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Bild des Benutzers Oi-Mate

Hi my name is Siqmaphantom and i am one of the current officers in the guild Umbra Nebula( it means "Shadow Cloud" in Latin). We curently have over 100 active members and at least 7-12 members online at all times. We are mostly a pure T2-T3 guild but we accept all tiers, so if you are tier 1 and are looking for an experienced guild who can help you out U.N. is the right place for you :). Our Guild Hall as unlocked the central war room and the 3rd floor and we have a bar, hunters Lodge, Alchemy room, Auction House, a member room and a veterans room. Now i will tell you a bit of our guild and its rules.

At the moment we do not have alot of rules, these are our rules:
1. No begging
2. Be nice and respect others( that does not mean you can not swear but if you do keep it in a jokingly manner.
3. We have weekly donation Fee's which have to be paid. You can decide to either pay for the whole month or to pay it week by week. If you choose the first option please pay it at the beginning of the month.

Now we sadly do not have that much of a history because we basically don't really remember who were the 1st members of the guild and who did what exactly so yeah, but we do know that this guild is aproximatly 1 year and about 7 months old ( +- 2 months)
Abit about our GM's , Officers , Veterans and members

So what is our guild all about?We basically like to fool around alot while doing some runs or while being in the guildhall. We have 2 different type of players in our guild. Those who play this game seriously and almost in a competitive way and those who play it just for fun. We do not really play Guild LD so if you are looking for a LD guild i will disappoint you(mainly because we do not have enough LD players). Now here's some info on some of our members.

So what can i say about our GM derp? He is a funny guy and also very paranoid( He is abit like marvin from "The Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy). He is a decent guy i suppose but hes also a lazy bum. Most of the time you see him in our Guild Hall and looking through the Auction House. Now even though he is a lazy bum at times if asked he would help as much as he can(well sometimes he would make the excuse "i dont have enough time" and then stays infront of the AH(Auction House) and talk with some random dude or hes watchin anime.). No but seriously he is a great guy and i couldnt wish for a better GM. He helped me out alot in SK. He is my favorite player in SK <3. And he might sound like a lazy bum(which he is) but in reality he tries to help out everyone as much as he can and tries to see whats best for the guild and everyone inside it.Also worth mentioning is that hes the founder of our guild.

So Buzz is one of the more quiet responsible kind of players. He knows alot about PvE and plays alot and tries to help alot but he does not get so engaged in the whole community part of the guild(which does not mean he never talks but rather that he only talks when he sees the need to...which is not that often). I think he is one of the more mature players in our guild. There is not much more to say about our friend buzz beside that without him we would have no proper structure in our guild.

Sooooo Emsan was one of the first members to be in the guild and he is a rather weird fellow. When being awake he is more of the sarcastic kind of grumpy guy but when hes tired hes true side comes out ( you dont want to be close to him when hes tired). He becomes a pervert and starts chasing people around in our guild hall for no real reason. Also he has a fetish for small green goblins...just saying. Other then that no one really knows why exactly emsan is officer because he doesnt really do much but we all agreed that i can not hurt to have him there because hes not gonna do much anyway.

You could say im the evil mastermind in our guild. What i basicly do all day is to come up with ideas and discuss them with our GM's. Now derp of course would either try to avoid having to discuss them or would just be saying: "ehhhh....im not so sure if we should do that". I spend most of my money either on the guild or on costumes/accessory (im a costume fanatic). I don't do clockworks that often to be honest. I mostly go for prestige missions and then online for the rest of the time trying to find new victims to join our Ranks or talking to people in our guild.

So LS(meaning lightspeed) angel is our only female(at least i think so ) players in our guild. Shes a very quiet player and goes around recruiting people. Shes very knowledgeable about the game. Most of the time you can see her doing some kind of clockwork run.

He does not come on very often anymore sadly but he is the number one pervert in our guild. My advice: dont get to close to him. Funny guy and a decent player in SK. Hates it when he gets called a girl.

Alex is one of our nicest and most mature players. He started playing about 3 months ago but was able to get to Vanguard in that time without spending a single penny. Even though he does not know much about the game yet, he is growing at a rapid speed.

So what can i say about recon aka Nbay ...Hes the troll of our guild. He used to be an officer in our guild but for some strange unknown reason he does not want to be officer anymore. He loves to confuse people so My advice on dealing with him is to not listen to him or playing along(whichever you prefer).

To be honest there is nothing that special about beside that hes plain and hes so plain that that makes him special again. I like to call him ford or Harrison Ford sometimes, but most people call him frantic. I would almost say that he is one of my favorite members in the guild(but only almost).

So im gonna quote ani on what exactly he is: "Well im a white polish Cyclops" so thats all about him.

Now here is our FAQ(Frequently asked questions):

Q: How can i rank up in the guild?
A: Most of the time you get recommended by an officer and then the guild masters will discuss if that seems like a good decision.

Q: What happens if i don't donate?
A: If you do not donate for a month without giving us a reason beforehand you will be kicked from the guild. If you have been inactive or on holiday we will not kik you and you wont have to pay the fees.

Q: If i donate more can i rank up faster in the guild?
A: Yes and no. At the one hand we appreciate it and if you are a recruit or a member it could certainly help you rank up since we see it as you want to help the guild to grow,but it will not make a difference if you want to become an Officer or guild master.

If you want to apply please answer those questions:
What tier are you?
Since when have you been playing?
What is your timezone?
How many hours of SK do you play per day?
How old are you(optional)?
Tell us something about yourself(optional).

If you have any questions feel free to Mail me or PM me in game
Greetings Siqmaphantom

:P lol plain and he calls me

:P lol plain and he calls me harrison ford xD

Bild des Benutzers Buzzshadow
BuzzShadow here. (one of the

BuzzShadow here. (one of the guild's GMs) there is a couple of things I want to add. one is that we let ANY person in the guild. your tier doesn't matter. also, our donation system depends on your tier. if you are T1 you pay 300 cr per week, T2 pays 700 and T3 pays 1400. so dont worry if you have good gear or not.

Bild des Benutzers Sweroy

and if you like Umbra Nebula, please join the Umbra Nebula group on skype.

Bild des Benutzers Oi-Mate

Small Update:
We are almost able to get shadow snarby ;)

Well alot of stuff has been

Well alot of stuff has been goin on while i was gone :P so fill me in when u have the chance