Looking at the insane price of Philoso Feathers, I'm considering turning my Miracle Hood and Cloak into Divine instead of Grey Feather. My only concern is that most of the damage in the game is Normal type, and Divine is only Elemental/Shadow. How bad an idea is it to play in tier 3 with 0 normal defense? Should I mix and match?
So how dead will I be?
But also, yes, some 5* mats are hard to find and go for a lot in the auction house. They are also sold by Brinks. If you're playing a decent amount, getting the tokens to buy your mats isn't difficult in my experience.
I'm a big fan of mix + match defense, so would personally recommend that over going all one set. Regardless, best of luck, whatever armor you go for!
Thanks for the advice!
"They are also sold by Brinks. If you're playing a decent amount, getting the tokens to buy your mats isn't difficult in my experience."
Yeah, but opportunity cost means I'm basically still spending 10k+ (seen them going for 15k before too) in mats that I could have sold :P
Actually as far as opportunity costs, it would cost more NOT to hunt for the Grim Tokens that can yield you the Philiso Feathers. If you were considering alternatives of using those tokens for other mats, you'd be losing out. 20 tokens for a 10k+ item is a lot better than what other 20-token mats are going for, which are hovering around 2-3.5k.
I have wolver line helm and magic line cloak. I think it's good to try and cover as much defense as you can.
Looking at the insane price of Philoso Feathers,
To be honest, there's not much of an issue with using Divine on Tier 3, because most attacks will be about 20% only normal, the other 80% being elemental or shadow. (that is, on the correct stratums/against the correct monster families)
Lumbers, Trojans, Gremlins, and Wolvers and Mecha Knights, however... Those will eat you alive, and it's going to be very nasty.
Slimes only deal normal aswell, (except for the lichen colonies and toxigels) though slimes are so easy, you don't really even need any kind of defense for those. (except on danger rooms, but that's something else entirely)
If you'd like to mix match to get a bit of normal defense too, I'd recommend getting a Volcanic Plate, Vog Cub or Volcanic Demo piece, depending on what you'd prefer. The attack speed penalty on Volcanic Plate is not major enough to make a true difference.
Running Undead or Fiend stratums, I don't think using Divine would be so bad. Trojans on those are already easy enough to deal with. Construct will be easy enough aswell, Slime might be a bit difficult, and Beast/Gremlin ones or arenas might be pretty darn evil.
And you certainly do not want to use Divine for Firestorm Citadel (if you're bad against trojans) or Vanaduke.
Overall, Divine is decent, specially for undeads/fiends, but you'll want to mix with some other armor piece with high normal defense, so you don't get eaten alive by those specific mobs that deal only normal.