so this is how it goes..
im old player of spiral knights, im playing the game for more then a year now, and i had few storys and ideas in my mind.
eventualy i decided to make spiral knight story (or show i gues) that will folow story of real in game players or caracters. for example me and my friends, game npc. it should folow main plot of SK but in adition to few ideas changes and storys of my own, now dont get me wrong im not trying to copy the SK story i just want to tell a tale trough it. i plan to make some artwork about spiral knights that folows my story and narate it leater on. ill pop everything togeder to make youtube videos, wich ill be posting on forums for intrested players to see (if thats alowed ofcorse, heavent cheked yet).
its something i alweys wanted to try out, and last few thigs i would like to say is that i dont look forward to earn money from this, and i am loking for ideas sugestions and aprovment from one of the admins should they read this. i wouldnt like my show draged around copyright or canceled, i just want to help game grow i gues and have some fun along the way myself.
post comments, give sugestions and i highly apologise for my bad spelling
happy hunting
Welcome to the world of fanfictions, O lost wanderer. This is a journey of peril and ultimate demise that has toppled many a giants.
Just joking.
Post your prologue before anything else. Then ask people to character apps. Then post your chapters. Then wait for lawlzers to support.
Good Luck Have Fun.