🔥Ω Schizophrenia- Recruitment Ω🔥

Hello, Jay Here! I'm the Owner/Leader of Schizophrenia!
Ω About us: 🔥
We're a guild that enjoys PvP and PvE as well as we throw parties in our hall! We have been inactive awhile but are getting back up and plowing along.
We promote on trust, and skill (recruitment, website, etc) if interested just ask.
We do inactive checks
We love to have fun!
We have a Steam Group, Wiki, and Website!
Currently looking for Officer and GM positions, talk to me about it if interested.
Ω What we are looking for: 🔥
We want...
Semi-Mature players
People who like PvP, PvE, or Parties ;D
People who like a fun loving guild who makes jokes, and help each other
Ω Recruitment Form: 🔥
1. IGN
2. Tier
3. LD class (If any)
4. whether you like PvP, PvE and/or Parties
5. Best Gear (PvP, PvE)
6. How long you've played
Ω Website/Wiki/Steam: 🔥
Website: http://www.schizosk.enjin.com/
Wiki: http://www.wiki.spiralknights.com/Schizophrenia_(Guild)
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/SchizoOnSteam
Thanks for reading! Hope to see you soon!
~Lowjaysky, GM of Schizophrenia
Lols... I remmeber ya'll from back in 2013... kidna strange but I do. What be the donations/ accepting alts?

Donations is up to you, and alts are allowed until we reach 235 then we ask you remove them.

Well we're at about 220 right now, and we kick people who are members if over a week inactive without letting us know. Veterans in 10 days, officers in 14, gms in 20. Rank based on privaledges, but you can stay if you warn us before hand.