(I know I'm making a lot of these threads, but I don't want to put too many different topics in 1 thread)
So far what I've noticed visually from this difficulty rebalancing is that items give a lower health bonus when you're playing higher up. My experiences during actual game-play were the following for Haven to Moorcroft:
(a quick summary of my equipment: 12 NML, 300 PRC, 300 ELE, 0 SHD, Wyvern Scale Shield lvl 5, Cold Iron Carver lvl 10)
- The first half I seem to be nearly immune to taking damage. Spikes need to hit me around 2-4 times before I even lose half a bar. Monsters have the same issue with dealing damage to me. It's very, very low
- Unlike normal armor, my shield seems to break very quickly. This happens sometimes immediately after taking a hit from a Lumber
- At the first 3 depths I can kill monsters in 2-3 hits max. The last 3 depths take me around 4 hits for non-Lumbers.
Basically I feel that it's still way too easy. Especially compared to the pay you're getting for it after the update. A main issue is the damage you take, and the damage you deal. Another side-effect from being at the shallow end is both the AI and the abilities of the monsters. Wolvers can't poof around, Gun Puppies only shoot 1 bullet at a time, Mages don't seem to either revive or cast magic shields, jellies are slow and mostly jump away from you, etc etc. These are also a major cut on difficulty.
Any other opinions here?
The shallow levels are still easy. Period.