New Thread! >>>>
If you will offer, do it seriously and contact me in game, thanks!
You can check following links if you are looking for any gear w/uv, accesories or more.
Fayeth's Shop:
Reto-Da-Liz's Shop:
Muneyz's Shop:
Gran Faust ASI VH+ CTR Low+ Slime Low >> b/o 34k ce (Sold)
Combuster ASI HIGH >> Offer
Voltedge ASI VH+ CTR HIGH >> Sold for 50k ce
Brandish ASI VH + CTR Low (Sold)
Brandish CTR HIGH(Sold)
Polaris ASI VH >> c/o 25k ce (Sold)
Blitz Needle ASI HIGH+ CTR Medium >> c/o 11k ce b/o 16k ce
Autogun CTR VH+ ASI Medium >> Offer (Sold)
Autogun CTR HIGH (Sold)
Shadowtech Alchemer ASI VH+ Gremlin Medium (Sold to Donzel)
Electron Vortex CTR VH >> (Sold)
Obsidian Crusher CTR HIGH >> Offer (Sold)
Helmets attached accessories:
Blazebreak Helm (3*) w/ Prismatic Halo + Prismatic Pipe >> Starting Bid 4k ce --- b/o N/A (Sold)
Chaos Cowl*** Shock Max. w/ Cool Vertical Vents + Cool Pipe >> b/o 16k ce
Mercurial Demo Helm >> b/o 6k ce (Sold)
Rock Jelly Helm (4*) with Shadow Medium w/ Golden Laurel + Dusky Flower + Cool Plume >> Offer
Rock Jelly Helm (4*) Shadow Plume + Shadow Vertical Vents + Shadow Round Shades >> Offer
Blazebreak Armor w/ Prismatic Valkyrie Wings + Prismatic Cat Tail + Sprinkle Aura >> Starting Bid 10k ce --- b/o N/A (Sold)
Chaos Cloak*** Shock MAX. + Curse Low w/ Toasty Valkyrie Wings + Cool Wolver Tail >> Offer
Heavenly Iron Armor w/ Volcanic Wings >> b/o 10k ce
Jelly Mail w/ Love Puppy Monster Pocket >> 2.5k ce
Mercurial Demo Suit with Posion High >> b/o 6.5k ce (Sold)
Volcanic Salamander Suit*** Curse Medium w/ Volcanic Dragon Wings >> Offer (Sold)
Accessory and Costumes: Serious Offers Only!
Black Battle Chef Coat (Sold)
Black Battle Chef Hat (Sold)
Polar Night Wolf Set (or Polar Night Wolf Coat)(Sold)
Polar Day Wolf Set (Sold)
Polar Twilight Wolf Hood (Sold)
Divine Knight Vision Goggles >> Offer
Divine Bomb Bandolier(Sold)
Divine Long Feather(Sold)
Divine Parrying Blade(Sold)
Divine Pipe(Sold)
Divine Plume(Sold)
Divine Round Shades (Sold)
Divine Wolver Tail (Sold)
Fancy Scarf (Sold)
Green Leafy Aura(Sold)
Polar Halo (Sold)
Polar Glasses (Out of Stock)
Polar Headband(Out of Stock)
Polar Mecha Wings (Out of Stock)
Polar Parrying Blade(Out of Stock)
Polar Plume(Sold)
Polar Ribbon(Out of Stock)
Polar Round Shades (Out of Stock)
Polar Scarf (Out of Stock)
Prismatic Extra Vertical Vents(Sold)
Prismatic Mohawk (Sold)
Prismatic Plume (Sold)
Prismatic Round Shades (Sold)
Prismatic Wolver Tail(Sold)
Prismatic Dragon Wings (Sold)
Regal Flower (Out of Stock)
Regal Plume (Sold)
Volcanic Bomb Bandolier (Sold)
Volcanic Headband (Sold)
Volcanic Valk. Wings (Sold)
Wings of Fury (Sold to Zenje for 15k ce)
Cool Valkyrie Wings (Sold for 644k cr)
Dusky Valkyrie Wings (Sold)
Military Valkyrie Wings (Sold)
**************************Sold Items*************************
Arcane Salamander Mask w/ Prismatic Halo >> Offer (Sold)
Arcane Salamander Suit w/ Prismatic Dragon Wings >> Offer (Sold)
Ice Queen Crown (Sold)
Black Kat Cowl with Stun Max. >> 26k ce (Sold)
Black Kat Cowl with Fire Medium w/ Dusky Plume + Dusky Birthday Candle + Dusky Party Blowout >> Offer (Sold)
Mighty Great Cleaver Undead High >> Offer (Sold)
