Zombie Mode

What's happening forum :)
I'd like the OOO to create a ZOMBIE MODE for Spiral Knights!
Instead of zombies (which can be found in the totem depths), Skeletons could be another opertunity :)
Anyway, what if around 50 zombies are respawning, and the more you slay, the more gold you get. You would recieve the loot when your party is dead!
Some people would like guns and bombs to be the only availible weapons for zombie mode, but that's for the OOO to descide.
The arena depths are already designed, so using them for the zombie modes, would be a great short cut. But what if they designed a house with windows? And the zombies could brek through them?
Anyway, this is just a suggestion!
And I guess all of you Call Of Duty fans know what I'm talking about :P
Please reply :D
Meh, it's okay... But fighting just 1 enemy over and over is boring, like Evolution said. Instead of just being Skeletons/zombies, maybe it could also have some uniquq enemies that only appear in this mode, like maybe Zombie Jellies, Large Zombies, Zombie Turjans, etc. Also, maybe near the end of it, it could have some kind of really hard enemy (I have in mind a more powerful version of the Slag Guard, but I've never fought one yet because I don't have the equipment to go down that far, so they could be VERY hard for all I know)
I like the concept, but i'd like to see it more like a battle arena without health drops, so there are new monsters every wave, and you are destined to die eventually, because health doesn't generate from kills.

Evolution, you're making too much out of it. I don't want it to be a whole new storyline with upgrades spesific for the zombie mode, also, different enemies wouldn't be needed either. Zombie mode should be like in the Call Of Duty games. Clean and simple :)
I don't think that it would be that easy to just copy the gameplay.
You'd need to be able to imitate the key points of zombies: limited ammo, obtaining new weapons, opening up new areas to increase survival. It needs to force the players to create tactics to increase their survival.
Although the idea of an endless arena-style game mode would be fun. However, I don't think it should be a main source of crowns or items.
I don't like the Zombie minigame in CoD. I find it repetitive and kinda boring. There's variation with those because they all are SLIGHTLY different at least, and because of the game's engine being more powerful the creators did more WITH them. In this game, having zombies repeatedly attacking would get so BORING. There'd be no need to rush thru separate rooms to get better weapons because we have PRESET weapons that we ourselves bought/made.
This feature, without exponentially OP rewards, which would unbalance the rest of the game, would not be played by players for more than about 2 weeks. And then OP rewards unbalance the rest of the game and make it boring.
I'm completely against it =/ Keep CoD to CoD, not bring CoD to SK
The idea sounds entertaining, but not entirely as you presented in my opinion.
For one thing, they would have to exist of a separate (new) monster class. If for an example you put all undead creatures in there, a weapon like the Cold Iron Carver would have a big advantage over the others because of its ultra bonus vs undead. This would create some sort of a limit to your equipment choice if you are to maximise your profits.
Another thing would be what kinds of monsters. I think slashing through 1 single type of monster can get incredibly dull. Having some variety towards semi-bosses and bosses would make things much more interesting after a bunch of kills.
The last thing I had in mind, what story would you create around it? An arena where you fight against waves of monsters that only grants you your profits after you died seems a little off to me. Perhaps though it could work along the lines of a Coliseum, where your Spiral Knight is "replaced" by an advanced Mecha-Knight that looks like your knight. (same equipment and etc) This way dieing in there would just be another robot to "repair". That could be attached to some costs perhaps, an alternative to the entry fee we have now? And it could also require you to purchase one of these advanced mecha's in a later stage of the game? Just letting my thoughts go here!