EDITIts Isora. Not Icora. woops!
Before Cradle was mechanized and entombed in a Labyrinth, It used to be a fairly normal planet inhabited by 3 Kingdoms. The 3 Kingdoms were the Gremlins, Royal Slimes, and the small kingdom of Almire.ONE BIG MISTAKE Lord Vanaduke goes to the mountain, summons the deity and with it, releases the Vog and a legion of Fiends. These Swarm creatures wreak havoc on Cradle and burns it into a crisp including the Kingdom of Almire. Now Swarm-Infested creatures roam the planet putting the Gremlins and Slimes lives on danger.
King Tinkinzar begins his plans to trap the deity, Swarm. As the Architect, he comes up with the plans of the Clockworks. With his vast Gremlin army, they begin to construct the Clockworks. A complex trap to house the Swarm in the Core. King Tinkinzar is a ruthless despotic and maniacal being who puts the Gremlins in danger of constructing a huge deadly labyrinth and many Gremlins revolt or escape and form their very own haven, Emberlight, deep in the Clockworks away from the fearsome Crimson Order.
Planet in a Civil War. Mech Knights vs. Mech Knights. The climax of the war is when the planet, Icora, is blown up! Now the Icorian Mech Knights need to find an energy source, before they run out of energy and die. [Spiral Knights ARE robots. That is why they came to Cradle, to harness the energy to run themselves] they find Cradle and notice it has an unlimited power source. Captain Ozlo tells the Skylark crew to land and find a way to harness the power. But before they can land, the ship is attacked by a concentrated laser, the color purple. Rescue Pods are shot out and Knights land and “You Begin The Tutorial.”
The Swarm is trapped in the Core and wants to find a way out. It senses the Spiral Knights presence, and knowing that their curiosity might be their downfall, attacks the ship so they are deserted on an unknown planet. The Swarm possesses the Snipes, who then tell the Strangers, to tell the Spiral Knights to go down into the Clockworks to find the Core and open it. Thus releasing the Swarm. The Alpha Squad might have been killed by King Tinka to prevent them from unlocking the Core.
Cradle B.C. They were wild animals that roamed the Planet. Especially the Almire Kingdom with its Lush Foliage and Golden trees.
-CONSTRUCT: Robots constructed to help Gremlins build the clockworks and if the Swarm was ever released while it was still under construction, they would help fight alongside the Gremlins. Now most collect dust and can be turned on again by energy. Others still have their original programming and attack anything of danger, us.
Fiends were released as an army for the Almirian Duke but after everything was destroyed, they left him. They all work very hard and are afraid if they slack off, the Swarm will punish them. They are working very hard on finding a way to release the Swarm.
Those who survive the crash, form Haven. Those who die or ran out of mist were taken by Fiends and converted into Trojans. Also those who go crazy in the Clockworks are also turned into Trojans.
Came to Cradle by meteorite. Could possibly be one of the 3 Kingdoms. Reason being, the Royal Jelly and his castle. Slimes and Gremlins might have done an alliance to battle the Almires and to this day, you see Gremlin Menders and Jellies fighting Co-Op.
Very Complex Monster family who constructed the Clockworks. A big part of the Lore.
All those how have died in the Clockworks and have been resurrected. Phantoms have little backstory but appear to be the Guardians of Graveyards.
Little Known, but there could also be one of the 3 Kingdoms. So the original 3 Kingdoms could be, OWLITES, Gremlins, and Almirians, or SLIMES, Gremlins, and Almirians.
Vana releases Vog. Planet is destroyed. Gremlins build the Clockworks to trap it. Skylark and its Crew is thrown into the storyline.
My Interpretation of Cradle and its Lore.
When Vog was released, so was the Swarm.
Vanaduke pleads to the Gods, Swarm grants him his wish and gives him the Vog and a Legion of Fiends to help him out. And of course, Swarm is all sneaky-sneaky, and releases itself due to Vana incantations.
I thought it was Icora, not Isora. becuase, you know? That town in America named Icora?
Does Cradle BC make sense?