Brandish ctr VH+ asi Medium >> b/o 19k ce (open for offers) (Sold)
Antigua ctr High >> Offer (Sold)
Antigua Slime High >> 124k cr (Sold)
2xAntigua Undead VH >> Offer (Sold)
Blitz Needle asi VH >> b/o 12k ce (open for offers) (Sold for 11.5k ce)
Freezing Vaporizer ctr VH >> c/o 17k ce b/o 20k ce
Nightblade (3*) asi Medium >> Offer (Sold)
Wolver Cap Posion Max >> 1.5k ce (Sold)
Barbarous Thorn Blade***asi Medium >> 6k ce (Sold to Swordofomen)
Obsidian Edge CTR VH >> Offer (Sold to Amun-Sekhmet)
Voltech Alchemer Mk 2 (3*) ASI HIGH >> Offer (Traded for 4 forge boxes, thanks to Reactive)
Snarbolax Coat Elemental High + Normal Low + Freeze Low w/ Shadow Parrying Blade + Love Aura >> Sold
Sealed Sword ASI HIGH >> b/o 12k ce (Sold)
Obsidian Carbine ASI HIGH >> Offer (Sold)
Wolver Cap Elemental Max. >> Offer (Sold)
Snarbolax Cap Posion Max. w/ Heavy Flower >> Offer (Sold)
Snowfall Aura >> Starting bid 12k ce --- b/o 15k ce (Sold for 14k ce)
Shadow Bomb Bandolier and Shadow Vertican Vents (Sold for 725k cr)
Black Kat Cowl with Shadow MAX.+ Piercing Low w/ Primatic Mohawk + Prismatic Round Shades + Prismatic Plume >> Starting Bid 25k ce --- b/o 35k ce (Sold)
Wolver Coat Shock MAX. + Curse Low >> Starting Bid 7k ce --- b/o 10k ce (Sold to Spartancartel)
Black Kat Cowl with Normal High + Elemental Medium + Shadow Low w/ Apocrean Crown + Shadow Ribbon >> Starting Bid 25k ce --- b/o 35k ce (Sold to Cool-Prototype)
Brandish ASI HIGH >> 6k ce (Sold to Muneyz)
Voltedge ASI Medium + Undead VH >> (Sold to Spiral-Nixx)
Brandish CTR VH >> b/o 15k ce (Sold)
Antigua ASI VH >> Starting bid 30k ce --- b/o N/A (Sold)
Skolver Cap with Piercing MAX.+ Normal Medium + Elemental Low w/ Golden Laurel >> b/o 15k ce (Sold to Neutrul)
Dusker Coat with Piercing MAX. + Shadow Medium >> b/o 11k ce (Sold to Cuarzo for 10450 ce)
Brandish ASI VH+ Beast VH >> Offer (Sold to Muneyz)
Autogun CTR HIGH >> Offer (Sold)
Brandish ASI HIGH >> Offer (Sold to Muneyz)
Divine Avenger CTR HIGH + ASI HIGH>> Offer (Sold for 23k ce)
Brandish ASI HIGH >> Offer ( Sold to Coolspiderman for 1Prismatic Dragon Wings+ 50k cr)
Obsidian Carbine ASI Low >> b/o 7k ce (Sold for 584k cr)
Shadowtech Alchemer CTR HIGH >> 3k ce (Sold)
Brandish CTR HIGH (Sold to Ninjazxzx for 4.8k ce)
Brandish Undead VH >> Offer (Sold)
Shadow Scarf (Sold to Digicom)
Shadow Mecha Wings (Sold)
Shadow Valk. Wings (Sold to Zenki)
Ice Queen Mail w/ Crest of Winter + Love Aura >> b/o 8k ce (Sold to Issidan for 7k ce)
Brandish CTR Medium >> (Sold for 174k cr)
Blaster ASI Medium >> Offer (Sold)
Voltech Alchemer ASI Medium >> Offer (Sold for 184k cr)
Firotech Alchemer CTR Medium >> Offer (Sold)
Toxic Vaporizer CTR VH+ Slime Medium >> c/o 20k ce b/o 25k ce (Sold to Njthug for 22k ce)
Wolver Cap Shock High >> b/o 2k ce (Sold)
Sealed Sword ASI HIGH >> 12k ce (Sold for 11k ce)
Brandish ASI HIGH >> 5k ce (Sold to Zainj)
Flourish ASI HIGH >> Offer(Sold for 7k ce)
Autogun ASI VH+ CTR Medium >> Offer (Sold)
Voltech Alchemer ASI Medium >> Offer (Sold)
Chroma Suit*** Piercing Medium w/ Chroma Whelp Monster Pocket + Regal Drag. Wings >> Sold for 600k cr
P.S: "ce" or "cr" offers only and if you are interested in one of them, PM me your OFFERS on game ^^
added Divine Pipe >> Offer