Greetings! now I understand that it is a VERY unrelated topic. It does not involve spiralknights which is why I believe it belongs in this section. I know I'll be getting a lot of hate posts and trolling however I want to at least want to try to help those people in need.
The Philippines and some parts of Asia had or will be hit by the hurricane called "Haiyan". The link above shows the damage it has done to the mid section of the philippines. To help I created this post and urge everyone to donate anything to Red cross. (Red cross is currently advertising in FB and other sites for donations.)
After all some of our players may come from this area.(Red cross is currently advertising in FB and other sites for donations.)
If raging or another thread has already been created I will immediately graveyard this thread. Other than that thank you for your consideration and donations!
For some reason, I thought you were some kind of spammer sent from Red Cross who hasn't even played the game. sorry I don't wanna be mean, I know you're for a good cause but that just came into my head once I saw this.....