What's in development

I'd like to take a moment and give everyone a little update on what we're working on at the moment. Just like when I let you know we were working on an auction house, there's no ETA for any of this just yet. Additionally, this is does not in any way cover everything we've got on our burners, just some of it:
1. A new Tier 1 boss dungeon. We've seen that Tier 1 players (there's a lot of them!) could use a goal to work toward that helps bridge the content into Tier 2. This beast-themed dungeon is looking really nice and features a very cool boss that I think Tier 1 players will enjoy.
2. Auction House refinements. Please continue to give us your feedback on the AH, it is appreciated.
3. PVP! We're excited to be working on PVP once more. Some of you had the opportunity to experience it during our Preview Event. We'd like to have a similar experience, plus more for our official launch. However, as I mentioned in a previous thread, PVP can be tricky to add to a PVE game as only a small percentage of players find direct competition interesting. So I have some questions for you:
- Would you be interested in PVP at all?
- What kind of PVP are you in to, or would be in to with Spiral Knights? Casual or more hardcore? Mario Party or Counterstrike?
- What is your favorite competitive video game?
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death match
capture the flag
King of the mountain
team vs team
All of these style matches would work. Interesting maps would go a long way for making pvp 'work.' I think objective-based pvp, where it's not just simply about destroying one-another (although this should be involved!) is most compelling, but others may disagree.
I didn't participate in the preview, but it seems like you'd have your work cut out for you with balancing weapon types.
Also, I'm curious how this would work as a resource sink. There's no reason not to have 'casual' and 'ranked' matches be separate brackets so PVP doesn't have to be either casual or hardcore.
I guess I'd better start looking for armor sets with piercing and shadow UVs while they're less desirable :)
i think maybe both would be cool, I was thinking there could be several different modes, 1V1, 2V2, 3V3, and 4V4, possibly some kind of captur-the-flag type thing, some kind of free-for-all mode(Up to 8 players maybe). and maybe one mode where you can only use Fire and oil pots to fight, and they don't pass through other players >:D . that would be great :D ! and also, i don't really own any competitive games, so.. . . . . . . . oh yeah, also, regarding deaths and stuff while in PVP, perhaps you could implement a shooter-type respawn system? Maybe use what the traing hall has, except when you revive you go back to your base(Like in a multiplayer shooter)
Also, i think i've mostly forgiven you guys about the recent patch. I'm stil kind of. . . . . . . .disgruntled, but I might buy more CE eventually.
Fantastic! More bosses please. You're right we need more goals to continue playing :D
AH made it so much easier to find what I want compared previously typing /trade WTB every 30 seconds XD
Never PVP before so i wouldn't know but any addition should be interesting. Need more gameplay variety.
Where is my core Nick, you promised there would be a core.
As for the survey:
- Would you be interested in PVP at all?
I would if you somehow managed to make it playable with 250 ms ping. During beta whenever I shielded or attacked it was already too late.
- What kind of PVP are you in to, or would be in to with Spiral Knights? Casual or more hardcore? Mario Party or Counterstrike?
Depends on the rewards. If it's only for fun, casual is ok, if there are prizes, I expect it to reward only the best.
- What is your favorite competitive video game?
Starcraft probably.
- Would you be interested in PVP at all?
Only if I found it fun.
- What kind of PVP are you in to, or would be in to with Spiral Knights? Casual or more hardcore? Mario Party or Counterstrike?
Casual, don't really see hardcore working for a game like Spiral Knights. Virtual On and Cosmic Break style. If you're unfamiliar with these names, think fast paced Mechwarrior. If you're thinking either or, then it would be Mario Party.
- What is your favorite competitive video game?
Competitive, as in large scale tournaments? Don't think I have one yet.

