I was wondering if Greavers still appearing in Clockwork Tunnels: Infernal Passage/Haunted Passage, because since Greavers are Elite Monsters (like Mecha Knights and Gremlin Thwackers), i have not seen again them in Clockwork tunnels and seems that they have been replaced by Gorgos.
Same about Pit Bosses, Overtimers and Yesmen, i have never seen in normal clockwork tunnels. Can someone confirm if they still appearing?
Obsolete Fiends locations?

I've never seen bosses, overtimers and yesmen appear in the tunnels.
The checks for turning devilites into other types of devilites are probably coded into those special types and can't happen without them being present in the first place. That's what I think, at least.

I don't think so, Pit Bosses spawns are always programed in determined areas like Heart of Ice, Devilish Drudgeries or Dark City levels, if you defeat THAT Pit Boss, a random Devilite will become in a Pit Boss, Overtimers will become in a normal Devilite and Yesmen in Overtimers. That is how it works, i think.
Exactly! If there aren't Pit Bosses in clockwork tunnels = No Yesmen, no Overtimers
I'll wait a bit more if players have seen Pit Boss/Yesmen/Overtimers and Greavers (after the Greaver buff update) in the clockwork tunnels before editing the locations in the wiki.
Can't a devilite turn into a pit boss, if there are other devilites but no boss around?
If I'm right, they could spawn, but you kill them too fast.