Just started and was wondering if any of you play
Anyone here play clash of clans
How do you go about adding people in clash of clans? What In-game name would you look for, game center or clash of clans name?
Game center: Blade-of-grass66
Clash (i have no clan yet): air
Saving to rebuil clan castle
I'm Town hall lvl 7 right now, both game center and ign is Doom-Xx (yep named after me over here lol). You have to add people on game center and it'll automatically add them into Clash of Clans. and my clan is world leaders, ya need lvl 4 archers to join sooooo yeah.
Added you on GC. Hope i sent it to the correct name
EDIT: is is Doom-Xx without the - ?
I play, only level three town hall, just started two days ago.
I don't actually have the clan castle fixed yet, but Im working on it.
I spend most of my time on bubble tanks or other MMO's