- Would you be interested in PVP at all?
Yes, during preview I loved it, but was so annoyed not many took part in it until the end. During the end of preview thats all I mainly did since it was well crazy fun =).
- What kind of PVP are you in to, or would be in to with Spiral Knights? Casual or more hardcore? Mario Party or Counterstrike?
Personally, I like more casual pvp for this reason. This game in my view is not well a very competitive game thats one of the many reasons I like Spiral Knights. With competition we will end up having hate threads and well hatred between players in-game. On-top of that it may end up well making Spiral Knights a more serious game instead of just how it is right now relax you play and have a good time with friends. So Mario Party (Fusion Frenzy is 20x's better).
I think if you bring back the old pvp it would be great, but to keep both sides of the player pool happy you should include 1 vs 1 pvp. In my view we can call this a duel. You can have a setting on your option to turn it on or off , or you can make an Arena (Spiral Knights Official Duel House *Need to work on the name* where players go here and they can challenge one another for 1 vs 1 fights. Each duel you can wager from 100 crowns to 5,000 crowns, but the catch is you can only fight the same opponent 3 times in a day (To stop people from farming newer players etc.). With the option idea I mention its basically if you turn your duel option on people can challenge you to a duel if you turn it off people can not challenge you to a duel.
- What is your favorite competitive video game?
Listing the games I play which are competitive (order does not really matter):
1. Madden - Love madden because its the skills you have in playing which goes head to head with other opponents. Kind of like this game you can have the best gear all maxed out with great uv's, but be the worse player if you dont have the right skill set.
2. Nba 2k (Series) - Same as above, but for Nba 2k.
3. Runescape - Okay, I have to admit the hidden clan world in Runescape is a lot of fun, but it burns you out over time. I use to be pretty popular in the Runescape clan world, and well it was great competition very cut-throat. We sent spies, used spare accounts, hacked audio chats, forums, and well got into many issues with players harassing or hating each other due to the clan they were in. I got threatened a few time by players in the game, and well a lot more drama was packed in the Runescape Clan World, but over time it gets to become way too much thats one of the reasons I left, and the fights were over 4 hours long up to 12 hours or longer at times which kind of takes the fun out of fighting.
4. Super Smash Brothers Melee Series - Great fun just fun to fight each other with not a care in the world.
5. Fusion Frenzy - I dont know why I forgot this game easily 1 of the best competitive games out there. So many mini-games all are really fun =).
In my perspective non-serious competition ends up being the best since you dont get burned out players, and fights over well pointless scores or arguing who is the best player.

- Would you be interested in PVP at all?
Absolutely. PvE is fun and all, but PvP is something with an endless skill cap. When you master the AI, PvP is where you go.
- What kind of PVP are you in to, or would be in to with Spiral Knights? Casual or more hardcore? Mario Party or Counterstrike?
I like hardcore, balanced, competitive PvP, however, I think Mario Party-style PvP is better suited to SK. Straight 1v1 just won't work as the main PvP focus. I think things like head-to-head PvP (think 2-player Tetris where "cleared lines" "shift" to your "opponent's board", but with monsters and infinite-spawning, PvE Gate-style Arenas). I also think CTF and Multi-Hill King-of-the-Hill (Domination, Enemy Territory-esque) could work, but that may be too hardcore as well. Focus on competitive PvE and mini-games.
- What is your favorite competitive video game?
My favorite is most obscure: Phantom Dust for the original Xbox. I also like StarCraft 2 and Marvel vs. Capcom 3 and have played both competitively.

Would you be interested in PVP at all?
Yes, though I don't play a lot it's still great fun when I'm in the mood.
What kind of PVP are you in to, or would be in to with Spiral Knights? Casual or more hardcore? Mario Party or Counterstrike?
Much more casual. Though I did enjoy the occasional bout, I was never actually that good at the Preview Event PvP. I'm looking more for something that will plaster a giant silly grin on may face rather than competition rankings. Games like Mario Party, Fusion Frenzy and Crash Bash were all crazy fun in short bursts for me.
What is your favorite competitive video game?
A tie between Super Smash Bros. and Trackmania. Both are very simple on the face but actually have a surprising amount of depth to them. They can be picked up by nearly everyone for some quick fun, but to be really good you have to pay attention to what you are doing. In a way that is how Spiral Knights is too, simple on the surface but hiding plenty of depth for those wanting to explore advanced play style.

