Because suggesting is free :P
2 perma-slots in Helmets, 2 in Armor, randomized every day. Price could be 150 Cr like any other 0* gear
(personally I would like it to be a little more expensive, something between 500-1000 Cr, but it doesn't makes sense)
Reasons: FASHION :V
Pros: Old players can use the new Proto styles w/o needing to create a new Knight. Plus now you can haz clones to put moar accessories on them.
Cons: Proto gear stops being speshul.
*Hides in bunker*
3... 2... 1... criticize!
In my Main Account, I've suggested this when I saw the Newbies getting those awesome Jackets & Draped Armors. After all, what harm could 0* Items do?