Given we currently have only 2 bosses, i think a lot of people are both excited at the prospect of a new boss, and very disappointed it is gonna be t1 :(
I understand Vanaduke being t3 only, makes sense.
But it really seems like Jelly King could be given a t1 version.
Also it seems like this new beast boss could easily have a rebalanced t2 & t3 version all added at once.
Honest question: Is it that much more difficult to add the new boss/dungeon to t2/t3 with increased HP, Damage, and t3 mobs? Is there a good reason not to do so?
The only one i can see is the whole token/boss gems, but a work around could easily be figured out on this.
I have to say t1 needed a boss battle, but given the fact you run t2 much much more than t1, and given the fact more people (i'm guessing) are capped in t2 than in t1, wouldn't it have at least made more sense to bump jelly king to a t1 boss, and make a new t2 boss? Or t3 boss?
Anyhow, i think best would be to implement boss battles that have t1/t2/t3 difficulties. If we had 10 bosses, it would be different, but with only 2 (and soon to be 3), we need them in all tiers.
Note: i am hoping for this to work as a discussion not a suggestion, thus why i posted it here.
But it really seems like Jelly King could be given a t1 version.
I'm now thinking of a Jelly Prince...