Wrong. Talk to one of the strangers in Haven, he will tell you that the gremlins were bought to cradle by an unknown entity when you ask about them. If the strangers know about this, it was likely that they were here before that even happened.
Knights are NOT mechs. Why would mechs eat if they want fuel? They want the power to defeat the Morai. Plus, if there mechs, and Gremlins are far more advanced than them, why do the Mecha copies look like cheap walking buckets?
You cant trust the Strangers! There just puppets!
Biotech Robots. explains how they can teleport. Die and Revive and have LED eyeballs. yet still eat Rocky Cores.
They might be, but they are the best source of information we have.
Have you done all the SL? Judging by the Echo Stones, the lore is probably closer to http://forums.spiralknights.com/en/node/92154#comment-820082 (just one example I found, many people believe something similar). Almire and the Jelly Kingdom (was not made by the jellies, they are simply squatters) are merely 2 of these many worlds brought in to build the Clockworks.
Only done two of em.
Rabid Snarby about 3xs. (all free btw!)
Ice Queen twice. (i paid for it fully though D:)
Im confused by the two Modules I got. Does the Swarm have a good side and a bad side?
First off, as pointed out on the wiki, the knights are organic creatures (they can smell, taste, have hair, can get sick, feel emotion, etc.). Cradle was constructed by piecing parts of several worlds together like one giant patchwork quilt...it is explained very plainly early in the gameplay. If the swarm is trapped in the core, why do the little messages from the alpha squad say they were being pursued by the darkness (swarm) and then ENTER THE CORE as explained in the core artifact.
"A Recording from Parma, Alpha Squad Recon:
We are at the end of the line. Pursued by some kind of terrible darkness we are forced into the unknown.
As we neared the Core- I don't know how to describe this really... the shadows came alive and began to attack us. Rulen became enveloped in it and by the time Grantz freed him his body was badly burned. He said it felt like both fire and ice.
And then we could go no further. As I record this, the darkness is nearly upon us, consuming the world we see, the light.
But then the Core, it began to open, filling the place with such a light, such an intense, blinding light. Euclid has made the call; faced with the darkness, we'll enter the core, enter the light.
This will likely be my final recording."
The Ironclaw Munitions Factory echo stone confirms that it is a message from whatever resides in the core (I would say that all of the echo stones should be taken as such), and that it is NOT the swarm:
"This world was created to protect me.
Vulnerable in slumber, worlds were drawn to shield me from the darkness.
This world has become my prison.
In his madness, the architect betrayed the pact. Twisting his creation into a game of death, it now devours all who enter its iron embrace."
It is clearly stated here that there is a powerful entity, possibly a god (my guess would be something along the lines of the greek gods in the Iliad and the Odyssey), which needed to be protected while it sleeps, and forms an agreement with the architect (king tinkinzar) to pull other worlds together and build a giant mechanism surrounding it for protection from the swarm. Another thing, the swarm is not a diety. This can be seen in the firestorm citadel echo stone:
"As I dreamed, it consumed.
It devoured the knowledge of time... Memories of the dead... The hearts of kings and the souls of their people... Good and evil... It consumed.
It grew stronger, endlessly mirroring itself within the space of my dream. Endlessly mirroring... Expanding... Infinite.
What it was before, it is no more. Neither beast nor god, it is a creation unlike all.
It is... The Swarm."
So what do we have in this bag of goodies? Well, first, it gives us a general idea of what the swarm is (and possibly isn't, whether it is a "thing" by any conventional definitions): it is some kind of odd...thing? nothing? it makes it hard to describe because it says that the swarm is infinite and finite at the same time, so maybe it is conceptual but has appearance of physical manifestation? whatever, back to the point. it is some kind of odd...whatever...that devours ideas, it consumes the knowledge of time, memories, morals (hearts of kings), souls, good, evil, etc. and never stops.
