Well I tried looking in the wiki but none of them stated at which mission lobby can I buy the recipe from. So can anyone tell me where I can find the recipe via mission lobby?
Where can I get Kilowatt Pulsar and Blackhawk recipe?
Tue, 09/03/2013 - 02:43

Tue, 09/03/2013 - 05:12

in general
In general, if you want to know where to find the recipe for any item, just look that item up on the wiki. The item's wiki page will tell you exactly where the recipe can be found --- Basil, Hall of Heroes, missions, etc.
Sun, 09/15/2013 - 01:49

Like Treavelliath said...
Either do Tier 2 Arcade until you get to a clockwork terminal where Basil is and hope he sells does recipes or buy them from the Auction House for a bunch of crowns...
Arcade, Depths 13 and 23, from a fine chap named Basil who sells random recipes.
Don't worry, as soon as you give up trying to get him to sell the recipes you want and you buy the recipes from the AH, Basil will sell them to you next time you cross paths. He's a fickle creature that way.