Any guesses on what the new boss might be like? I personally think since they said it was going to be a beast, its probably going to be the vog
New boss

Absolutely invisible giant chromolisk that inflicts sleep:)
Gunpuppy aren't Beasts though, they're Construct-type.

gun puppys are not beast although they may look like a dog!

you could never kill it if you don't know where it is!
A small room with 20 alpha wolvers.
I wish the boss's difficulty was for tier 3, or at least 2 tier. It takes less than a week without buying CE to be Tier 2 ready. A tier 1 boss is only good to make the game seem more complete. It's completely unnecessary after a week of playing. Whatever. If they get this boss out of the way, hopefully they'll work exclusively on tier 3 bosses and dungeons.
It's obviously going to be a giant Wolver.

I was hoping this was a new T3 boss, but T1'ers do need something to so, it's all good.
I doubt it'll be the Vog simply because all Vog related gear is 5*

Yes x100. Giant Chromalisk inspired boss. I think it will be wolver inspired, but bleh. Chromalisk PLEASE!!!!!! It would go a long ways towards variety IMO.
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE make this a tier1&tier2 boss!! Would it be that hard to make a tougher version of same boss and put him in t2?

Astarch: "A small room with 20 alpha wolvers."
Astarch, you can get 20 alpha wolvers in the Iron Edge Slimey Showdown Arena in the third and second room!
If it's a chroma-boss, I want him to have a sticky tongue attack that you have to guide into a bomb.

I have no idea what you are getting at...
I suggest the chroma boss has it's eye closed and when it opens you have to shoot with an gun :)

All jokes aside, i love your idea :)
@gotti-And i don't mind at all if they copy some zelda ideas, as long as they don't copy zelda's idea of making every boss painfully easy!

They'll read this and think:
Hmm, it was going to be a wolf.....but a giant Chroma is brilliant. Better make another new boss ASAP.
Hmm, It was going to be a wolf, but not Vog. Vog is too much of a 5* to be a T1 enemy. Better make a T1 Dusker boss. T2 Skolver Boss. T3 Vog Boss.
And if they make the corresponding armors bad choices vs. them, well then, now we have more incentive to create a wider variety of armors.
--(could do the same thing with the Chroma line too.)
I can see lots of players crying when the Skolver appears... Vog is already a mob, kinda rare for who never did step on T3 XD

Vog is already a mob, kinda rare for who never did step on T3 XD
Very rare considering it doesn't appear spawn yet. Though a lot of people like confuse a Tier 3 Alpha Ash Wolver for the Vog Cub.
Maybe they will make a extremely large arcane salamander boss.

Necro much?

think about it.
One of the best sets of armor is the Vog Cub set.
Not from a vog but from a vog cub.
a baby vog.
And FoV is one of the best weapons of the game.
FoV is just one fang that a Vog had.
Imagine how much damage a knight would take if they got bitten by a Vog.
That would be like getting hit by like 8 FoV at the same time.

fang of vog is a terrible weapon, outside of the charge attack. So unless Vog's head spins in a vicious circle, i'm pretty sure everyone wearing resistance to vog carrying a toothpick would shred him.

well, it should be like a shadow knight with a Gran Faust or any kind of weps.. it changes through phases

If they brought back the Tortodrone and made him a boss. Just make him a little bigger maybe.

I'd like to see that. Those things haven't been encountered in ages...
As for the Boss Stratum-theme, maybe it could be an extension of the Aurora Isles? Like, let's say a Gremlin archaeological digsite with the furballs trying to excivate pieces of ancient technology to improve their own designs (hybrid Constructs, anyone)?
It could end up with them accidentally re-activating a giant Tortordrone ("Tortomega"?). It'd be pretty fun to play through. Not only to see an old enemy revived, but to know what happens when Gremlin schemes go horribly wrong. lol
It could slowly chase your knights down a bridge, destroying anything too slow to get away. Think some of the huge bosses in metal slug.