Back on my rabbit trail on what the swarm actually is, those last two lines probably help the most on deciphering that vital question. The second sentence of the first line of the last two lines (THIS! THIS is why nobody but me can understand how I arrange my folders) gives us something solid and yet vapor at the same time, it says that the swarm is neither beast NOR god, creation unlike all. well, we know it isn't some kind of creature, but it is also not some kind of diety...but what does that leave? it has to be something conceptual or something that doesn't conform to any of the natural laws of the universe....or both. if we go with the "both" option, the subject becomes easy to explain without actually knowing anything; it is a concept and thus doesnt physically exist but it does physically exist because of the physical presence it has....in short, the swarm is a contradiction and probably came from a different reality in which the laws of physics and logic are different.
Back on the topic of this thread and of my post, the whole thing about the three kingdoms...it comes from the firestorm citadel wiki page under the lore section...i wouldn't trust it so much. First off, no sources; it gives no reference to and i have no recollection of anywhere in the game where any of this lore is confirmed, and the fact that the wiki is almost entirely written by players, i am almost certain that most of, if not all of that section of the wiki page is someone's fanfic. If anyone can provide sources that confirm that what the wiki page said is true, please correct me with said sources. Also, the section doesnt make any logical sense whatsoever; for instance, if vanaduke returned to the mountains to sit on his throne in the ashen chamber, then why is a chamber said to be up on the inside of a mountain near the center of the planet? Also, if this really was vanduke's back story, wouldn't it be from a time before cradle existed, which would explain him being at the center of cradle because that piece of his world was used to construct the clockworks?
The prologue explains plain and simple, the knights need an energy source to save their planet...it says nothing about replacing the knights' batteries
In your section about trojans you say that it could be knights who "ran out of mist"....it had been explicitly explained when mist still existed that it was radiated energy from the core, so how could they run out of mist as a primary energy source that they had from before they came to cradle if they only discovered it when they crashed on cradle? Also, mist was infinitely replenishable, it just took time; and when you ran out, you didn't die, you just couldn't use an elevator or other energy requiring things.
If any of this post came off as edgy or aggressive, sorry, I don't intend it to be taken that way, it's just the way I write stuff.
Hope this post helps straighten things out.
But if the wiki cannot be confirmed for validity, how do we know if Knights are fleshy organisms???
Can Swarm just be an interpretation of fear? a Fear that with enough "push" turn into a physical representation? Void Creature could have been normal monsters that turned into the Swarm Infested Creatures because they yielded to this fear.
Could King Tinkinzar been turned crazy by yielding to fear????
3 Kingdoms = I believe it was from the mission: Alone in the Dark, where you meet the ghost guy and he starts talking about Almire.
It just hit me, could The Swarm/Core be the Star Wars version of the Force? There's the Light Side which helps those and the easy to yield, yet terrible Dark Side.
I'm going to start off with an introduction to wikis for all you skeptics out there who haven't spent long enough familiarizing yourself with certain internet communities and the html markup language. The common misconception that wikis are highly flimsy sources of information is probably one of the biggest loads of drizzle that's been circulating like an old wive's tale for quite some time now. Sure, wikis can be edited by anyone. However, the percentage of people who intentionally or unintentionally upload false, useless, or misleading information on wikis is vastly shadowed by both the amount of people who don't, and the time period after which they have made a mistake for it to be corrected. A guess from my experience with wikis is that approximately one in every 500 edits is done with malicious intent. Probably not even that. Wiki reference links are extremely useful in getting direct information right from the source, not written by users. The History and Talk pages are also forgotten for some reason, the former often containing developer's edits themselves (see below), the latter can be used to help improve the page or ask about ambiguity.
Back on the topic of this thread and of my post, the whole thing about the three kingdoms...it comes from the firestorm citadel wiki page under the lore section...i wouldn't trust it so much. First off, no sources; it gives no reference to and i have no recollection of anywhere in the game where any of this lore is confirmed, and the fact that the wiki is almost entirely written by players, i am almost certain that most of, if not all of that section of the wiki page is someone's fanfic
then why is a chamber said to be up on the inside of a mountain near the center of the planet?
Wouldn't it be from a time before cradle existed, which would explain him being at the center of cradle because that piece of his world was used to construct the clockworks?
