Divine - Recruiting!
Alright Spiral Knights' Players,
This is a new Guild named 'Divine'.
It's defiantly a nooby Guild at the moment, due to the fact that I created it today.
But, We need recruits, asap.
So if you're willing to join to make some crowns, experience, heat, etc,
Please post below!
What are your guys' gear outfits?
-Weapons :
-Armor :
-Other :
Here's mine at the moment,
-Weapons : (Swords) Arc Razor - Calibur - Proto Sword (Handgun) Frost Gun - Proto Gun (Bomb) Freezing Vaporizer - Haze Bomb
-Armor : (Helment) Magic Hood - Spiral Sallet (Armor) Spiral Demo Suit - Spiral Culet (Sheild) Owlite Shield - Proto Shield
-Other : *Joined - 5/22/2011 *Time played : Roughly 14 hours *Energy : 2312 Energy & 12 Crystal *Crowns - 45 at the moment, rest invested
*To gain higher positions, here is what to do!
Recruit - Join the Guild
Member - Fight/Train at least twice with the Guild or I
Veteran - Be in the Guild for two weeks or Fight/Train with the Guild or I twenty-five times
Officer - Help arrange times to Fight/Train, Help others, & Be in Guild for 3 weeks
At the moment, these are the positions;
:.:.: Guild Master :.:.:
:.:.: Officer :.:.:
:.:.: Veteran :.:.:
:.:.: Member :.:.:
:.:.: Recruit :.:.:
1. I'm on for about 4-6 hours a day. As for others, hopefully the same.
2. You would not, but if you'd like, then sure. The closest to that would be Skype or MSN.
3. Others may post there age if they wish, I'm currently 17 years of age.
4. I'm in Eastern Time Zone, Ohio.
Thanks for the response!
Char Name: Metasword
RL/Nickname: DJ
I have:
Gun: Stun Gun
Sword:Hot Edge
Shield: Proto Shield
Armor: Spiral Culet
Helm: Spiral Sallet
On when: I have any ME
Tier: 1
I will give you a request!
Thanks bud!
Talk to you soonnn!(:
Alright, thanks for the info. :p
Char Name: Floria
Hope to hear from you in game soon....
I'm down to join
account name: trilze
weapons: spur(5) hot edge (complete) beast basher (complete) proto sword (complete) proto gun (complete)
helmet: cobalt helm(6) spiral scale (complete) cyclops (complete) spiral pith (complete)
armor: vitasuit plus(8) spiral scale(6) spiral cuirass (complete)
shield: defender(5) force buckler (complete) iron buckler (complete) proto shield(5)
crowns 10k
sword: spur, bolt blade, heavy hatchet, hot edge
gun: voltech alchemer, super stun gun, zapper
helm: angelic, cobalt, wolver cap, emberbreak, frostbreaker
armor: cobalt, vitasuit plus, emberbreak, frostbreaker
shield: defender, circuit breaker, emberbreak, force buckler, frostbreaker
I'll make anything for guild members as long as I am either brought the materials to make it or I am compensated for it.
Character name: Keragan
t2 fit
swords: spur~hot edge (lvl 10)
guns: autogun~Firotech alchamer~stun
bombs: blastbomb
armor: Skelly suit
helmets: Skelly helm~jelly helm~Volt breaker helm
shield: jelly shield
sword: hot edge~sering sword
guns: autogun~firotech~zapper
bombs: blast bomb
helms: jelly helm~Skelly helm~Volt breaker helm
armor: skelly suit
shield: jelly shield
player info:
Im 18 in the state of CO (so mountian time)
ive been playing for about a month now and was in a guild (the GM was never on so i quit).
i can make any of my recipeies for guild members free of matt charge as long as they compensate for my energy with CE or equivalent in crowns. (Ie. 50Ce or 2000 crowns) this pretty much gives a 50% off of my wares to all guild members.
Most of all im just looking to join an active guild and have fun! I dont mind running t1 to help someone advance and i dont mind giveing free t1 equipment out to those that are just comeing outta noob town. i also will help with recruiting, and other officer needs such as setting up a shop forum for our guild or coridinateing and trianing new members for dungons.
Hmm... new guild... I only started playing this weekend... sounds good!
Name: Ellandra
Gear: T1, almost T2. (one piece and a couple more dungeons)
Sword: Cutter
Gun: Proto-Blaster (starter)
Shield: Owlite Shield
Armor: Magic Robe
Helmet: Spiral Tail Helm. (soon to be replaced with Cobalt Helm)
Helmet: Cobalt Helm
Armor: Cobalt Armor, Magic Robe
Shield: Owlite Shield
Other Notes:
I should be able to play once a day, seeing as I am living off ME.
I live in mtn time. (GMT-7)
Age: 16
I have Skype and Ventrilo for Vocal coms.
