Sidequests, collection quests, minigames etc.

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Legacy Username

Stop me if I'm expecting the beta to be too complex and this stuff is already being planned. (I took note of the broken robot dude in the Haven bazaar and assume it already is.)

After playing for a fair bit, I'm coming to realize that the game has few things in the order of in-game distractions/sidequests/minigames. Beyond material collection/alchemy and gate building, there are few other facets other than the straightforward exploration and fighting. It would be great to have some sidequests/collection quests to mix things up and encourage more NPC interaction.

• It seems it would be fairly easy to have NPC's requesting characters find materials/hunt rare monsters/etc. in exchange for energy, crowns, or recipes.

• Heck, I know this is improbable, but it would be neato to have some sort of in-game pet minigame. Possibly, you can get a snipe and keep it in your guild hall and feed it materials? Or maybe something that could give you bonus stats, or act in place of a trinket. I might be assuming a lot of things here.

• I can't think of any other examples of sidequests at the moment, but I'm sure other forum members have good ideas.

Legacy Username

I'd like collect X materials quests.

If only to get rid of the silly amount of Red Shards or similar I'm getting. Either that, or rise their price when selling them to NPCs.

Shoebox's picture
I'd rather that they polish

I'd rather that they polish the essentials than add horrible, grindy, crap.

Legacy Username
There is indeed a "quest"

There is indeed a "quest" section in the Recipes window that doesn't do anything yet; I assume this will be used for material collection quests. The guy with the broken robot in Haven heavily implies that you'll one day be able to build, buy or rent a robot to join your party.

I'd love to have some sort of achievement system, like trophies that you can show off to other players, or put in your guild hall.

Big yes on pet snipes. :3 Big yes on anything related to snipes, really. Snipe hats! Snipe shields! Snipe bombs! Snipe-er rifles! Snipe Citadel, where you must dodge the snipe puppies' fluffy barrage and navigate the narrow hallways filled with snipe-spewing floor vents before ultimatey being smothered underneath Lord Snipe's immense feathery bulk.

Legacy Username

Everything that Kharnor said. A million times yes.