FenixStryk - Phantom Dust??? Oh, you are in good company my friend.
Are you guys still doing the unbinding shop?
Just asking cuz it wasn't listed there :)

That's not everything we're working on, just thought I'd mention a couple new things.
I was just confused as to whether this was in addition (which I would adore) or the complete list.
Thanks for the quick response!
Any hints as to blackened crest availability? (or drop location?) haha
And while I'm asking things which must not be asked -- Has there been any serious discussions on the materials sinks (reforging etc.)?
(Not _really_ expecting a response to these but I thought I might throw them out there while you're around :) )

There's a lot to do and many game aspects to polish. Though I suspect that Cali sun coming into the summer must feel pretty tempting right now. (or when it rises again at least)

Aye, Phantom Dust. Arsenal-building in Phantom Dust isn't exactly the same as it is in SK, but... well, at least we have an "Arsenal" in both games.
If you can make some sort of PD-esque PvP in SK, I would be very, very surprised. Decks, capsules, special weapons, etc... it would be a dream come true, but at the same time I think SK would be better off just staying original and doing what it's best at instead of copying a forgotten gem.
Do what you think is right... and make sure you tell us about it, before it goes live.

A T1 boss sounds fun, even if my knight is to a point where T1 is a breeze, it's always cool to have a boss battle rather than just a string of stages.
PvP sounds cool, even though I don't think I will personally partake in it, but I know alot of people who practically live for the PVP in the games they play.
I think it'd be best to cater to both competitive and casual ends, such games that come to mind that pull this off are Pokemon and Super Smash Bros, both of which have very healthy competitive communities on the serious end, but are also very popular with casual players. Mario Party is fun, but I personally find microgames become too easy to dominate in quickly because there is little depth to them beyond a very basic skill or reflex.
I hope that the PvP does grow to have some variety, but don't expect it from the start as that would be unrealistic. A range of play from free for all, to team play (I generally don't like team play, simply because random people on the internet are horribly unreliable more often than not, which sucks all the fun out of everything). Different goals would be nice, or possibly even shifting/individual goals within any given game.
I could say more but I'm extremely sleepy and having more and more trouble organizing my thoughts, but this looks like an exciting bit of stuff you all are working on. I hope there are new levels coming along with this stuff too. :D
From the playstyle of the entire game, I'd like to see more team-based PvP. Things like "Protect the Jelly" or something like that.
I'm personally not thrilled about PvP in this game because the only way I can see it work is SSB style hectic fun (not SSB style tournament fun, which is a bit more... respectable /elitism), as 1v1 would be boring because the actions a knight can take are VERY limited. I also can't imagine any mindgames actually related to the fight that doesn't take place before the start (basically equipment choices), which makes the skill ceiling kinda low as well, and the meta very expansive... may be a good thing for lowbie players, but again, makes me less thrilled.
Now, as a team game it would probably rock. Team coordination is the bread and butter of SK, and 4v4 would actually have enough item/matchup variety.
"Capture the key", or "capture the statue" would be a pretty obvious mode (basically, keys/statues spawn, you need them to open the gates at your "base", team wins if they stand on the team button behind the last gate on their side), though a MOBA-like wouldn't be bad either (both teams have a HUGE crystal, the goal is to break the crystal of the enemy team. The map is big and monsters spawn periodically to assist both sides. You can use the loot they drop to buy vials and heart tanks. There are some pre-placed gunpuppy towers on the bases you need to destroy before you can attack the crystal. if you played DotA or LoL you know what I mean really.)
MY favorite competitive game is Soul Calibur 2 (the last one that didn't suck :P), but I love watching tournament footage of almost anything. Aside from that, I have a history with DotA.
To me, the heavy focus on cooperative and win-win gameplay is one of Spiral Knights' most defining features, and one of the biggest reasons why the player environment is so pleasant, while in other games it can be volatile, or downright toxic.
If I were to offer up my heaviest suggestions for PVP is to make it a sideshow to the main event that is the rest of the game. What happens in PVP stays in PVP.
I have a feeling the devs already know this and are planning to do just that with PVP implementation, but I feel like it bears repeating.
Me, I'd be into PVP if it was set up like this - and I feel like a lively but casual PVP experience would probably be best...which is kind of like the rest of the game, really: lively but casual.
I'd also put forward the idea of rewarding skilled PVP competitors, but also to NOT reward them with items or gear, but in crowns, energy/CE/mist tanks, or a costume item...perhaps at VERY best, a single bound trinket - the idea being again to keep PVP contained to itself, and not have participation in PVP heavily affect main gameplay.
Besides, competition is its own reward, isn't it?
My favorite competitive games have always been Unreal Tournament (preferably 2004) and Super Smash Bros (preferably Brawl). In these games, to fight and to win is the objective and the enjoyment, and fighting and winning MORE has no real consequence outside of increasing your own skill and bragging rights.
Now thats all said, I just wanted to take a moment to say that I really enjoy the game. I've been playing since a week after the game's official launch in April and have loved every feature in the game, and every update, patch and upgrade that's been added onto the game since.
Every single one.
I'm not a fan of MMOs- in fact, those who know me know that I outright can't -stand- MMOs, and this is after trying many of them. WoW is the bane of my bloody existence. But Spiral Knights has been the single, sole exception to what I thought was an otherwise unbreakable rule. So great job guys, I spend my money happily on your game, and hope to see more great stuff in the future.
Edit: also going to throw in with LoneKnight's suggestion for team-based PVP. Considering the wide variety of roles and functions players can play in a team, the dynamics of that would be AWESOME.

