I don't understand why it's so hard for the staff of this game to release patchnotes AHEAD of time.
3rd reboot day in a row. And no update notes posted beforehand.
Well luckily when I just logged on and joined a gate it was at a terminal and happened to see the msg so nothing lost however I could see why some would be upset, emergency maintenance sure give constant in game warnings other than that for regular maintenance it should all be scheduled so people don't waste energy and crowns.

30 mins is plenty of time to finish the level your in (in most cases)
20 mins is still plenty of time for most levels (depends on how fast you can do jelly king/vanaduke levels)
10 mins is still doable for some levels (especially the first levels of a tier)
>10 mins it wouldn't be a bad idea to lock the gates so you couldn't go down, that or give an automated message on login.
After the last unannounced patch, I wonder what new terrors will be unleashed upon the Clockworks. My guesses:
-Gates now cost 15 energy for t2 and 30 for t3
-Friends now bind upon being added, they cannot become friends with other players without paying an 'unfriend' fee
-Buyable haircuts for your knights! Only 3000 CE for 15 days.
@ pkninja
stop giving them new bad ideas, you know those are the only one the devs gravitate to
-Gates now cost 15 energy for t2 and 30 for t3
Don't give them ideas...
This is truthfully the first game where i have seen the developers say NOTHING about an update. Everyone's wondering what just got updated, and there's no answers.
Do they even care about their members?
I still have no clue if the Go Solo is bugged, would be awesome to hear a confirmation on it being fixed.

All I care about is them fixing go solo/kicking. And the newly created Basil issues (no inventory even if you start 2+ floors about him).
If we can start with the small things that shouldn't have been broken, then we can go somewhere.

Hopefully some good bug fixes happened, would appreciate a post in the announcement boards though.
Yes they give you 30 minutes to finish up, no they don't release patch notes 30 minutes before the update, yes the OP still has a valid point.

A game reboot doesn't always require patch notes as a reboot doesn't always come with a patch. The reboot from last night was just that, and that's why the reboot message described it as regular server maintenance. The reboot from this afternoon should have had a similar message, and if it didn't that was an error.
Today's reboot simply coincided with the release of some new support features.

so uh...that means parties are still broken?

I stand corrected, some bugfixes did make it out with the build. They've been added to the announcements and yes, parties are fixed.

... It sounds like they tell you about as much as they tell us Nick, dang that must suck.
Either way the original poster's point still stands firm because the reboot was one of 2 possible things...
A: What you just said, a scheduled maintenance. Most scheduled maintenance happens at regular intervals, and if it is a scheduled maintenance then it would not be hard by any means to put a sticky in the Announcements forum that says "The servers reboot at (insert time) each (insert day of the week). It is to help control lag (or some other such thing)."
B: It was a patch (which it looks like it was considering you had to post the bug fixes included in it). And since it was then they should tell somebody, probably you seeing as you make 90% of the announcements, what is being fixed, added, changed, etc, so that the players can give accurate bug reports when it doesn't work.
It's called give and take. We can't help you fix whats broken if you don't tell us what is being updated, and you can't keep paying customers with ninja updates that make us all go "what the hell did they change now...", especially after such a negatively received update as the last one was.
Still, it's starting to get really frustrating. NO matter if regular or irregular... or if announced or not.
(also, I seem to always do double posts since the forum update. sry.)

why did you bump a 3 month old thread?
Because when I got hit by another one of those frustrating regular server maintenance reboots I had no better idea than to use the forum "search" function which I found can be quite frustrating on its own, too. Maybe it should be renamed to: "show me some random dead threads".

"This is truthfully the first game where i have seen the developers say NOTHING about an update. "
Someone hasn't played any steam games before.
I get "blank" updates on games all the time. TF2, portal 2, left 4 dead 2....
Oh no, this is so dumb!
Now I will leave because of this. Cry, cry.