You just answered your own question.
But if the wiki cannot be confirmed for validity, how do we know if Knights are fleshy organisms
How can the wiki not be confirmed for validity? Conventional wikis utilize "references", links to official websites where the original content is on public display. Since this wiki is attached to the game it is a wiki of, one can simply visit the documented item ingame, and confirm that the item's information on the wiki page is indeed true. The Knights page contains a large number of links referencing other pages of the wiki. Specifically, the descriptions of materials and equipment. Any person with a game account can log into the game, check the auction house (or their inventory if they have the item) and confirm that the description of the item is indeed correctly reflected on its associated wiki page.
A wiki is a compilation of information that is actually hosted elsewhere. A wiki cannot be "wrong" as that would imply that the official information is wrong. However, a wiki can have mistakes, or be misleading, if the text isn't written well or is subjected to vandalism. 90% of the time both these instances are easily recognizable by reader and editor alike, and can either be corrected by a editor, or the readers in search of the accurate information can check up the original source of the information to confirm if the description of the Ecto Drop really is "A bit of poo meticulously collected from an unwilling septic system. It's an unpleasant shade of brown." if they are unconvinced.
Remember, if in doubt, check the References, History, and Talk. Chances are you'll find gems of more value than the wiki page itself, such as information that hasn't been fully written to the wiki, the names of developers (or some other user whom you trust) or discussion on what wiki page content requires correction.
There's the Light Side which helps those and the easy to yield, yet terrible Dark Side.
Those aren't actually anything of anything. They're merely human-made concepts that reflect human flaws, especially when subjected to a large amount of power. (In the Star Wars universe it's the midichlorians that connect humans to the Force) Hitler didn't have any sort of "evil" inside him making him evil, he himself had corrupted ideals which made him who he was. A lot of people are exactly like Hitler, is only Hitler "evil" because he's the only person that managed to obtain that power?
Why don't you take a look at a few key things, dear sir?
It's right here in the 12th comment, but I can't link a specific comment because I'm stupid.
Looks like you didn't read the rest of the comments on this thread
I said that particular wiki page could not be checked for validity because it had no sources (I now know that it was written by a dev...massive derp on my part), the page about knights has plenty of sources.
That could be it, if it is fear it would fall under the "conceptual" category, I like where you are going with this
inb4 green lantern
Looks like I have some mission replaying to do...
I might entertain that idea if it weren't for the fact that both the swarm and whatever is in the core both seem to be sentient.
I stand corrected. Read the page: check! Sources missing: check! Remember to look and see if the original author was a dev and not just another player and thus have no need for sources, also so I don't look like a dullard on the forums: oops...
My rambling often includes questions that answer themselves with other questions, also, I can't be bothered to read over and correct what I have written XD
That's alot of words...But curious,what happens to thee Extinct Species like Vog,Vog Clubs,Skolver and others that don't appear as a monster.
Vog Club is probably notable due to "Spiral Spy".(Not sure e_e)
What about Vog? What does it looks like? Probably abit bigger than Snarbolax and Fire-Theme of Snarbolax.
- Is basically a fire beast "god"
- Grants powers to ppl - SK wiki
- Vog cubs are Vog's sons/daughters sent out to do Vog's bidding
- May be related to Snarbolax but just speculation
- Has a mouth of "Fang of Vog", Given the charge attack, it suggests Vog may be able to manipulate fire in his fire in his mouth like Snarbolax's Eyes?, possible be able to spew fire, and is really not the best thing to fight.
The Swarm is;
- Spacetime; it fits all of the descriptions
- Corruption; as long something lives (conscious), it can be corrupted. That would also explain
- Lag; The manifestation of LAG itself. Don't bother fighting. IT INVINSIBLE!!!!!!!
- Corrupted programing; It looks like a computer thing. Maybe corrupted core part?
- Oops, did the devilites hack Nick's computer AGAIN? *insert troll face here*
problem: if vana releases vog, what is the swarm again?
the planet name is Isora, and yours is a typo.