So i recently had to get a whole new setup due to my old crappy PC dying.
I've got a new setup which comprises of this:
Processor: Intel i5-3350p @ 3.1Ghz (quad)
GPU: GeForce GT630
Mobo: AsRock B75 Pro3-M (CPUSocket)
Thing is I have read this problem of switching resolutions and to fullscreen with late model ATI... but as you can see I don't use ATI.
What exactly happens in steps is this:
(Running via Steam)
1. Open Spiral knights and now the game is windowed (used to be fullscreen on my old setup)
2. Have to reconfigure my controls and prefernces for chat etc
3. Switch resolution perfectly fine, no game exit
4. Check fullscreen, click apply
5. Game exits to desktop and I can still see the java process running in Task Manager
6. All my drivers and java installation are up to date
Is there any solution to this? I cannot play windowed due to clicking off of the window in the midst of a panicky battle or something.
This is frustrating to say the least.
create extra.txt in folder with game(Steam\steamapps\common\Spiral Knights) and add this
If you turned on fullscreen mode and can't run the game, press Win+R and paste it and press Enter:
REG ADD HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\JavaSoft\Prefs\projectx /v fullscreen /t REG_SZ /d false
Press Y and run game again.