This is an amazing Idea! If only this was implemented at the beginning of the game. As it stands, trying to implement this now would result in an unholy Reag-Sturm!! the likes of which we have never seen. And I'm talking bigger than all the other dreadful decisions OOO has made collected into one big ball of fury and having it explode all over the game.
Though we survived other game-ending decisions that were considered impossible *cough*can't remove Elevator Costs*cough* so we might just make it though this without losing too many people.
Nice idea though. Just would break the game trying to implement it now.
6% sounds like a reasonable number for the orbs.
now then, time to fabricate some weapons with the new system:
Fang of frostifur.
basically a freeze FoV with an extra bit of freeze instead of damage, the FoF is capable of easily rendering targets immobile and partially useless. but here comes the charge, capable of hitting targets up to 4 times and due to the freeze, might even do that! and the self-freeze? not too bad if all your enemies were just shattered to little snowflakes.
it is made with a fang and 4 freeze orbs
ultimate mist bomb.
mist bombs deal some slight damage when they have no status. lets exploit that. first of all, take some damage value for them, lets say 20 dmg per tick. now add 4 normal orbs, giving about 1/4 damage bonus, giving 25. any extra damage from dmg bonus on gear can still apply. now, why would you make this? first of all, weaker status means more range, so its slightly bigger than current 5* vaporizers, then its also capable of inflicting damage on fire-resistant enemies and it get damage bonus from gear and heating. the best thing to compare it to might be the BAB, where both bombs will have similar functions, large damage over a wide area. the UMB is capable of doing this without annoying your teammates or slowing you down while you charge.
the UMB is made with a vaporizer and 4 normal orbs
the stunswinger is a cutter with stun chance maxed and one extra point in strength. this means that you do 6% less dmg than a plain DVS, while being able to keep one enemy stunned almost indefinitely, making lumbers easy.
it is made with a cutter and 4 stun orbs
the REAL beast basher.
the RBB is a troika modified to deal with beast. ever used a GF against wolvers? then you understand this weapon. its damage without weakness bonus or damage bonus would be already 12% higher than a plain suda.
it is made with a troika and 4 piercing orbs
denial gun.
this is a special idea of mine, which combines three things that work great against fiend: piercing, fast guns and stun. yes, this gun can not only deal about 18% less damage than an AP against weak enemies, it also has a good chance to stun those little monsters!
its made with an antigua, one piercing orb and 3 stun orbs
I could go on with this almost indefinitely, that is the beauty of this system.