A Tier 1 boss is a great idea. That really is the part of the game where all play is the most casual and some of the most interesting weapons exist. I've seen all too many players who aren't necessarily prepared to deal with the more advanced Tiers 2 and 3 because they never had the chance to experience the game beyond a "press button to win" state (though that could also be attributed to purchasing your way though the game).
I would like to see a boss that focuses on showing players the values of something like shield bouncing, when completing a combo is bad or just good old teamwork. This way a group of players that do not work together at a level beyond simple hack-and-slash will likely get take apart by such a boss, but players who are starting to explore a more advanced way around things should be able to make it though without too much challenge.
Hopefully then we'll start to see less people get completely whomped by the later bosses in the game even when they have Tier appropriate gear.
All I have to say is that Mario-Party-style minigames would be incredibly, incredibly awesome. Other PvP? Dun care.
Mario Party, man. Mario party.
1) Yes!! Very interested and actually why I keep playing this game. IMO PVP > PVE
2) PVP Casual & Hardcore. I like all types as long as it's PVP. Team Based Rated/Non-Rated.
3) The best PVP based game I've played recently (perhaps ever) was DC Universe Online (PS3) version. I played on a PVP server and was in the top villian PVP guild on my server (BwR - Arena Junkies) etc.. What made that PVP system so great was the way it was set up. It was simple but required a lot of practice, coordination, and predicting what your opponent was going to do to be successful.
The basic breakdown of the PVP system was as follows (w/o going into too much details)......
There were essentially 3 types of movements/attacks you could do; A) Block (type of defense) B) Block Break (type of ranged attack) C) Interrupt (type of melee attack). The system was predicated off of the what type of movement or attack your opponent was doing and your response to it. Correctly countering your opponents response would result in them being Hard Stunned for a period of time. If your opponent was blocking you would use a block breaker to hard stun them. If your opponent was using a block breaker you would interrupt them to hard stun them. If your opponent was interrupting you would block to hard stun them. It expanded from there w/ class specific roles (healer, tank, debuffer), timing/stacking buffs, and lots of other things that made it more challenging and more complex at high levels of PVP. The system itself was simple and felt very rewarding. It was if my opponent was doing something and I countered it correctly I got the edge on my opponent for a said period of time. I don't know how that type of system could apply to this game if at all, I just liked it b/c it was a new type of PVP system that I don't know how many people played (the game shouldn't have been released for the PC it was clearly designed for the PS3), but felt much fresher than WotLK RMP or 3-Plate Cleave Set-Ups.
Please keep us informed w/ the direction the PVP is going and if you have any further questions regarding the above said system let me know and I would be happy to answer them. I'm super pumped PVP is being added b/c that is the reason I plan on keep playing until then.
im finally able to post something on the forums
1. new content is always awesome :D
2. very nice, im not sure if thats on purpose, but the my bids button stores everything(forever?), i sometimes bid occasionally on cheap offers i dont really need, so its quite annoying to have a big page load up each time
- Would you be interested in PVP at all?
always give it a try
- What kind of PVP are you in to, or would be in to with Spiral Knights? Casual or more hardcore? Mario Party or Counterstrike?
casual for regular pvp, hardcore for rewarded/crowded/extraordinary pvp, no pvp if i suck at it or if im able to pve without waiting 22 hours
mario party, counterstrike..can i pick both ? if not ill pick mario party too simply becuz it doesnt require skill and is fair that way
- What is your favorite competitive video game?
i cant really say anything about that, becuz competitive games always depend on the players, one plays with, and their skills/moods/reactions/sense of fairness and fun are all different

