Guildhall Arenas and New Decorations

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Legacy Username

So, I was just recently in the Guildhall of the Derp Knights, and it looked no different from the Six Samurais one (Six Samurais was the guild I was in before). The Guildhalls look so bland, and are so small, and have no purpose except to buy trinkets. In order to make them cooler, and give them an actual purpose. For decorations, maybe allow the Guildmaster(s) to create or select banners? For example: Say I start my own guild, called the 7 Moons. The banner would be probably have 7 moons on it, and if I were to create a guild called the Blazing Knights, it's banner would probably be a Knight on fire. You could only create a banner from objects/shape supplied by OOO, so no profane banners can be made. Also, maybe add trophies? The way this would work is that when a member of the guild has done a certain thing, a trophy will be added to the guildhall in the empty room on the left. Or course, that room would need to be modified in order to have this make sense, or OOO could make an entirely new room in the guildhall for trophies.

As for the arena idea, maybe have something in the back of the guildhall that looks similar to the PvP thing in the arcade, exept green (the colour of guild chat). This costs no crowns or energy, and has no equipment restrictions. There is no prize, just like normal PvP (unless someone issues one).

Legacy Username
I definitely agree, the guild

I definitely agree, the guild halls should be more than just a place with a trinket vendor. The banners would be a nice touch, and special guild-related achievements for things could have effects on the guild hall. For example, if a guild gets 25 members, the guildhall could get a little bigger and the fountain in the front could change, or if a certain amount of people in the guild all have tier 2 armor, a trophy could be added in a designated trophy room. A guild bank could also be implemented, which is to help newbies/people who need crowns quick. Also, if someone's in the guild hall, the normal chat should instead be changed to guild chat.

The guild hall as of now is totally unnecessary, but it has potential to become a place where guild members actually want to hang out.

Legacy Username
This is cool.

A staple of a generic game of this type in media always has a guild hall, but this is one of the few I've actually seen that uses them. It's a really cool idea, and while I use it as a faster meeting spot for trades already, allowing customization would be a neat feature.