Hello all. I Have been playing this game for a little over 2 years now and would like to get a better understanding of what the Average knight and Player is. If you would like to participate, mail me ingame IGN: Jzthree with your answers numbered, all questions are mandatory unless otherwise marked . Thanks for participating
1) Male or Female (optional)
2) Age (optional)
3) How long have you been playing
4) What is the average * is your gear (0-5*)
5) Are you in a Guild
6) How many in-game friends do you have
7) What sprite do you have (if none, write so)
8) Where did you hear about the game
2-3 years
5 stars except the few gears I'm trying to alchemize more
5 ones that I talk to frequently
Team Fortress 2 hat promo :3