< Save the queen > is a fairly new guild that is now being built from the ground up , we dabble in lockdown , we rough up monsters in the clockworks
and though some of us should probably be kept inside a padded cell , we all end up working together as one , big dysfunctional family. ;)
Save the queen has goals on becoming a big and fun place for all knights practically anyone can join! We are fun , active , friendly , and a very chilled laid back guild. Does save the queen strictly focus on lockdown ? Pfft no way man . Does save the queen strictly focus on pve ? HA yea right . Hmmmm does save the queen focus on everything and like to have fun doing it ? Yes! We do not focus on one topic we can do it all this guild has guild meeting every friday but if we can not get enough people online then we can move it to saturday or sunday. Save the queen was created on 10/15/13 and the creator is the one and only lechery ! Lechery is a freaking awesome guildmaster and i am happy to be hes officer in the fantastic guild he created. We our guild is very small at the moment but we have dreams of making it big but for that dream to become a reality we need your help . What you should expect from us is friendly and courteous staff members, sense of communtiy and generally appealing atmosphere, willingness to help when possible , and the ability to to guide and mentor new people upon request. As a whole so far we have a very nice community and are very active and love what we are doing with the guild and if ever any member has a problem with how the guild is working out everyone in the meeting will have a chance to speak out and say what they want to say at the meeting so its like speak now or forever hold your peice.
Our history ~
Long ago there was a strong , handsome and brave fighter , hes name was tt-ham he was in lockdown testing hes skills against strong players when suddenly the spiral order told tt-ham that that some gremlins have captured the queen of spiral knights ! Tt-ham was flabergasted !! He just had to save the queen from those ugly gremlins ! He grabbed hes night blade from hes back and stormed off to . Tt stormed through thousands of gremlins all hungry for hes flesh he could not hold them off much longer but then he saw somthing in the crowd of gremlins . It was another knight tearing through gremlins like it was nobody bisnuess . Tt jumped up on a gremlin to see who it was but all he saw was a crown he shouted at the knight , "queen, queen Its me i have come here to save you" ! The queen looked at tt-ham and reached out her hand because she was about to get overwhelmed by gremlins , tt shouted lets get out of here befour we get killed . They got back to haven safe and sound and the queen was saved and tt-ham has completed his mission . < SAVE THE QUEEN >
OK, OK i know what you guys are going to say that didn't happen ! Pfft well care what you guys think you wern't there lol. Any way the queen was lechery even though lechery is a boy ..... ummm anyway.
What should save the queen expect from you ?
* Politeness, respect , and not being a dick is a plus .
* Not begging for things are making a ruckus when you don't get your way .
* Asking for help when needed and not spam the chat .
* refraining from spamming the chat box ^
* Using common sense ( if you ask a dumb Q and you know its dumb then don't ask the Q even though asking Q in this guild is important if you need info
* If some one is occupied and not able to help to not bug them repeatedly just ask some one else .
* Do not be shy
* Be a minor troll
* Be loyal to the guild
Now to get a taste about who is in the guild who are some members that deserve to be named
Tt-ham ~ I am the officer of this wonderful guild , my favorite sport is basketball , im learning how to play the guitar , and i love playing lockdown as a bomber or swordie . My teir is 2 and i love having fun and joking around with all members of save the queen !
Lechery ~ Lechery is by far the most respected person in the guild . Well of curse because hes the guildmaster but also because he is very mature and wise he seems to have an answere for almost anything and is a pleasure to be around this is the guy that is a very good gunner in lockdown and is very funny ;D. BY far the most helpful member of the guild.
xin-jin ~ Xin is one of the most loyal members of < save the queen > wich is why hes officer he is always ready to get behind the wheel and particapate in our guild activites and i believe he really loves being in the guild .
spearnaught ~ One of the most OP players in this guild you better not cross hes path in lockdown. Spearnaught is a very nice guy and is part of our A team in gvg he likes to say hi to the guild on hes free time and bring in a bright personality in the guild chat ;D .
Vox-nihili ~ He is almost the same as spearnaught and he can also woop me in LD , very scary guy , he likes to crack jokes with me , eat bacon , and stare at sunsets and cry a single tear.
midnight-carnelian ~ The other officer of the guild i call him our pro noob because hes skillz in pvp are unbelieve able when i first saw him i thought he was the alt for leadmonkey because of hes skills with brandish and he is very responsible and eats ramen noodles with lechery all day.
Slaant ~ This is currently the kid im training atm he is very nice but lacks gear but im not worried i can take care of that and once he gets awesome gear he will be better than me ! Well .... hes already better than me but thats besides the point all in all ... hes an cool dude .
Knightmare-eternal ~ this guy is cool to be around with and he is lechery stalker .... and lechery dosen't know about it .
ok let me hurry this up because im afk and people think thats there is somthing wrong lol
1* Why do would you like to join save the queen ?
2* Do you play lockdown ?
3* Would you go on a date with me ?
4* What are your thoughts on ham ?
5* how long did it take you to read this thread ?
6* are you social ?
7* are you active ?
8* Tell us about yourself
LOL you can basically skip 5, 4, and 3 lol .
remember we do not care about what skill level you are on , if your pretty or ugly , or if your small all big . All we care about is you as a person <3
Long live the queen !!!!!!!!!!! ~
fancy huh ?
~ hammy is funny on a bunny in the sunny