Yesterday, I crafted a faust with a UV min vs undead. This seems pretty useless to me, but at the same time the extra damage doesn't hurt. My question is in crafting a gran faust later on should I keep that UV, or ditch it in the hopes of maybe getting a more useful one?
lmao, I'm getting mixed signals.
You'll end up using a elemental weapon against undead then the faust.
That UV is useless since Faust is Shadow. You are better off with a clean UV and that 1/10 chance, than a guaranteed useless UV. You probably won't get anything, but it won't make a difference... trash it. And besides: what if you do get something better?
Ditch it. You have a 1 in 10 chance for a new UV. You have a 1 in a million chance at getting attack speed max, vs gremlin or slime max, etc. Even that small chance to get so much win is better than a UV that will only help you if you ACCIDENTALLY use it vs undead lol :D
Reroll. You'll likely never be using Faust against undead anyway so it'll be like having no UV.
I guess the fact that I have a divine avenger makes the UV even more useless right?
Ok, thanks for the opinions people. Looks like I'll end up trying again.
Wow, do you people actually know what you all are suggesting?
You're suggesting that he take the time to:
-Get 25 more Jelly Gems from doing a LOT of jelly runs (practically 3's the max now), THEN
-Spend 2,500 crowns, 400 energy, AND 2kcr worth of mats, THEN
-Only have 1/10 of a chance of getting something that's actually better than his current Faust
symon17, IGNORE what the others are saying. You're opening yourself to wasting 25 Jelly gems and 900CE on another Faust that likely will NOT be better than your current one.
Old post above full of fail, lol. Re-roll for UV, it's practically the same as nothing. Misunderstood your question in the first place.
You do realize that as he levels it up to a GF, if he tosses that UV, he gets a fresh chance at a new one? You have the option to not use your UV from pre-made/heated materials. If you don't, you get a fresh chance at a UV.
The only plus to getting a new sealed sword would be a potential 2 chances for a UV--the cons are everything you just stated.
Which, in my experience, isn't really worth it until you're mostly 5*'d out and have nothing better to blow tokens/crowns/ce on.
No, that's not what anyone is suggesting. Symon is asking whether he should "Transfer UV" when crafting his Faust up to a Gran Faust, or whether he should scrap that UV and hope for a better one. He's going to be making a Gran Faust anyway, so he's not spending any extra cash that he wouldn't otherwise be spending.
People are saying that a Faust with UV vs undead is pointless, so even the marginal chance at a new UV is better than an established useless one.
Ah, that makes sense, I was totally misunderstanding the question in the first place then.
Not sure why either... I need sleep.
Should just keep it, chance of UVs are 1/10 anyway.