ok so here are some suggestions that i have seen posted all on the fours and there i scurrently a wiki with suggestions here (working on getting the link up again)
to summirize some of that(my favorite three)
Rarer rare mat drops -(advatage encorages more game play gives newer players a way to contuie to make a little extra cash and makes it harder to craft 5*)
Make un binding a capped crown sink(40-50k crown) - (advantage push price of Ce down becuase of people selling ce to unbind and still rises price just not doubles it)
Require more Mats and lower drop rate-(advatage see above)
The devs need to know we are on their side and will do our best to suppourt them they will comprmise on most things if we do it civily
*note sorry for misspellings did this kinda fast feel free to post your own options and i will edit it up to the top of the board and advanatages are my own opnion feel free to post other advtages you might see.
CE sinks are the only thing that drive profitability of the game. Saying "We do not support CE sinks" is equivalent to saying "we don't want you to make any money at all."
Without CE sinks there will be no revenue for OOO. Without revenue there will be no way to pay for servers, developers, or GMs. In short, there will be no game. If you like the game and want it to continue to exist, please don't SHOUT silly things.
It's a shame you got so HWFO over this, because some of the ideas - like requiring more materials and maybe making the unbind fee all (or largely) crowns might be good ideas. Also, the link you gave to your suggestion wiki page is broken.