I love the idea of a Tier 1 boss. I've had a few friends from Facebook to join the game and I've always had to go like hurry up to Tier 2, no need to hang around in Tier 1, it's not worth as much. Well I'd happily eat those words.
I don't have as much of an opinion on the AH as I would like. But its kind of nice and I've liked quick buying recipes.
- Would you be interested in PVP at all?
Yes I would. Don't know how much I'd do it because I probably wouldn't profit off of it a lot but it's good to switch things up sometimes. It's good to risk a little bit. Plus if its something to do with being limited by certain weapon tiers, well it will help people want to make more weapons, even to compete in the lower classes.
- What kind of PVP are you in to, or would be in to with Spiral Knights? Casual or more hardcore? Mario Party or Counterstrike?
Hard to say as I kind of don't see an FPS in Spiral Knights lol.. but I can say something wild and chaotic sounds fun. People mentioned Super Smash Bros, that's a great example, items and powerups and stuff, now we don't have all of those things in this game (not to mention viewpoint issues) but the feeling of battle should be like that. Mario Party is probably what I want but I didn't play much of it. I think more people is better than small duels though, so if you can pull off 8 people like in advanced training, please do.
Alternative modes would be nice but we all know people tend to focus on one or two good modes and ignore the best so maybe release a few but don't bother having all modes available forever unless it doesn't cost extra datause on your servers.
- What is your favorite competitive video game?
Super Smash Bros Melee or perhaps Halo. But SSBM is more like this game.

Tier 1 boss sounds really cool! I can't wait to see what kind of items they will drop!
I also love the idea of PVP! This game is becoming more and more interesting and fun! (Except for the enormous amount of energy needed for crafting now)

T1 boss is a definite step in teh right direction. We need more bosses (and mini-bosses) all he way around.

Thanks for the list Nick.
I think I can speak for the majority when I say that we do appreciate being informed of the upcoming features.
Re: pvp
Do you think you could implement a smaller scale nexus wars with the game engine?
It's among the more popular multiplayer game modes that's not a derivation of turret defense, is perfect for 4V4 but also works with any nVn, can be casual and competitive but always different and satisfying. Different gear doesn't provide any advantages but you could easily find a creative mechanic for a meritocracy that will take that into account if need be.
We already have a pretty good variety of in-game mobs each with their distinct characteristics and affinities, barrier system, dynamic camera and inherent damage type. You could implement a circle of strength/weakness and some sort of ephemeral currency that's earned from killing enemies and used to either spawn more of your own, or use on one time bonuses, such as dropping an ash of agni on your adversaries' side or spawning a healing gnat on your side...etc