I am kind of a noob, but i am very knowledgeable about the stuff that goes down in spiral knights.
Sword: Troika level 9
Gun: Cryotech Alchemer level 1
Armor: Cobalt armor, Magic Hood, Owlite shield All Max Level
Other: Joined May 10th 2011
Time Played: Approximately 1-2 weeks
Energy: maybe 100
4000+ crowns (at the time of applying)
hey i'd love to join your guild. I'm not a super genius when it comes down to spiral knights but i can hold my own in the dungeons.
my equipment is:
-Weapons : caliber (hopefully i can get a sealed sword and into a divine avenger) and a proto gun (want a Antigua to upgrade into a argent peacemaker)
-Armor : magic hood and cloak (hopefully get it upgraded into the divine level) and a grey owl shield
-Other : hopefully you guys see the pattern in my equips. *cough cough* divine...
playing times are everyday at 4:30 mst (mountain standard time in Canada) and all throughout the weekend (times are random)
I'd love it if you'd accept me, Thanks
IGN: Razorwire
weapons: Tempered calibur, striker,hot edge
armor: dusker set, horned owlite shield
gun: voltech (2)
timezone: UTC+8 kuala lumpur /singapore
Play time: 2-3 hrs a day
age: 20
Needs ppl to do Jelly King Runs :D
Name: Platz
Weapons:(swords) Calibur, Hot Edge, Beast Basher and Proto Sword (guns) Cryotech Alchemer, Protogun (bombs) none yet xD
Armor: Magic Cloak, Vitasuit, Spiral Brigandline (helmets) Magic Hood, Spiral Sallet (shield) Defender, Force Buckler and Proto Shield.
Other: Joined 5/20/2011 spent 2 days researching b4 playin xD. Energy: 100 (mist) energy
Playtime: 2- 5 hours
Time Zone: (UTC+10:00) Melbourne
Age: 14
Sorry guys.
I've been off lately due to the Holiday Weekend.

Name: Gospel (hoping that my name will fit your guild)
(swords) Avenger, Daring Rigadoon, Vile Striker, Thwack Hammer, Proto Sword
(guns) Shadowtech Alchemer, Autogun, Protogun (antigua in one more JK run)
(bombs) Haze Bomb x7
(head) Brute Jelly Helm, Magic Hood, Wolver Cap, Mining Hat, Cyclops Hat, Spiral Sallet
(body) Ash Tail Coat, Magic Cloak, Frostbreaker Armor, Fencing Jacket, Spiral Cutlet
(shield) Wise Owlite Shield, Great Defender, Iron Buckler, Protoshield
Other: Played after a few days since release (Saw the game featured in Yahoo),
Only using Mist Energy for playtime, Crystal if needed on runs...
Playtime: 1-4 hours
Time Zone: (UTC+8:00) Manila, Philippines
Age: 20
Actually love using time in Jelly runs (money money).. Wanna get to 5* soon
Truth be told, I have no creditcard so I can only play when my mist energy allows me...
I play at morning or late night (or sometimes both) (and in our timezone)
Transmutes for equips, the energy I buy from the game (after jk runs)...
Hi! I'm new and I just joined a couple of days ago. I'm still in T1, but I only need a shield to advance. I'm looking for a guild to join, and this option stands out from all of the others.
My player name is: Leafy-papercraft
I have equipped the following: Proto Shield, Haze Bomb, Calibur, Spiral Demo Suit, Spiral Demo Helm.
As you can see, I am focusing on using bombs, and any tips would be appreciated. I hope you look into letting me join your guild.

Could i help you guys. I am already in a guild but they are not always on. I would like to be able to stay in my own guild because the guild leader is awsome but i would like someone to go delving with. Here is my info:
IGN: Yongchi
Weapons: (what I use) wild hunting blade, fiery pepperbox (what i plan to level) nightblade, needle gun, arc razor.
Armor: Sinister skelly suit, miracle hood, wise owlite shield.
Please note I won't only be able to get on until this weekend please let me play with you guys. I NEED FRIENDS! O ya age is 14.
I would really like to join Divine, but I have a few questions:
1. How often would everyone be on?
2. Would I need any voice chat programs?
3. About what age is everybody(because I would rather not be the youngest person in the guild)?
4. And what time zone is everyone in (so I know about what time I should be on to help out)?
Thanks, it would be awesome if someone could answer these questions, because I'd really like to help this guild out. (Oops, almost forgot to give you my info XD )
-Weapons: (Sword) Proto Sword(level 8).... (Handgun) Proto Gun(level 8)
-Armor: (Helmet) Spiral Tailed Helm(level 8).... (Armor) Spiral Culet(level 8).... (Shield) Proto Shield(level 8)
-Other: Been on, I think about, 1 week.... 100 (Mist) Energy....
(I'll give you my in game name after I have more info on guild)