Does the fire status from the toothpick do the same damage as the fire status from any other weapon (such as ash of agni, combuster proc[not blasts but status])?
I know the damage done by fire is unique, and doesn't fit in any of the main categories of damages. Is the damage the same for a lower star weapon as it is for a 5*? I know damage bonuses don't increase proc status damage.
A test of fire damage on depth 19, shock theme:
* Ash of Agni vs. kat: 31
* Ash of Agni vs. zombie: 60
* Furious Flamberge vs. zombie: 69
The Ash figures agree with that weapon's wiki page. I don't know about lower-star weapons; I don't keep those around for testing. By the way, Furious Flamberge ignites a kat really rarely. I tried tens of times, and couldn't make it happen.