go with it).