All know that almost every Battlepod is unique because they have different abilities, status and not all use the same attacks, i have noticed that in Operation Crimson Hammer the Battlepod of Silence the Guns level uses a 'flamethrower' attack, the Battlepod of A Revelation in Flames mission spits ice and the Battlepods of Sewer Stash mission use a poison area/aura.
My question is... Should we add those attacks in the ability list for the Battlepod? I know that it is a silly question but i prefer to wait for opinions first.
About the abilities of Battlepods
The only Battlepods with shock status are in the rank mission 'The Vile Engine'. According with the UI, all Battlepods have the same name.
I added all mission locations for Battlepods weeks ago, (im not sure if i miss some mission), and an extra information in the trivia part about what type of status is the Battlepod found:
The rest of Battlepods not mentioned in the trivia don't use status attack (although i remember that some of them used a stun aura/area but i don't know where it was...)
It sounds as if you know battlepods better than I do (which isn't surprising). Your plan sounds good. But the current Trivia section contains some non-trivial facts --- such as "NOT all Battlepods attack of the same way, some of them use bullets only, others use beams and rockets, etc..." This seems like pretty important information. Maybe you could try to integrate the status listing in the Trivia section into the rest of the article. For example, in the Locations cell, pair each battlepod with its status?
I have mentioned the 'Fire Battlepods' of Operation Crimson Hammer in the trivia section and moved the important information into the Traits part.
Mmmh... I will check if it fits well in the ability cell first, i hope it is not too chaotic...
What about the rocket/laser battlepods in the Seerus fight?
Those Battlepods are the fire version (just look their eyes, the normal Battlepod has a yellow eye, the fire version has a red eye). They threw missiles, 4 rockets at same time and usually use a single laser.
now i think... I should add the 'sky missiles' attack in the ability list...
Each battlepod should have it's own entry, like status variants on any other monster page.
I blame OOO for not releasing official names or reskining seerus battlepods.
Is it too bad if we name them *first mission it appears-pod* ?
Or at least shock pod, fire pod.
Funny fact: The first Battlepod that you fight is located in The Ancient Generator mission, it uses the poison skin-version but doesn't use any poisonous attack, so... Technically the poison Battlepod should be called *first mission it appears-pod* :P
It sounds like a fine idea, but how many are we talking about? So far we have flamethrower, ice, and poison. The battlepods I encounter in Assault on Machine Shop 13 (or maybe other missions like it --- I don't remember) give off a shock haze. I'll keep an eye out, as I go through all of the missions again (collecting crown payout data to help Lancer Knightz). And of course we have no official names for these things.
I think that there should be one wiki page "Battlepod". It should note that battlepods come in these various flavors, yes. But it must not suggest that a single battlepod can employ all of these attacks, right?