Feedback for the PvP topic.
~Give all players a PvP score. Any of the matches can be "casual" or "ranked".
~Divide PvP into 5 different "tiers". The tiers you are restricted to playing in are determined by the gear you have equipped to join the PvP battles (including trinkets). 1* gear can be used in any of the 5 tiers. 5* gear is only usable in tier 5. This way if you want to battle people who are going to have an advantage over you, then you can, BUT the end game players can not go into a low level PvP battle and wipe the floor with everybody because they have 5* gear on!
~Different kinds of battles:
Capture the Flag. 4 vs 4 each team has a flag, the idea is to capture your opponent's and bring it back to your flag while keeping yours at your flag stand. All dead players respawn at their flag stand at 2 minute intervals (you die at :30 then you get to wait 1:30 to respawn unless somebody revives you).
Death Match. Can be set up as 4 vs 4 or as a small melee of 8 players all fighting each other. 10 minutes to get as many kills as possible. Gain a point for every kill you make, lose a point for every life you lose. Highest amount of points at the end wins. If there's a tie then go sudden death and whoever gets the next kill wins. Upon death you instantly respawn at your camp.
Stock PvP. Much like Death Match except all players in Stock PvP are considered to have 2 trinket spots and all 4 weapon spots open. Upon starting the battle the system gives all participants a random assortment of gear (temporary gear, it vanishes at the end of the battle) and you can not use what you came in with. 10 weapons, 4 shields, 4 armors, 4 helms, 5 trinkets. You have to put together what you think will help you the most.
People can add on to this area...
~Random and Party PvP
Have it so you can join a party of random people or form a party of guildees/friends and go fight together. Doing this will give rise to PvP focused guilds and give guilds another use.
NO COSTUME GEAR ALLOWED IN PVP!!! It would be INCREDIBLY unfair to see an opponent in 3* Brute Jelly gear and they're actually wearing 5* Vog Cub! We're talking breaking balance bad.
And lastly... do not tie it to the dang energy system, or if you do make it a low cost of maybe 5 energy. There is more then enough energy sinks right now, especially considering the massive one just added via the crafting change. If you want to make PvP cost anything then I'd make it crowns, seeing as there's few crown sinks (and a fair rate, no more then 500 crowns).

You guys already have my opinion on PvP, but a few changes to the original formula could help it be a bit more balanced:
Shielding should change, considering so many weapons can smash a shield in a single hit or combo (Gran Faust), to lose health based on time deployed rather than hits taken.
This way people can use faster weapons to cash in on how slow some weapons are after a combo.
The weapon damage could be scaled back a bit as well so people can last longer.
Since people think they're good for using two hit weapons in PvP against underequipped opponents.
Would you be interested in PVP at all?
If I could set-up my own private lobbies and not be matchmade, yeah.
I hate being competitive all the time when it comes to PvP, it takes the fun out of it.
And that way people could experiment with weapons and things.
What kind of PVP are you in to, or would be in to with Spiral Knights? Casual or more hardcore? Mario Party or Counterstrike?
I like PvP in general, if I can have a laugh with the other players, win or lose.
Kind of like playing in an Arcade.
I hate feeling pressured in PvP and as a result, stop having fun.
What is your favorite competitive video game?
It's hard to say, some games I played I enjoyed but were turned off by the community (like League of Legends) and others weren't strictly competitive based but it was fun to kill each other in (like Magicka or Rage of Mages).
To draw a closer comparison to Spiral Knights, BOTS! (an old Akklaim game) had excellent PvP in it.
There were lobbies for it so I could play with friends, it had Guild vs Guild fights as well as Free for Alls and other PvP modes.
The Cash Shop items gave people an unfair advantage though, since they could be imbued with powerful additional effects (+300 damage to Transformed enemies). This on top of the fact that one of the Robots in particular got better offensive bonuses made it pretty one sided sometimes.
But outside of being competitive, I found the game to be quite fun to mess around in.

1. Sounds good. Might even join random T1 parties if the token rewards are fun.
2. Fees: Refund the fee if item couldn't get sold (partially) please.
3. GvG please. For regular PvP, Bloodline Champions will just remain my favorite. (Will check out the PvP anyway though).
Balance suggestion: Make UV's not do anything in PvP.

Looking forward to the T1 boss. :)
Would you be interested in PVP at all?
Done right, yes. Keeping it lightweight and fun rather than intensely competitive would be preferred. I'm not all that competitive.
What kind of PVP are you in to, or would be in to with Spiral Knights? Casual or more hardcore? Mario Party or Counterstrike?
Casual for preference - a big part of the appeal of Spiral Knights is that it's relaxing fun. So something that rewards player skill rather than just having the biggest sword would be preferable. Also, a PvP arena in which a large part of the challenge is making use of the arena itself. Just having two knights (or teams of knights) wailing on each other with the best weapons they can get hold of is kind of boring. Requiring them to navigate spikes, conveyor belts, Gunpuppies and other environmental hazards while also defeating their opponent sounds a lot more appealling.
What is your favorite competitive video game?
Super Bomberman. I think this kind of gameplay would be a really good match for Spiral Knights, as it involves fairly simple mechanics that nevertheless result in crazy hilarious frantic funtimes. Plus Spiral Knights already has the "pick up and throw stuff" mechanic.

