Guys, i'm new here and been playing for 2 days but my crowns is still on the range of 10k-15k crowns, i'm only asking if, is there any other way except auctioning items. is there any like looting or anything? hehehe
Other way of being rich!

You've been playing for 2 days, lol.
Yes, you win money that way, but you're probably too low level to have access to the important stuff.
Keep playing normally, kill vanaduke, become a vanguard and start trading higher level items. (or just farm elite FSC over and over to get 10k every 20 minutes)

This question is asked all the time. Try searching Google for something like "spiral knights forums earn crowns". You will see many, many threads that might give you ideas. Welcome to the game, and good luck.

the best way to making money is farming fsc (king of ashes mission) for t2 is better farming the rjp (sovereing slime mission) and for t1 jus farm snarbolax (shadow of the beast mission). hope i helped!

You can grind Jelly Kings for the tokens so you can obtain sealed sword or an Antigua. Payout is also decent, around
2.8k on elite if I remember.

For me, merchanting doesn't work as smoothly for me on SK than for example RS, but that's because to merch effectively, you need items that you can buy in bulk, and material merching doesn't get you as much money as running some dungeons. And Im ssurprised that you 20kcr on your first two days. /applaud

Omg. 10k every 20 minutes? Share your secrets!!!

1) Unlock FSC elite 1337 mode
2) Acquire elite dragonlord equipment (Voltedhe CTR VH, Chaos set MWX Fire, Blitz CTR VH, and one Elite trueshot module and an elite slash)
3) Commence Charge spam
4) Repeat

YES, you could spam fsc to earn crowns, NO, you do not need CTR/Vh if you are wearing full chaos set.However ,chaos set is elemental protection and you don't need that in fsc so wrong armor unless you have done it many times already. you will need either shadow protection from undead or normal protection from trojans unless you tend to step on alot of spikes accidentally the just go with piercing/normal. If someone tells you they can do fsc in 20 minutes, they are embellishing and they would be lucky to complete the first level in that amount of time. So its 10kcr in more like 40 mins. with 5* team that is used to doing it. Also i think he meant Voltege for the sword and tbh Voltege spec as well as the shock effect hits lower than the Combuster so even though it is fire ,it works very well in fsc. on side note you will want to be bringing shivermist as well and fire protection is a must no matter which armor you choose.
Go ahead and auctioning items as you did for 2 days.... I don't think there's other way that better than merchanting if you know how.
That's just a Knight Elite opinion. So wait here to learn the fact from Vanguard....