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The poke threads of olden times were pretty funny, and bumping dead threads is usually poor form.
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The poke threads of olden times were pretty funny, and bumping dead threads is usually poor form.
Usevnsevnsixfivfor pokes Draycos to death and steals all his stuff.
pokes Draycos with a toilet, accidentally spilling sewage water all over him.
@Pipipipipi /e flails wildly.
@Usevnsevnsixfivfor I worked hard for that stuff! Do you realize how difficult it is to steal from castle vaults without anybody noticing, when you're ten feet tall and thirty feet long?
@Epic-Samurot But it's not even connected to the pipes since you're holding it, how did you...
@Cupcake-God Summoning clones from parallel dimensions has some pretty bad side effects. For instance, I am now on fire and made of paper. :(
@Draycos no, I grabbed your arm and poked you with it
Well... stop doing that too. My arm isn't supposed to bend that way.
/poke Draycos whit his Warmaster Rocket Hammer. Oops i think i smashed him...
goes across the room and pokes him/her with a really long stick to see if he is alive or dead
pokes Draycos with a fireball, making him freeze. I laugh hysterically.
My Sprite poke Draycos with 2000 Newton
@Iamnoone It's dead; all it reeks of is death.
@Popoixd You'll need better than that to hurt a dragon!
@5Pi /e flails violently.
@Epic-Samurot Hot ice is scarier than cold fire.
@Snakemittens How in the world did you find a sterilized booger... and why?
@Flutter-Shyler Shoving people isn't nice. :(
/pokes Draycos with a mansion. I heard a lot of cracking and breaking, but I'm not sure what it was.
My scales! They are made of STEEL!
That mansion wasn't, and something tells me a certain plumber is going to be a little mad. Just a little.
Puts every bad idea in the Suggestions forum onto a scroll, attaches it to an arrow, and launches it next to your bed.
Oh, nice, a night-time book to obliterate and destroy before bed.
There ya go!
/e pokes you with a (CENSORED) while you're asleep
@Shotjeer That's so utterly despicable; why would you ever poke someone with a cup of liquid nitrogen? I could have gotten cold!
@Snakemittens I love cats! Except when mine wakes me up at 4 AM because it wants me to watch it eat for twenty minutes and then go outside. It hasn't happened in some time now, thankfully.
@Iamnoone Don't, bro.
/pokes Draycos with one of those mean cats that claws anyone that gets near
Wearing elbow-length gauntlets, of course.
/pokes Draycos with doge.
U77654 steals Crazyoddbaa's and Boswick's Banstick, fuse them together, and pokes Draycos with it.
@Snakemittens Wanting to pet something but not being able to without getting your wrists diced is a terrible feeling.
@Hyper-Galactic wow
such poke
. . . . so doge
@Usevnsevnsixfivfor Such weapons are powerless without-
just kidding metal on metal still hurts a lot
I poke you with a black hole. I am immune to gravity.
Pokes Draycos with Leviathan Blade! Oops theres now a hole in him!
@Sandwich-Hero As I fade to nothing but a jumbled mass of mixed molecules and materials, I ask myself, "why the heck does everyone want to kill me".
@Altraknight A hole where my heart was. :(
Good thing I have about ten more of those, though. I don't know why you find them in bushes.
/poke Draycoswhit my b**. Yres yes i'm sitting on you. :3
/poke Draycos with absoulutly everything that has, will, or does exist
especially the sun, I'm immune to everything
/poke draycos whit a castle which is three time bigger than him.
ONE DAY, ONE DAYS I'll hurt you.
@Popoixd1 wot
@Pipipipipi You forgot the kitchen sink.
@U77654 I don't... how does that work
@Popoixd That's a pretty tiny castle. On another note, OWWW MY LEG!!
/Poke draycos whit a U.F.O
/Poke draycos whit a U77654.
/Poke draycos with Skylark, yes, THE SKYLARK, and I can move metal objects of ANY size (magneto)
I poke you with akuma. Hmm, why akuma isn't...
*thread lights go dark, a bit combo appears, finally...*
天 and I'm dead lol.
"Remind me not to drag akuma next time"
@Popoixd 1. Awesome, I was wondering when they'd show up to take me home.
2. "It's not very effective..."
@Midnight-Dj A sword the size of a small moon? Yeah, I'm gonna feel that in the morning... and the next, and the next...
@Egpnd "Super Combo Finish!"
/poke Draycos whit Snarbolx. No snarbolax no dont try to eat Draycos just poke him he's to big for you.
/poke Draycos whit Jellu King. Florp.
/poke Draycos whit Roamulus Twins. No don't shot laser on Draycos.
/poke Draycos whit Lord Vanaduke.
eats Popoixd as he pokes Draycos with me (I am the snarbolax)
pokes Draycos with exploding cake
I'd give it indigestion anyways. Too many sharp, pointy spikes.
I'm allergic to lasers. Bad things happen, like overheating and a terrible case of reflected-beams-hitting-the-Skylark syndrome.
Vanaduke isn't that bad of a person when he doesn't think you're invading his country... and when you're fire-resistant.
@Pi x 5
You shouldn't have eaten him; Devilites have way too much grape flavoring in them. You're gonna be sick.
/e eats the explosion. Tastes like spontaneous combustion! And shrapnel.
/Poke Draycos whit a RHNB (Red Hot Nickel Ball)
spits out the remains of Popoixd as his finger pokes the inside of my stomach with a RHNB at Draycos
the hands go at you finger first, poking you with Popoixd's blood
/pokes him with a knife, which then turns into a laser, which then turns into a plasma laser that burns EVERYTHING on contact, which then makes you burn AND freeze, and burn again. I laugh hysterically. Again.
/pokes Draycos again with this girl.
/pokes Draycos with nothingness from kingdom hearts two.
pokes Draycos with a stick to see if he is alive or dead