I think having a PvP system would be a fun thing for many of us to have and I greatly support that idea. But I would also like to expand on it a bit. As of right now there is minimal advantages to being in a guild, and nothing really for a guild to do except do tier runs together. I say this,
1. Guild vs Guild: a 8 vs 8 BATTLE ROYALE!!! or a 8 vs 8 Round Robin Tourney Style the numbers are just a guess
2. Monthly Competition:
a. 1 vs 1 PvP in a tourney environment 1 loss out.
b. Only a Set number of applicants can enter and first come first serve. Maybe around 250-300 people per month. Entry fee of 200-500 CE.
c. Winner of tourney takes home 5k CE and maybe a special item bound, non-tradeable, no matter what, this item can be a Monthly Competition Exclusive Item, whatever you the devs feel like making for it great. But it would be guaranteed a uber rare item, as after an entire year there would only be 12 of them. Then the item could be changed to a different item for the next 12 months. Of course the timelines and figures could all be shuffled Around. 2nd place prize 2500CE, and maybe a random 5* trinket. 3rd place prize would be 1k CE and nothing else.
d. This tourney would be held same time every month like last Saturday of every month at 4pm CST, just putting it out there not saying this is what time it should be at.
3. Top Guild Board: This board will be based on the winning-ness of guilds from the Guild vs Guild
a. Top Overall Guild based on number of days atop the leader board in the month, would be given a special or something fun and kewl until the last day of the following month.
4. Top Player Board: This board will be based on the Monthly Competition Results.
Anyways these are my thoughts on it would love to see what ya think about it nick.
PvP has reduced the appeal of, or completely ruined, every game I've ever played that's had it. Look at what happened with arenas in WoW. I know you're not going to change your mind about doing it at this point, but I'm disappointed to see that it's being put back in.
A course between two to four teams of knights through a dungeon should be nice :D

1. Yes I would love PVP
2. I think I'd prefer more casual PVP for Spiral Knights, but really I would enjoy either.
3. My favourite competitive video game is Mythos by a long shot. I think I made at least 50 Hardcore PVP characters >.<
PS: Very excited to hear about the new tier 1 boss. I hope he deals piercing damage like wolvers are supposed to.
@Milkman you obviously haven't heard Mythos sucks now.
I think it would be awesome to have PvP ;D
However, I think one way to balance it out and give everyone a fair chance at having their hand at it, perhaps a system could be made to make a few PvP rooms, according to number of stars of the equipment of the player?
This gives the newer players and those who're stuck with 3* and 4* a chance to go against each other in a test of skill and strategy instead of seeing who has the bigger stick (or sword, gun and bomb). Of course, it'd be great for there to be an 'Open Zone' as well, for 1-5*'s get to come in and beat each other up xD
Hope that helps? :D
Guild vs. Guild please. :D
And normal PvP.
>- Would you be interested in PVP at all?
Depends on how it's implemented.
>- What kind of PVP are you in to, or would be in to with Spiral Knights? Casual or more hardcore? Mario Party or Counterstrike?
Mario party, you say? I might be interested in some PvEvP mechanics or competitive mini-games. Fighting knight versus knight doesn't interest me. Everybody and their dog does direct PvP combat like that, and if I want that, I'll go fire up any number of games that are designed with that kind of PvP in mind. Likely a FPS. Casual or hardcore? Those words don't hold a lot of meaning for me. If it's fun to me, I'll play it.
>- What is your favorite competitive video game?
Team Fortress 2, back in the months after its release.
I would love to have pvp I got tired of pve and since there's nothing to do for now I would wait for that event.
I want a PvP to have tons of obstacles and I also like the idea of betting crowns or energy. course I can see how it could go wrong with someone irresponsible or being hassled under pressure but I think that could be reserved for teams vs teams.
my favorite game would be oblivion and i also enjoyed JSRF. xenogear for the PS was also addicting and I dont play much anymore 'cept this game.
Mini Game please, like soccer ( using shield to deflect ) , would be best if use lichen as the ball ~
First- I'm so excited at the idea of a Beast boss, I don't even care if it's Tier 1 (in fact, it's better/more fair that way).
- Would you be interested in PVP at all?
Not really, unless it's something other than dueling each other.
- What kind of PVP are you in to, or would be in to with Spiral Knights? Casual or more hardcore? Mario Party or Counterstrike?
Mario Party, definitely. If we could have a "PvP" where we rode around on giant Snipe-mobiles and raced around Clockwork-themed racetracks, that would be AWESOME. Other mini-games would be pretty cool too. But I don't really like the idea of us supposedly being comrades, and then fighting each other until death.
- What is your favorite competitive video game?
Party games. Hard to name a favorite, I guess. Fuzion Frenzy was pretty fun. Wii Sports is pretty fun too. .___."

