Never would Matthew forget that moment. When his escape pod tumbled and turned, perfectly so that he could see the Skylark explode.
Never would he forget the sadness he felt, as he watched friends fly out into the abyss of space, their faces paralyzed in fear.
Never would he forget the silence. The cold, dead silence that he heard in his pod, as he fell towards the planet that was to be his people's saving grace.
This is the tale of Matthew.
Well that's what I thought of in ten minutes. You guys like it? There's been a million stories just like this one, but I thought I'd give it a go. Feedback would be nice.
Character Application Format:
Name, Age, and Gender: Pretty self-explanatory.
Rank: People of higher rank will have a crest, like ingame. I won't accept all Vanguards, they're the best of the best.
Appearance: It's hard to write about somebody if you don't know what they look like.
Personality: Don't just give one emotion and expect me to do something with it. What makes your character angry? Sad? What are their habits? If you say your character "kills whoever makes him/her angry", you'll have to change it.
Biography: Why are they where they are? Now, I will be a bit annoyed if your parents die in the bio, unless it's during the Skylark crash.
Equipment: I'd prefer you not have "costume" armor. Preferred strength is up to 3 stars. Any apps above 3 stars will be introduced at a later time.
-Fighting Style: Note if they fight differently.
If you would like a detail left out of the Character App, you can mail me and I'll see if I can do something.
Prologue - Looking Back (at the start of this post)
Chapter One - Crash Landing
Chapter Two - Hello, Friend
Chapter Three - Fake Happiness
Chapter Four - Psychotic Behavior
Chapter Five - Patience, Discipline
Interlude One - Helping Hand
Chapter Six - Finding Essentials
Chapter Seven - Quite Sudden
Chapter Eight - Unknowingly Chased
Character Applications:
This is going to be a good one. I can tell.