Scurvy Neon Ninjas, WERE RECRUITING!
We are a new guild looking for anyone who wants to play Spiral Knights with the same people instead of playing with a group of silent strangers.
Just fill out the form below.
In game name:
About me:
In game name: Hurrikane
Tier: 2
Weapons: Spur and Blaster (Medium undead damage)
Helm: Wolver cap
Armour: Wolver coat
About me: I am a casual plauyer of Spiral Knights devoting about an hour and a half most days to it. I love games and play Xbox, Wii and my shiny 3DS, Apart from that I am a lover of music specifically Metal and Rock, although I have a soft spot for J-Pop. I watch Doctor Who, Torchwood, To aru majutsu no Index and Full Metal Alchemist. I like to read Sci-fi, Fantasy or Horror as well as Manga. And that's me, Ta-da!
In game name: Skjoldur
Tier: 2
Weapons: Calibur, Haze bomb (looking for something more... "boom"y)
Helm: Skelly Mask
Armour: Skelly Suit
About me: I like to read. A lot. I'm a casually hardcore gamer (read as: likes Nintendo, plays video games rather often, detests FPSs, makes fun of the people who call themselves "hardcore" [read that as: plays FPSs day and night, calls people n00bs way too often]). I enjoy biking and geocaching (Yes, I'm one of the cool people who actually goes outside) I love classical music (really. It's amazing), bluegrass, jazz, and, actually, pretty much everything else. classical and jazz is just what I listen to most often. I play the violin, and want to get an accordion. I love to draw, and I like to have fun. I'm usually on Spiral Knights for 1 hr or so a day, depending on how much energy and crowns I have. (More energy and crowns, longer time on. The auction house is waaay too addicting. =P)
Your in, dude! Good to see another Nintendo fan on SK and another opposer to mindless shooters. :-)
Guildmaster- Founder (Hurrikane)
Officers- People who I would entrust the fate of the world too. (Zunami)
Veteran- Tier 2+, Must have been with us for more than a month.
Member- After being in the Guild for 1 week your promoted to this.
Recuruit- New recruits