@ GodofSkype
I played back in beta. It was soo good. What happened to it?
@milkman Are you sure you really want to know??
Yah back when FSS has ahold of it it was REALLY good alas it's not anymore...*goes to find thread that talks about the disparaging Mythos*
Ah here it is... http://forums.redbana.com/showthread.php?t=36979
Read to your hearts content buddy. It's not even in NA yet, this is the Europe version, but they won't be too different. Don't say I didn't warn you.
I have no interest in PVP so my wish is that any new feature be parallel to the existing PVE game. I don't want to be forced to do PVP under the new design.
@Wire I don't have a huge interest in PVP either, don't worry they aren't going to force it on us. It's going to be some battle arena thing or something.
Why don't we just call it the Spiral Gladiator Arena and charge admission fees and competitors fees. I'd watch a few matches I"m sure.

I really won't play any PvP if it's any of the modes like Deathmatch, etc. I'm not really fond of those things. I would maybe try to play if it's Capture the Flag.
But if it's Mario Party/Wii Party like, then I will most likely play few PvP matches.
Who says they won't plan for all types.
How about these matches
King of the Hill
Tag Team
Mario Party minigames
And of course Teams for all of the above.
Maybe one where you fight to the death for hardcores?
PvP? I doubt I'd personally participate but I love the idea that it could be implemented! That is: I think PvP is really cool, just not specifically for me.
If I did participate, I'd lean more towards Casual-style. There's definitely a place for duels and deathmatches though. Deathmatches can be either 1-on-1 or team-versus-team; last-man-standing (TF2 Arena) or first-to-reach-a-certain-score (Halo Deathmatch) or last-to-run-out-of-extra-lives (Smash Brothers Stock Battle).
Games I've played.... Team Fortress 2, Left 4 Dead 1 and 2. Played and enjoyed Mario Parties 1 and 2, stopped when I heard the series was getting less fun and much more luck-based with each installment. Played Smash Brothers, liked it. Played Street Fighter, Mortal Kombat, Tekken... Did not like the less-than-intuitive memorization-based systems. Played World of Warcraft too, didn't really enjoy PvP as much. Was fun at times, though. (I had no idea my friends and I were on the same server as Textaporte-- Shirt Guy Dom-- until he kicked my ass in a battleground last year.) Also played Halo, but quickly got tired of putting up with the... more "competitive" players. Yes. That is what I will call them.
I guess I prefer the style where you work with a team to complete an objective before the enemy team completes theirs (or the teams take turns trying to stop the other team from doing their objective). The objectives might have to be quick though, given that this game seems to be meant for smaller time investments per day. There's probably plenty of people willing to jump in for a long drawn-out slugfest though.
Also: Snipe tennis. You know you must. (Well, okay, no, that one's not serious. But maybe a Snipe could be the Flag in a CTF match.)
Thanks for taking the time to participate in the forums! The increased transparency is really appreciated.
- Would you be interested in PVP at all?
Yes. And notably, even if I don't completely adore it, and just find it "all right", I'll likely still visit relatively often, simply because I like the variety. It's why puzzle pirates hooked me for a goodly time; lots of variation. I also don't think you need to be overly tense about perfection out the gate; a relatively rough PvP that gets refined over time would be just fine by me.
- What kind of PVP are you in to, or would be in to with Spiral Knights? Casual or more hardcore? Mario Party or Counterstrike?
I could go either way, but casual grabs me more in theory.
In more specific terms, we're Knights, right? A tournament theme would be fantastic.
- What is your favorite competitive video game?
Mushroom Wars, on the PS3 (it's a micro-scale ultra-simple RTS).