Could we get a thread going for recipes? I've only got a few, so I'll need some contribution.
I'll update this post if you guys post the ones you know. Will wikify later.
Template is as follows. Could probably be replaced with just a screenshot of the item, or a link to the corresponding wiki article:
Name of item : Cost of Recipe
Stat (initial value in squares/final lvl max value ) (aproximate)
Aditional abilities or whatever
-- Swords --
So far all I know have been added to
-- Handguns --
-- Bombs --
-- Helms --
-- Armors --
* Firebreak Armor : 1250
Normal: 2.1 / 3.2
Piercing: 2.1 / 3.2
Elemental: 2.1 / 3.2
Shadow: 2 / 3
Fire: 2
Freeze: -1.2
Shock: -1.2
Health +1
- 5 x Red Shard
3 x Scrap Metal
3 x Bronze Bolt
2 x Iron Gear
1 x Fuel Canister
-- Shields --
* Firebreak Shield: 1250
Normal: 2.9 / 4.5
Piercing: 2.9 / 4.5
Elemental: 2.9 / 5
Shadow: 3 / 4.5
Fire: 5
Freeze: -2
Shock: -2
- 5 x Blue Shard
3 x Bronze Bolt
1 x Iron Gear
1 x Fuel Canister
Special: Emberbreak Shield (lv1)
-- Trinkets --
-- Materials --
-- Alloys --
Good work so far! As my Guilds Alchemist, I possess A TON of recipes, and I'll get around to uploading them soon enough.