The security camera footage was almost too painful to watch. Daud could see Justifiers being slain left and right without so much as a second's warning. All he could see was a blurry black figure shooting past the camera, followed by the panicked reactions of the wounded Justifiers.
He was looking at the work of a dedicated assassin. What was he after? He didn't free any prisoners; rather, he slew them too.
I glance at Alec. He was drinking the canteen of coffee after munching down the dubbed CoffeeSicles. He said, "So... What games were you talking about?"
"I'd have to ask you one question, though, before I exactly answer the question." I say, before checking the barrel of the Blitzes. I mumble, "Hm... Thirty more needles each... I need to pick up what I put out..."
((So understand it a little clearer...))
"You okay with that, Alec?"