What time range is Very Long?
What time range is Long?
What time range is Medium
What time range is short?
What time range is very short?
Thank you! =D
What time range is Very Long?
What time range is Long?
What time range is Medium
What time range is short?
What time range is very short?
Thank you! =D
I'd say Very Short is more like 5 minutes or less...
I got into a bidding war in a very short auction that went on for 45 minutes before I had to go. I strongly suspect 'very short' of being equal to 1 hour.
One of my friends recently suggested that the duration might be dependent on the original duration... [I personally doubt it but here it goes:]
So "Very short" might be 15 min or less for a 4h auction, whereas it might be 1h for a 2 days auction
If that it the case, it would really be verrrrry annoying, but...
Whenever I'm sitting at the AH, I'm wondering how long each stage technically lasts. Any form of clarification of this would be awesome, be it Forum, Wiki or in-game. If the stages are definite would we get a list? If they're relative could we get a percentage for each, perhaps?
Over in some other threads we have learned (and it has been confirmed by a developer) that 'very short' is not a fixed time, and one of the factors auction duration is influenced by is bid activity. A bidding war will push off the auction end, making 'very short' appear to take a long time when it's actually that the end time keeps moving back.
This, of course, makes getting hard numbers a bit difficult.
Good question. I don't think anyone has exact answers, -but-
a 2-day auction starts at very long
a 1-day auction starts at long
I think a 4-hour auction starts at medium but very soon becomes short.
'Very short' is ... -very- short. Definitely less than an hour. Quite probably 15 minutes or less.
So roughly, I propose (without doing extensive testing):
Very Long: 48-24 hours
Long: 24-12 hours
Medium 12-2 hours
Short: 2 hours - 15 minutes
Very short: Less than 15 minutes.
That's just from using it though and not taking notes, probably flawed.