Excalibur is a sword with near max speed, and the attack of a lv 10 Leviathan Blade (they do gain attack power as they level up, right?). It gives Ultra damage boost to Undead and Fiend monsters
Materials needed to make it:
10x of all shards
20x Brimstone (change to Dragon Scale)
2x Power cell (add to Plasma Cell count)
3x Cooling cell (increase to 5)
30x Scrap Metal (change to Iron wood)
1x Plasma Cell
5x Swordstone
3x Zee Core (change to Royal Core or Unstable Core)
6x Silver Coil
5x Primal Ore (change toVolcanic Iron)
10x Iron Gear (change to Drake scale)
(add 3x Flame Soul)
Leviathan Blade (lv 10)
400 Energy
40000 Crowns
Hard to get, am I right? This would prove very useful since it has near max speed, and the attack of a level 10 Leviathan Blade, and gives an Ultra attack bonus against Fiends and Undead. Oh, and please give me some better names!
Dragon scales are in game already. Also, I think he is suggesting a weapon, not posting about a current one.
Edit: And also, not very hard to get. I think there are a lot of players who can make a couple of these right now, maybe minus the sword stone, which seems to be in short supply (at least, my guild mates and I spent most of ours already.
Evolution, we're on the suggestions forum. Excalibur doesn't exist in the game.
Ohh lol, my bad. I thought this was an existing sword.
I that case I vote no to that sword. A few reasons:
- Swords don't gain attack speed when they're upgraded. Their are 3 types, slow, medium and fast. They tend to keep it when they're upgraded and I think this should not be changed.
- Overall stats, your sword would be way overpowered. I'm already annoyed by Antigua's in the game, since they and their upgrades make nearly all other guns look useless. Overpowered items, as rare as they may be, are not a good thing in my opinion.
- Your proposed requirements to craft that sword are not quite hard to reach. Except for the energy, crowns and leviathan swords, I have enough materials for 5 of those already. Getting the crowns and energy is just a matter of days if you save up all you earn.
At the moment swords go up till 5*, whereas every sword still has its strengths and weaknesses compared to others. You can't quite make a sword with no weaknesses?

I'm already annoyed by Antigua's in the game, since they and their upgrades make nearly all other guns look useless
Volcanic Pepperbox says "Hi".
No, I didn't say attack speed, I said attack POWER!
Maybe Excalibur could have the attack POWER of the Tempered Calibur or lower speed but keep attack power or remove 1 damage bonus? (I would remove Undead if it came to that)
Here are some ideas for other versions of it:
Elemental: Affiliated with elements, has only Elemental attack power, comes in all Elements (including shadow). Gives attack bonus based on element, high speed
Heavy: Top version of Hatchet. Has max attack power, but very low speed. Attack bonus vs. Construct: Ultra
Beast Basher: Attack bonus vs. Beast: Ultra Decent speed, and high attack power
Slime Slasher: Attack bonus vs. Slime: Ultra Decent speed, high attack power
Brandish: Decent speed, a little attack power in all elements
The thing with all these, is that they need the best weapon from their group.
Example: You need the best elemental sword to craft an Elemental Excalibur. Shadow Excalibur would need the best Shadow Elemental sword.
Actually, you said "Excalibur is a sword with near max speed" while the other Calibur have only half of max speed. Aka, you suggested an increase in attack speed, considering the sword would come forth from the Calibur series.
There is no need still for an even stronger version of a sword. There are already swords that go to max attack power. They have that in terms of balancing along with their other disadvantages.
Have you ever wielded a 5* sword? I am thinking that you haven't, else you would have noticed there's absolutely no need at all for more power if you wish for this game to be any challenge at all.
So you want to make the most overpowered weapon in the game, so there is no sense in using any other sword, and have it being made with really common materials?
Sounds terrible.
Those versions are either still broken or just useless.....
You might want to wait for the experimental brandish line and see if they are up to you liking.

The other forms sound like proposals for swords that already exist. This would be confusing.
Also, the recipe you posted is a weird mix of totally unrelated 4-5* items, and it really reads like you went through your inventory to see what you had. To ask this a different way: what is it that you feel other available swords are currently lacking, and how would your proposal fill a new and interesting role in the game?
Remember, your sword should not replace existing weapons, nor should it be the single universally most powerful thing ever created. If you can smite all enemies with a single blow, the game isn't fun. Given that this sword has bonuses galore, what are the drawbacks? If this exists, why would I ever want to try to create any other weapon?
I find it ironic that the holy sword Excalibur is made from such common and evil materials. You'd think it would be made with 3 Sun Silver before 3 Flame souls. Could it be that OP made this sword with his materials collection in mind..?
In any case, Neo, your high attack power/lower speed with damage bonus vs fiends sword you described is basically the Divine Avenger. If we do have an Excalibur in this game (Not necessarily OP's suggestion... This is a game where one set of equipment should not be ideal for the entire game, hence the various defenses and weaknesses of each item. Even Unique bonuses are mostly passable.) the recipe for it and maybe some key materials might be acquired through a quest system. (Is this game going to have one?)
Oh, and I'm not sure if the game is ready for another tier yet. If it continues the trend from tier 2 to tier 3, then the energy costs of crafting any 6 star gear would be insane.
Wow o.O that means there's some sort of a 6* sword? I do hope they're intending to put this in the game for all the swords, or most of them atleast.. It's not fun working hard for a weapon and then finding out yours wasn't picked for the super powerful ones.
Side-question, did you find the recipe from a Traveling Merchant somewhere?
Side-note, the materials are actually very easy to get by the looks of it. Right now the Leviathan blade is the only one that can't be made because of the Dragon Scale?