Didn't expect that, did you? Well.... Yeah. Can someone fill me in on what happened while I was gone? It might be over a month before I can come back from the dead, but....
Kaiju?! But I thought you were dead!!!
@Thin: still waiting for the next part for the RP...
@Kaiju: Welcome back :)
We need you for the next part of AoH. :3
Thin got his RP started.
I made a thread that promoted stalking.
Tev's contest is on it's last day.
You may or may not missed like four promos. :3
Nick made a super-fantastic-fun-time announcement.
I put out one or two more chapters on AC.
My good friend put up his remixes...
That's all I got.
Before you go back to your month of idleness, at the very least put up the next part of AoH. :3
:3 Face Count: 3. :3
I mean 5.
EDIT: Actually 6 if you count the Subject. XD
OMG, you're back!
You've missed a few chapters.
I was about to say that in my thread.
I've gotten anger issues the month you were gone.
Now I'm raging at everything.
@Thin: everything.
@Top: I noticed. Posted a reply on the thread. Damn your love triangles, Top....
@Hex: more like grounding...
@Sky: XD yeah.... She cries a lot. Topo, less crying, more killing stuff in a blind rage!
@Ice: yeah, Attack on Cradle might have to be temporarily postponed. For a month. Or longer. But I hope you guys will think its worth the wait. ^_^ and what do you mean super fantastic fun time announcement? O.o by the way, I'll try to read up on AC later... Just not yet.
@Trololo: first of all.... I just wanna ask, do I know you? And how do you know me? Second, I'm not officially back yet, I'm just trying to sneak in some posts...
Not to be pushy, but I'm still waiting for Death From Above to continue. But, you know, that's up to you. Don't mind me. Nope, just sitting here, completely not judging you for anything. Everything's cool.
I have sown the seeds of doubt, and now they shall grow on the moisture of your despair!
But seriously, I think you're really on to something with that, and it's sort of disappointing to watch an RP sap the life out of it. It just seems to happen so often as of late.
yeah all these RP's are messing up the fanficss. Finish death from above!!!!!!!! It's so good!!!!
What exactly did you want to be filled in on?